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HARLEM FORM CHART. OH XCAOO, IXX., October 7.- Seventh day. Harlem Jockey Club. Autumn Meeting. Weather clear; track faBt. Presiding Judge, Col. A. W. Hamilton. Starter, Richard Dwyer. Racing starts at 2 00 p. m. QAft1 FIRST UACE-5 1-2 Eurloncs. Purse 00; 75 to second; 5 to third. jSOUO JL 2-year-oldB. Allowances. Ind Horece AWt Bfc X V K BtrFin Jockeya Ownera 0 H 0 P 28616 COACOA 1C31 2 11 li li H Roberteon S 8 Tracey and Co 8 20 20 7 28623UNVENTOR 104 6i 21 23 21 21 Cobnrn T W Moore 4 9 9 3 28518 PRONTA 107 91 7 41 41 S Dominick T Carey 4 5 13-57-5 280302QOLDN GLITTER 107 8 8 7 61 41 L Jackson C W Moore 10 20 20 8 28G462HOODVV1NK 1C8 l" 6 51 5 5 JWinkfield C E Brossman 4 6 5 2 28642 JOHN A. CLARKE 107 11 9 10 81 6i Birkenrnth J E Cashing 15 50 40 12 286262LUCIEN APPLEBY104 i 3 3 3 H T Meade 8 C Hildreth 4 6 4 2 28626 8. L1CRTKN8TEIN1021 5" 51 6i 1" 81 Blake H E Howell 15 15 15 6 286163TOMMY FOSTER 110 3h - 4 8" 92 9 T Knight W Carroll 5 7 7 2 28616 MOLL1E T. 1C1 7h 10 91 10 10 W BowmanS Bryant 20 40 40 15 28616 THE GIVER 107 10 Threw Hidor Otis C T BootB 10 15 15 6 Time, 12, 24,"48M. 1:00, 1:07. Winner Ch. f, by Hcrmence Usefnl. Went to pest at 2:00. At post 10 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Coacoa displayed the most speed throughout and the result was never in doubt. Her Budden form reversal was marktd, bho wae virtually beaten oil October 4, with 92 pounds on her back. Inventor finished stoutly and wands the bsst of the others. Pronta finished well and ran a good race all told. Golden Glitter made up ground in the linal quarter and would have been third in another stride. Hoodwink ran below expectations. Liucien Appleby quit badly in the last eighth. Tommy Festers effort was a joke. The Giver threw Mb jockey at the first quarter. BcralcV.d-28642 Boaster, 100; 25209 Flitting, 9J; 28606PreetoriuB, 107; 28494 Arian. 107; 286423Lady BLd, 1C4; 28606 Throstle, 107. Overweightd aol Lichtonatein, 14 pounds; Coacoa, 2; Hoodwink, 1. Coacoa, show, 34 to 1. Inventor, show. 8 to 5. Pronta, show, 7 to 10. kiQOQ ,X SECOND RACE 1 Mile. Furs a 00; 5 to second; 25 to third. iflOOO t 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St 4 4 ft StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O t 2837901.1 VER MO 5 91 1" 6 52 34 13 12 B Steele C R Ellison 8 10 7 3 28667UNCLE TOM 3 86 71 V 71 51 31 22 D Mitchell T J McHale 8 10 8 3 285723EVEL.YN BYB0 5 9f 2" 1" 1h 14 2 33 Otis F C Moshier and Co 2 2 2 1 2862930 AHLE I LILY 4 103 54 42 21 2 4" 43 HobertEon B 8 Tracey and Co 4 6 4 2 28107 LINDEN ELLA 4 luli 84 9 9 9 6h 52 Hshberger WHWilm8onandCol2 20 20 8 2869 DAGMA.R 6 97 3" 21 32 42 52 61 BirkenrnthR T Wright and Co 15 20 20 8 8529 FOKMEHO 5 luli 9 85 81 82 81 71 Blake J Hackett 5 8 8 3 2873 MATI1E BAZ vE 4 9i 64 51 6 7 7" 83 Beaton Mrs R Bradley 10 50 40 15 28647 FRELGRimEM 103 44 81 4" 614 9 9 Cobnrn E B Rodgera and Co4 7 7 11-5 Apprentice allowance. lime, 24, 49, 1 :15, 1 :40. Winner B. g, by ftoneheufte Margery. Went to post at 2:30. Off at t ha first break to a good start. Won easily; second the same. Oliver fit c easily w ent into the lead when turniug into the stretch and the race was never in doubt afterwards. Uncle Tom nniahod strongly under a poor ride and was much the best of the others. Evelyn Byrd had enough br the time the head of the stretch had been reached, ae also did Scarlet Lily. Dagmar ran woil for six f arlongs. Scratched 28572 Frank Iralaud, 101; 28618 Conundrum, 90; 286673 Kunja, 107; 28687Light Boll, 93; 28629 Woodstick, 83, 26625 Johnny McCartey, 101; 28592 Red Apple, 93. Overweights Evelyn Byrd, 34 pounds; Scarlet Lily, 14; Formero, 14; Linden Ella, 44; Frel-inghuyeen, 3. Oliver Mc, show, 8 to 2. UlcIo Tom, show, 8 to 5. Evelyn Byrd, show, 1 to 2. Scarlet Lily, show, evens. WQQQ iHiKD BAUK-l fi-8 At lies, Over 6 Hurdles. Puree 5400; 5 to Becond; lOUOO 825 to third. 4 3 oar-olds and upward. Handicap. Ind Horses A Vt St 1 2 3 5 BtrFin Jockeys Ownera O H O P 28643 MAZO 5 130 1" 12 li In li 16 14 slater J D Hooe 4 4 9-5 4-5 28644 COLEY 4 135 31 4 45 46 33 3 23 Ellison J Desha 5 5 5 2 28644 SAINTLY 6 133 41 25 210 28 2io:5 3s k j Johnston G W CuBhing 2 13-52 4-5 28222BEFUGKE 8 185 24 34 32 3 45 43 41 C Johnson B Kanfmann 24 4 4 2 28607 C. CONOVER 5 1;5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 W Hughes Mrs R Bradley 8 12 12 3 Time, 3:05. Winner Cb. g, by Rossington Rena B. Went to post at 2:55. At post 5 minutos. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Mazo jumped perfectly and, aesuming an easy lead after a mile had been rnn, came on and won without any trouble. Coley came fast in the last quarter and was easily second bast. Saintly died away gradually after a mile and an eighth had been run. The other two were always outrun. Overweights BaintJy, 3 pounds. Mazo, show, 1 to 3. Colay, show, 4 to 5 Saintly, show, 1 to 2. Refugee, show, 3 to 5. fc Q Q A FOURTH RACK i Mllo and 70 Yards. Puree 00; 5 to second; 5 to AiOOOT: thiro. 3-year-oIda and upward. Handicap. Ind HorseB .1 Wt St K K BtrFin JockeyB Owners O H C P 28645 CONSIKLLATOK4 W3 54 13 1 12 13 14 Cobnrn T H Ryan 34 34 3 1 . 28665D. THOMPSON 3 iuo 6 6 6 51 32 2" Otis F C Moehier 2 13-513-51 28492 HAVILAND 4 95 3 54 3h 22 23 36 J Hicks F Cook 6 8 6 2 28422 SEN. BEVHIDGE3 93 In 2h 2h 3h 55 4h L Jackson W L Hazslip 8 11 11 3 28195 SEARCHER 3 100 2 31 41 41 4 5 T Knight 8 C Hildreth 4 8 8 8 285703LEO NEWELL 3 103 4" H 5" 6 6 6 Blake F T Wood 3 18-516-511-10 Time, iH, 24J, 48, 1 :14, 1 :39, 1 :43. Winner B. g, by Brutus Constellation. Went to post at 3:25. At post 7 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second the eame. Con-Btellator ehowed great speed, but was tiring fast at the end and it required all of Coburns skill to hold him together to the wire- Denman Thompson came with a rush at the end. He was given a pour nan, Otis having him cut off badly at the first turn and swinging wide with him. He waB probably the best. Haviland appeared to have a chance when a furlong out, but tired badly in the last furloLg. Leo Newell seemingly could not get up a fast gallop and waB virtually beaten off after the first half had been run. Scratched-28587 Benckart, 92; 28624 Flying Torpedo, 103; 28664 Rolling Boer, 106; 286652Pink Coat, no. Overweights Constellator, 3 pounds; Searcher, 5. Constellator, show, 7 to 10. Denman Thompson, Bhow, 1 to 2. Haviland, show, evens. Leo Newell, show, 1 to 2. tlQCQK FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mle. All Ages. Allowances. The Speed Stakes. SI ,000 ZlODOO Added. 8200 to seoond; S100 to third. Value to the winner 1,250. Ind HorsoB A Wt Bt jj BtrFin Jockeys Ownera O H C P 286253 GONFALON 4 113 5 5 5 4 1" Blake 8 C Hildreth 4 4 34 8 28663MONEY MUSS 3 105 34 1" H 12 24 Dominick F T Wood 6-5 6-5 1 1-3 286453THE LADY 4 110 41 3 31 2 3T Knight 8 C Hildreth 4 4 3 1 286632MIH8 BENNETT 3 105 Z 22 21 32 45 Cobnrn G C Bennett and Co 2 14-514-57-10 28547 SLY 7 110 1 4 42 5 5 Landry D M Hanlon 15 15 10 4 Coupled in straight betting. Time, 23g, 48, 1 :12. Winner Ch. c, by Fonso Falerna. Wont to post at 3 :55. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving; next two the same. Gonfalon was badly outrun for the first five furlongs but finished with a whirlwind rush and was drawing away at the end. Money Muss began tiring badly in the last sixteenth and would have lost second place in a few more strides. The Lady finished resolutely and ran in much improved form. She is on edge now and should be a hard horee to b6at at her next essay. MiBS Bennett clnng on longer than usual and Bhowed great gameness. She was well spent in the last eighth. Bly ran well for a half mile. 8cratched-286S4 Headwater, 110; 284222 Vulcnin, 118; 280513St. Cuthbert, 107; 286643 Henry Burt, 108 ; 286082If You Dare, 105 ; 28664 Sevoy, 110 ; 286083Sharp Bird, 113. Gonfalon, show, 6 to 5. Money Muss, show, out. Ths Lady, show, 2 to 5. Miss Bennett, show, 3 to 10. OO f Q d SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Puree 00; 575 to Becond; 5 to third. iaODOD 2-year-olda. Selling. Ind Horses AWt Bt 14. hi X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 273582SILK CORD 102 3 li Hi 14 H L Jackson J W Pugh 4 6 6 24 285902EMATHION 109 5 34 21 21 2" JWinkfleld P Dnnne 2 2 12-51 28606 HUZZAH 106 84 71 61 51 31 Blake F J Kelley 10 15 15 6 285908ANTA TERESA 100 24 6 71 4 41 Rice J F Davis 10 10 7 2 286063AMOTE 94 41 2h Si 33 52 R Steele J F Newman 7 7 4 8-5 28586 BLUEMINT 103 10 10 8 7 66 Cobnrn L Marion and Co 8 10 8 3 28496BNETT WALLACE 99 11 11 11 9 7 Otis H Wallace 30 30 20 8 285903 DODIE B. 98 7" 51 52 6k 84 T Meade 8 C Hildreth 6 12 12 5 Z1NC1TE 90 64 81 101 101 94 Helgeson J G Wetzel 30 80 80 40 28626 LEGAL MAXIM 106 In 4 41 8 102 Dominick H L Jones and Co 15 20 20 8 28642MISS MADISON 91 91 91 94 11 11 D Mitchell J M Schorling 60 100 100 .40 Apprentice allowanoe. Time, 24, 48, 1 :14. Winner Ch. c, by Lazzarone Goldmint. Wont to post at 4:30. At post 10 minutes. Start good. Won handily; second driving. Silk Cord showed a fine turn of Bpeed, bat wae tiring at the end. Emathion waB doing his beat a far- long out and was well spent by the time the wire had been reached. Huzzah ran a splendid race and finished strongly. He would have been second in another stride. Santa Teresa closed up some ground in the last quarter and finished fast. Amote fell away rapidly in the last sixteenth. Legal Maxim and Dodie 8. showed speed, but could not carry it far. Scratched 25182 Outlet, 95; 28540 Miss.Charlie, 96; 28609 Stuart Young, 98; 28606 Lysbeth, 95; 28496 Digby Bell, 101; 28605Blue Ridge, 90; 28623 Royal Arch, 100. Overweights Burnett Wallace, 1 pound ; Bluemint, 1. Silk Cord, show, 3 to 2. Emathion, Bhow, 3 to 5. Huzzah, show, 3 to 1. Amote, show, 4 to 5. and J Q CI Q H SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. aQQO j 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horsog A Wt Bt Yx X BtrFin Jockeya Ownora O H G P 286282EL GHOR 5 92 4 52 43 21 1" 12 Helgeson G W Curtis 10 15 8 3 285912BONNIE LIS8K3 94 3 61 6h 64 7" 2 Birkenrnth Ezell and Lazarus 3 34 34 6-5 27195MYTH 7 96 22 12 12 12 22 33 R Steele H Thorpe and Co 4 4 3 8-5 28667CROSBY 5 92 1h 41 51 34 41 42 D Mitchell J F Newman 15 25 25 10 286292FBANK M. 3 94 5" 31 34 43 3 5 J Walsh L T Lee and Son 10 12 12 4 28648 FANTASY 5 101 81 9 9 9 6" 61 J Hicks WdfordandEvermn7 11 11 4 286472B. G. FOX 5 102 9 7 71 71 9 73 T Knight D P Rodgera and Co3 34 16-56-5 27476 ANGEA 3 80 74 2 2h 5n 84 8 L Jackson J W Pugh 3 64 64 3 28520MOBONI 6 97 6 814 8 81 5h 9 Otis J Arthur 20 30 25 10 Apprentice allowance. Time, 25, 49, 1 :15, 1 :40. Winner Ch. g, by Top Gallant Euphony. Went to post at 5 :00. At post 5 minutes. Start fair. Won easily; second driving. El Ghor came with a great rush in the last quarter and was easily the best at the end. Bonnie Lissafc finished fast but it was too late to be of any avail. Myth showed his best rate of speed but had tnough when a furlong out. CroBby ran well for seven furlongs. Frank M. had enough just after entering the stretch. Angea showed a lot of early speed and carried it well for six furlongs. Scratched 28687 Captain Hamm, 97; 28608 Bynia, 104; 283223 Anthracite, 98; 28648 Prairie Dog, 89; 22989 Fleetwing, 88; 286182 Judge Redwine,93; 286103Laureate, 101. Overweights Angea, 2 pounds. El Ghor, show, 8 to 5. Bonnie Lissak, show, 3 to 5. Myth, Bhow, 4 to 5. B. G. Fox, show, 3 to 5.