Morris Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-10-12

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MORRIS PARK FORM CHART. WESICHESTER N. Y., October 11. Fourth day. Westchester Bacing Association. Fall Meeting:. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge. Clarence McDowell. Starter. C. J. Fitzgerald. Bacing starts at 2 :C0 p. m. OQf7KP FIB8T BACK 1 1-2 Miles. Over 6 HurdleB. 8600 added. O I O 3-year-olds and upward. Belling. Ind Horses AWtStl 2 4 6 BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 28720 KUFA 4 142 3 51 5 41 41 Si 1" P CallahanJ Coyne 2 11-511-54-5" 2870 M. MITCHELL5 149 2 21 21 22 32 U 26 Mr Lewis J E Widener 8-5 2i 21 1 28611 FEROCIOUS 7 148 5 6 6 S 52 21 33 Veitch R Black 6 8 4 8-5 26896 P. P. KEE WIS 4 145 6 1 H 11 la 4f 412 Houlahan E D Morrell 20 40 40 12 27200 LIGHTNING 3 136 7 4a 41 51 51 51 51 H Hewitt Osceola Stablo 20 60 60 20 27468 MILLSTONE 4 142 4 31 32 6 6 6 6 Owens M Littauer 10 10 8 2 24607 HAB. PABDEE5 156 1 Broke down. Finnegan J H McAvoy and Co 4 8 6 2 Time, 2:51. Winner B. f , by Kehama Fidgetty. . . Went to post at 2:00, At post 2 minuteB. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Eufa, . cleverly waited with, had a little more left than Hiss Mitchell, which went to the front too early. It was a two horse race. Ferocious ran in improved form and has done well in practice. The others are very bad steeplechasers. Scratched Catchfly, 148; 272012McGrathiana Prince, 142; 20041 Clasher, 135. OverweightB Miss Mitchell, 1 pound. Knfa, show, 1 to 3. Miss Mitchell, show, 2 to 5. Ferocious, show, 3 to 5. 7 r n CT fT SECOND BACE Last 6 l-2 Furlongs Withers Mile. 2-year olds. O I O Tne Nasturtium Handicap. 00 added. Ind Horses A Wt St jj, H X StrPin Jockeys Owners O H C P 98703 PENTECOST 120 Z 32 31 2 1H T Burns J E Madden 7-5 9-5 8-5 3-5 28631 GRAIL 102 8 la 11 1" 2 H Michaels GoughacresStablelO 15 15 5 8670 IGNITEB 112 6 21 22 811 3 OConnor A Featherstone 6 6 5 2 28722 LADY GODIVA 100 1 51 5a 61 4a Cochran W C Whitney 15 SO 30 8 28670 LOBD QDEK 105 4 62 7 7 52 J Woods A Simons 6 7 6 2 28723ANDY WILLIAMS 98 9 8 8 8 61 Bedfern E Brown and Co 10 12 10 4 28723 BEN HOWARD 92 5 4 41 41 71 J Martin F Midgley 10 10 7 2 28670 HIGHLANDEB 110 3 7a 6h 51 8 McCue B T Wilson Jr 7 10 10 4 28652 LOCKET 93 7 9 9 9 9 Creamer W C Daly SO 40 40 10 Added starter. Time, 11, 23, 48, 1:13, 1:20. . Winner B. c, by Hastings Tarantella. Went to post at 2:30. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Pentecost waited under a pull behind the pacemakers and flashed past them with ease in the stretch. Grail closed up in the first half with a tremendous burst of speed, finished gamely and was a startlinily improved filly today. Igniter, in spite of having set a terrific pace, finished resolutely and will improve. Lady Godiva, badly handled, was shut off at the half and was going strongly at the ena. She favors a route. Lord Qaez came with a great rush at the end. Andy Williams went fairly well. Ben Howard quit. Highlander wants mud evidently. Scratched 28348 Sister Juliet, 108; 28226 Electress, 92. OverweightB Lord Quex, 2 pounds ; Highlander, 2. Pentecost, show, 1 to 3. Grail, show. 21 to 1. Igniter, show, evens. fOP7KO THIBD RACE Last - Withers Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. J2q I OO The Fort Schuyler Stakes. 00 added. Ind Horses AWtBtK K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 28704 SMOKE 4 110 1 21 3 32 11 Hhaw W Showalter 8-5 2 8-5 1-2 286542POTENTE 6 97 4 33 2 2h 21 Michaels J J McCafferty 1 11-101 1-3 287252ROWDY 3 87 2 11 la U 36 Cochran W C Whitney 3 41 41 6-5 27739 IN 8 HOT 3 87 S 41 41 41 4h Thompson GAMullerandCo 20 40 40 6 246372SHOBEHAM 4 101 5 5 5 5 5 Dangman T Monahan 15 100 100 12 Time, 12, 24M,, 1:1. Winner Ch. f , by Order Alfalfa. Went to post at 3:00. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Smoke -was best at the distance, was cleverly handled and nursed throughout, but is far from being in her best form. Potente does not show to the best advantage over a sprinting distance. He was hustled off his stride early and hung at the end. Rowdy ran fast and gamely and should win soon. In 8hot and Shoreham were outclassed but ran well, especially the former. Scratched 28738 Bed path. 108; 287402 Paul Clifford, 105; 26791 Ashes, 105; 28788 Oread, 92; 28743 Annie Thompson, 87; 28721 Connie, 84. Smoke, show, out. Potente, show, out. Bowdy, show, 1 to 3. O Q ?7 K O FOTJBTH BACE Eclipse Course. 00 added. 2-year-olds. Maidens. JuO I O j Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St it K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners OHO P 28703 CADGHNAWAGA 110 3 2 21 21 U Wonderly W H Bealey 2 2 8-5 3-5 287023BLANKET 110 1 8 31 31 2h OConnor A Featherstone 3 4 4 7-5 285242EABLY EVE 107 6 11 11 la 31 Cochran J B and F P Keene 8 15 15 6 28702 GBAND OPEBA 110 9 4- 4a 41 f Odom C H Mackay 8 10 8 3 28294 BON MOT 110 10 52 51 52 52 Shaw J B Haggin 20 20 7 21 28722 JOY MAKEB 107 7 61 61 61 62 Bedfern Pepper Stable 10 20 20 6 28296 THOTH 107 13 10 7 7 71 Michaels Tnrney Bros 20 60 60 20 28616 CALGABY 110 5 9 9 9 8 Mounce M A Beardon 20 40 40 15 GAYGIBL 107 2 8 8 8 9 T Burns W C Whitney 8 SO 80 8 28578 NISSEQDOGUE 107 12 12 12 12 10 McGinn Setauket Stable 60 200 260 50 28549 HINDRED 110 8 11 11 10 11 Hay den F C McLeweeandCo20 40 40 12 28578 NOTLIMAH 107 4 7 10 11 12 Bullman L Elmore 15 30 30 10 28552 CHIEF LALLY 110 14 14 14 13 13 Dangman T Monahan 100 300 300 100 28427 COUBTENAY 110 11 13 13 14 14 McCue Albright and Byrnesl5 60 60 20 28099 ANDALUSIAN 110 15 15 15 15 15 J Woods G F Johnson 15 20 20 8 25714 PIGMENT 107 16 16 16 16 16 Henderson JacobsandFranklin 200 800 300 100 Time, 1:11Jand Winner Ch. c, by Clifford La Tosca. Went to post at 3 :30. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won handily; second driving. Caugh-tnawaga was put to his utmost to win this race and Mb showing was far below his best form. He -wantB a vigorous strong rider and a route. Blanket was in hand to tire last sixteenth and failed to respond when called on. Early Eve easily showed the way, but her bad mouth made her swerve under punishment. Grand Opera will give good account of himself over a distance of aground and showed great improvement in this race. Bon Mot was prominent to the last sixteenth. Joy Maker was cioBing up at the end. Watch Calgary, he is a grand looker and ran all over the track. Scratched 28651 King Edward, 110. Canghnawaga, bIiow, 1 to 3. Blanket, show, 7 to 10. Early Eve, show, 3 to 1. BACB Wltners MUe 5600 added. S-year-olds. Maidens. FIFA1? 28 TOO Ind Horses A Wt Bt K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 286352COLLEGIAN 112 1 41 52 51 51 11 T Burns W Jennings 1 11-101 2-5 22774 TOUB 112 4 HI 31 2h In 21 OConnor RWWaldenandBons 3 3 21 4-5 28653 MISS ALMY 112 7 5 4h 4n 31 31 Spencer L Stuart 21 4 4 6-5 28635 PHILMA PAXTON 112 3 71 7 7 41 41 Mounce E J Miller 30 50 50 12 "25724 ANNA DABLING 112 2 Vi U U 2h 5 J Woods W C Daly 6 8 7 2 28653 EAST KELSTON 112 6 65 62 61 7 6" Hayden J Canary 50 60 60 15 28724 JNY OF NAVABBE 112 9 8 8 8 6 78 McGinn J H Harbeck 50 60 60 20 28724 MARK LANE 112 5 2H 21 31 8 830 Miles R Driver 50 100 100 30 28653 THICKET 115 8 9 9 9 9 9 Manlove J Welsh 50 100 100 30 Time, 24, 50,1:16,1:42. Winner B. c, by Sir "Dixon Vassar. Went to poet at 4:00. At poBt 2 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Collegian, a very slow beginner, is a rater and a four-mile route would probably suit him to perfection. He was lucky to win and but for Tour bolting at the eighth post and carrying Mies Almy out with him he could not have bien better than third. Miss Almy and Tour lost three lengths. The first-named had to pull up almost to a walk and was easily best. Philma Paxton ran in remarkably improved form and likes a heavy track. Anna Darling showed a lot of speed and then quit. Scratched 27309 Wool Gatherer, 112; 28724 Bivenoak, 112. Collegian, show, out. Tonr, show, 1 to 3. Miss Almy, show, 1 to 2. OQnrjl 8IXTH RACK 1 1-8 Miles. Withers Course. 3-year-olds and upward. 1 DJL The Grand Btand Handicap. 50 added. Ind Horses AWt Bt St X K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 287053HEBNANDO 3 112 4 6 6 2" 21 32 13 Wonderly W H Laudeman 5 6 5 2 286332DDBLIN 3 111 6 4a 41 12 12 U 2a McCue GoughacresBtable3 3 2 4-5 28613 DECANTER 6 109 1 51 5 6 41 2h 32 OConnor F B Hitchcock 2 11-511-5 4-5 28705 BLACK DICK 3 87 3 1h 1h 3h 3a 42 42 Cochran W C Whitney 8 15 12 4 28650 THE BHYMER3 104 2 2a 3a 51 5o 51 5a J Woods T F Monahan 4 8 8 3 28613 KAMARA 4 98 5 31 2a 4a 6 6 6 Bedfern C H Mackay 6 7 6 2 Added starter. Time, 26, 51, 1 :16, 1 :49 1 :51. Winner B. c, by Hanover Betrieve. Went to post at 4 :25. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; Becond driving. Hernando waited to the last furlong before he was called on and then won out in brilliant style, but was probtbly lucky to score over Dublin. The latter was pulled up at the start and then carried wide on the outside of five horses on the first turn, which is very sharp. He will probably reverse this running. Decanter finished with a tremendous rush after meeting interference in tha first half and being compelled to run around the field on the far turn. Black Dick was a good horse in this race, but somewhat outclassed. The Bhymer can do better and was probably Bhort. Kamara is palpably out of form. Scratched 28671 Advance Guard, 126; 282772Carbuncle, 108. Hernando, show, evens. Dublin, show, 2 to 5. Docanter, show, 2 to 5.

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