St. Louis Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-10-08

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ST. LOUIS FORM CHART. ST. LOUIS, MO., October 7. Seventh day. Bt. Louis Fair ABBOciation. Fall Meeting. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge, P. A. Brady. Starter, A. B. Dade. Bacing starts at 2:00 p. m. 286 S 8 F1H8T BACS-7"8 Mlle pae00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Tnd! Horses A Wt St J 5 8trFin Jockeys Otcners O H C P 28514 NEK A BN IS 6 J09 2 Hi 22 2 22 1 Fanntleroy T A Davies 12 30 15 5 28641 mAMIVEL 6 1C9 7 72 1 13 13 23 ONeil G H Neal 20 25 25 12 28340. SUE JOHNSON 4 109 4 51 63 63 6i 3" T OBrien FizarandCo 5 8 8 3 28680 J ANO WOOD 3 102 3 61 11"10S 52 4i Wilson J A Maxwell and ColO 20 20 8 28604 OB LEANS 8 105 11 112 5 43 43 52 Patton J Borrows 5 8 8 3 28562 LAKE FON 80 5 104 8 41 41 311 32 61 Aker E F Smith and Co 25 50 50 20 2841J WAHHEN POINT 8 109 5 31 Sh 5h 71 71 Lindsay P McQnire 15 20 20 8 28656 ADML SCHLEY 5 112 9 81 81 81 9 81 Bloss G B Williams 12 20 20 8 28480 CERTAIN 4 107 10 101 72 72 81 9 L Daly B Haase 30 80 80 30 28604 B ATT US 3 110 12 91 12kk12h Hi 10h Dugan P M Civill 31 4 41 2 . 28412 COLONEL GAY 7 107 13 131 133 1320123 H6 D Tititoe T A Gay 15 30 80 12 I 27754 CHARLES C. 4 115 14 121 91 9" 10 125 G Taylor WSTobeyandCo 20 50 SO 12 r 280482EIGBT BELLS ,6 104 1 2101 11 13301330 Troxler G C Baker 10 12 7 21 28641 PEBCY B. 6 109 6 14 14 14 14 14 Dale L Lewis 9-5 2 8-5 7-10 Time, 12i, 241, 481, 1:011, 1:281. Winner Ch. g, by Fonso Flower Dollia. Went to poBt at 2:13. At post 13 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Nekarnis ran to his best form, was strongest at the end and won on his own courage. Samivel ran a good race and would probably have won had ONeil not restrained him too much in the early part of the race. Sue Johnson ran in improved form. Janowood ran a great race under a bad ride, and with an even break was probably best. Percy B. broke down. Scratched 286572Lelia Barr, 104. Nekarnis, Bhow, 21 to 1. Samivel, show, 6 to 1. Sue Johnson, show, 7 to 5. Percy B., show, "2 to 5. 28689 8EC0ND BACK 5 1"a tfwlongs. Purse J300. All ages, belling. Ind Horses A Wt St X Ml 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 28641 FAIBBDBY 8 110 8 52 32 23 Ik Lindsay B W Marks and Co 12 16 15 6 286753 MAN 2 100 5 4h 61 51 1 2h ONeil W W Jackson 6 7 7 21 28014 STAFF 3 110 7 611 72 61 3 Enos TH Stevens 15 16 15 6 28486 MISS GLIGHTLY3 110 2 33 4 4h 41 T OBrien FizerandCo 2 3 14-56-5 286573 HKNGIST 3 113 9 8 81 72 52 Aker F Burke 4 6 6 2 28657 BOREBT JB. 3 113 6 10 9i 8H 61 Watson HW WlhausrandCo 40 40 30 12 28674BENGAL 3 110 1 9h 101 101 7 Troxler J J Marklein 8 8 8 3 27031 8INFI 3 110 4 2h 2h 31 81 HothersaU E L Liger 3 18-518-58-5 28515 MEB BY WAGES 3 110 11 11 11 11 93 Fanntleroy Manton and Co 25 SO 30 10 28618 PEACHES 3 110 10 7" fi 9a 101 C Moore J Tucker 20 20 20 8 28618 ELNOBA 3 110 3 13 12 13 112 G Taylor W8TobeyandCo 60 60 60 20 25939 ALEA 3 110 12 12 12 12 12 D Vititoe S P Harlan 10 12 12 5 Time, Hi, 241, 481, 1 :02, 1 :091. Winner Ch. g, by Abana Mokkar Hi. Went to post at 2:45. At poBt 7 minutes. Start good. Won in a hard drive; second the same. Tairbury finished strongly and was lucky to have the last nod. Man ran an eztra good race. 8taff and Miss Gohghtly did their best and finished strong. Hengist about ran his race. Bobert Jr. is good, but likes the mud. Sinfl showed speed, but is a quitter. Alea was practically left at the post, as her rider pulled her up at the start. Elnora ran a fast half, then quit badly. Scratched 28657 Little Chico, 110; 28675 Corinne C, 110. Fairbury, show, 3 to 1. Man, show, 6 to 5. 8taff, show, 3 to 1. Miss Golightly, Bhow, 3 to 5. Sinff, show, 4 to 5. L 28690 TBIRD BACB5 1-2 riong8. Purse S400. 2-year.olds. Selling. J Ind Horses AWt BtX ft StrFin Jockeys Owners Q H CP 28637 8I8TEB 8ABAH 106 1 41 31 38 la Dai8 W McCay and Co 3 18-53 65 28617ANNA ELLIOTT 103 9 75 63 4 2 Lindsay A E Arnold 4 10 10 41 286372LEBLABE 103 6 52 81 51 35 ONeil Talbot Bros 15 16 15 6 2867528IR LEWIS 103 5 62 71 7 4a L Daly M J Daly 6 7 7 21 28617 LADY BROCK WAY 100 3 2 li 11 52 B Mumhy EL Liger 4 8 8 4 28637 LILLL4NM. 110 4 la 41 2h 63 Fanntleroy F M Connor 6 8 8 21 27751 LEE NUTTEB 109 13 103 9 10 75 Watson H Nutter 10 16 15 6 285603CONCERTINA 109 11 81101111 81 Kuhn J E Lane and Co 6 7 7 21 28637 NELLIE BAWN 103 2 82 5h 82 9 Troxler H McCarren Jr 20 20 15 6 28601 TBIO 106 10 13 11 12 102 J Clark L Goldblatt 20 30 SO 12 "27930 MISS DOBA 103 7 11a 21 61 11 Aker BE Bice 6 12 10 4 SfJ?6 EASTHER BOY 113 8 91 12 9 12 Dugan Bobinson and Leachl5 SO SO 12 28637 JOSIE F. 106 12 12 13 13 13 Patton W W Finn 15 20 20 8 Time, 12, 241, 49, 1:02, 1:09. Winner B. f, by Lamplighter Ada Ban. . iWet to post at 3:20. At post 24 minutes. 8tart good. Won in a drive; second the Bams. Sister Sarah, well off, finished fast and won on her courage, as Dale bungled when he drew his whip at the end. Anna Elliott ran a good race going the long way. Lefiare waB perhaps the fcest. He finished very strongly after having a lot of hard luck. Sir Lewis was the victim of a bad ride and can do better. Concertina will bear watching. She did not have a chance Scratched 28658 Dave 8ommers, 110; 28675 Clarena, 100. 8iBter Sarah, show, 3 to 5. Anna Elliott, show. 2 to 1. Lefiare, show, 3 to 1. 28691 F AuJwanles11-6 JFUrlng8 Purse 3-year-olds and upward. Ind Horsel A Wt St M. V4 3 BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 286602FOUBLEAF C. 5 104 2 51 55 55 12 Troxler KDOrr 3 4 4 3f678 BRULARE 6 105 5 4 42 3h 23 Lindsay A Johnson and Co 6 7 5 2 28660 OUR LADY 3 95 3 31 3" 41 31 Fanntleroy J N Miller and Co 8 8 7 21 284142F1TZKANET 3 98 6 1- 11 1 415 ONeil W M Rogers 6-5 8-5 6-5 1-2 LADONIS 3 95 7 7 7 7 5 Beeder Erlich and Mansan 30 200 00 40 "20240 WIGGINS 6 105 4 615 63 63 6 Enos FoBterandBrnmfleld60 100 100 30 28415 VAN HOOBEB-KE4 109 1 22 21 22 D Hall DZDa ArZn 3 7 7 2 , , Time, 12, 241, 481, 1:141, 1:211. m. t Winner Ch. m, by Falsetto Glene. -o Went to post at 4:10. At post 2 minutes. Startgood. Won easily; second the same. Troxlers ndo on Fourleaf C. was perfect. He kept her next to the rail all the way and got a fine burst of speed out of her in the stretch. She is very good just now. Brulare, cut off in her last race, ran in improved form. Sbe was taken the overland route and allowed to swerve all over the stretch. She is a bit high in flesh and the race will help her. Our Lady ran a good race under a poor ride. Fitzkanet quit when pinched. Van Hoorebeke was a contender when Brulare bore in on him and Hall fell off at the last sixteenth post. Scratched 286608chnell Laufer, 103. W Overweights Fourleaf C, 4 pounds; Wiggins, 5. out. Fourleaf C, show, out. Brulare, Bhow, 4 to 5. Our Lady, show, 4 to 5. Fitzkanet, show 28692 AUowaceT1 MllB 20 Yurd8 PnrS80- 3-year-olds inT5paTd. Ind Horses A Wt St M Hi StrFin JockeyB Owners O H C P 28E65 LUNAR 4 108 1 4a 5 3" 12 U Troxler T H 8tevans 3 St 1 28678 PEACEFUL 4 108 2 H 2a 4 21 25 Dale CJCella 7-5 7-511-101-2 28659JE88IE JABBOE 5 108 5 31 3 6 52 3" Dugan L Goldblatt 6 14 1 4 28507 riPRY 3 92 6 5 61 7 61 42 L Daly J E Lane and Co 20 60 GO 20 ,284402KAZAN 3 100 7 61 41 23 41 53 ONeil TP Hayes 7 10 10 4 28583 PBIOB 3 95 3 2 H la 3a 63 FanntleroyP Bitzer 4 5 4 8-5 28440 GLEN WOOD 3 95 4 7 7 53 7 7 JOOonntrH McCarren Jr 20 30 30 10 , Time, 12,241, 481, l:14i, 1:401, l:i . m. Winner B. f, by mj Wadsworth Wand. , Went to post at 4:41. At post 5 minutes. Startgood. Won Landily; second easily. Lunar as the best and the best ridden. She is an improved and very good maro. Peaceful was well handled and had ncr mischances. JeEsie Jarboe was cut off by Prior at the quarter and was again interfered with by the same horse at the six furlongs. 8he ran an excellent race and closed pp a lot of ground in the Btretch. bpry was very poorly ridden and did not begin her run until they entered the stretch. She came very fast then and will bear watching. Kazan was a irood horse for six furlongs. Prior was stiff and sore and did not run his race. Lunar, show, 2 to 5. Peacefnl, show, ont. Jessie Jarboe, show, 4 to 5. 28693 81XIH KACK1 1-8 flme8- Parse JiOO. 3-year.oldB and upward. Belling. Jttd Horsel A Wt St Bt K J StrFin Jockeys Owners" O H C P 236592 PICADOR 3 108 6 81 81 71 63 SH li Dale T H StevenB 31 Si 16-57--T 28219 ZAZEL 4 103 5 10 9 93 9s 6 21 Watson ChristyandThmpsnl5 0 "0 8 28639 ZONNE 4 103 9 51 4a 21 21 1 3" Lindsay M Stowe 10 15 15 6 286803NET. BJEGENT4 102 8 6 61 22 4 JHothersllP J Nolan 7 7 7 3 J86593BEANA 5 106 2 4 7 72 51 T OBrien Fizer and Co 21 2 II-5L !8659 WINE PBE88 5 10S 1 31 3 m 5 63 Troxler H McCarren Jr 12 15 12 4 28640ELB. BABNE87 100 10 72 5 8, 72 9 71 ONeil W H BUlings 15 15 15 6 ifSA??1 6 100 3 13 ? 12 lsia 85 Fanntleroy Brnmfleldand Co 30 50 50 20 . 23?FLL- FONSO 5 106 4 22 2 5a 81 88 91 0 Dugan J Huffman 7 9 9 4 28680 ALL SAINTS 3 100 7 9 10 10 10 10 10 L Daly J E Lane and Co 6 15 15 6 m. . Time, IS. 25, 50, 1 :15i, 1 :4H, 1 :54. Winner B. c, by Wadsworth Miss Bica. Went to post at 5:15. At pott 5 minutes. Start good. Won in a drive; second handily, picador was strongly ridden and his best race showed that he could probably win this one. ZiazeL waB given a very bad ride but finished with great speed and would have been first in a few more strides. She came the outBide route all the way. Zonne ran to hie best form. Nettie Regent was a bit short. Wine Press did her best and had no mishaps. Tulla Fonso sulked. Scratched 28659 Sir Bolla, 103; 28639 Crocket, 100; 28636 Deloraine, 91. Overweights Nettie Recent, 2 pounds. Picador, show, 7 to 10. Zazel, show, 3 to 1. Zonne, show, 2 to 1. Beana, show, 2 to 5.

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