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OAKLAND FORM CHART OAKLAND, CAI... November 6. Fourth day. New California Jockey Club. Fall Meeting. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge. Joseph A. Murphy. Starter, J. J. Holtmnn. Racing startB at 2 :15 p. m. FIB8T BACB 5-8 ntile- PnrseS400. All ages. AUowances" !4 9 Ind Horses A Wt St M K X BtrFin Jockeya Owners O H O P 29133HAGEBDON 4 117 4 31 2a 22 la J Woods H L Frank 25 31 31 1 29129 FRANK BELL 5 117 1 22 11 la 25 Winslett J W ONeall and Co 4 41 4i 7-5 29129D0UBLET 4 117 3 la 33 32 32 Hour D 8 Fountain 3 3 3 1 29129 8GORPIO 4 112 2 42 45 43 43 J Mathews W H Ketchiman 15 20 20 7 2912933. FOR 8CANDAL3 107 7 7 61 51 55 Birkenruth F W Doss 5 5 5 2 26013 ABBA L. B 107 6 61 51 61 61 Brodien B A Chilson 20 60 60 25 27999 I8HTAB 2 94 5 52 7 7 7 Ranch APoniatowskI 10 15 15 6 ROYAL FLUSH 7 115 Left at the post. OConnor G B Morris 6 6 6 2 Time, 12, 231, 471,1:00. Winner B. c, by Esher Lady Richmond. Went to post at 2:12. At post 2 minutes. 8tart good. Won in a drive ; second easily. Hager-don was bsst and was given a good, strong ride. He saved ground at the stretch tnrn and displayed great courage in the final drive. Frank Bell ran a swell race under a weak rider. Doublet about ran his race, but tired at the end. Scorpio showed speed. The race was too short for School for Scandal. Royal Flush propped as the barrier went up. Scratched 29129 Yellow Tail, 117; 29206Gibraltar, 115; 29130 Btrongoli, 112. Hagerdon, show, 1 to 2. Frank Bell, show. 3 to 5. Doublet, show, 1 to 2. QQ W 6 f SECOND BACE-lTuturlty Course. 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. Puree 00. jmlJ and -l J 2-year-olds- Allowances. lad Horses A Wt Bt X K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 260122QLENDENNING 108 3 la 12 13 ie Logue Atkin and Lottridge l-2 3-5 1-2 out 2601231NOCENCIA 108 2 5a 32 31 2" OConnor Doble and Campbell3 5 5 1 28406 HALMETTA 104 6 6 5 43 3 J Mathews W H Ketchiman 8 15 15 5 258413PABIZADE 104 1 22 25 23 415 J Ranch D Cameron and Co 4 41 4 4-5 24870 PHYLLI8 102 4 31 6 51 51 Hoar A J Stemler and Co 6 12 12 4 237383MARASCHINO 102 5 41 41 6 6 Tamplin J C Humphrey 30 75 75 25 Time, 1 :11. Winner Ch. g, by Bt. Carlo Glenlivet. Went to post at 2:42. At post 1 minute. Btart good. Won easily; second and third driving. Glendenning was far the best and won easing up. Inocencia began slowly, but made up much ground and finished strongly. Halmetta ran well and finished strongly. Phyllis showed a little early speed, bnt was not ready. Maraschino was very short. Parizade beat the gate and ran well to the stretch, where she quit badly. Inocencia, show, 1 to 3. Halmetta, show, 6 to 5. Parizade, show, out. OOOOT THIRD RACK S-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-oldB and upward. jLl Xj l Si I Allowances. tnd Horses A Wt St M X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 29132 BEN LEDI 5 107 3 11 1 1 15 Winslett G W Scott 10 15 15 5 28034 BERNATO 3 98 8 6a 51 23 26 J Ranch BurnBandWaterhee 6 6 4 8-5 2758MATT HOGAN 4 105 4 42 2a 3a 31 J Mathews W P Magrane 4 7 7 2 29132 MIKE RICE 8 105 9" 7 71 42 45 Bee T E McLaughlin 10 15 15 5 25627 TIZONA 4 103 2 21 32 51 5a Logue Partington Bros 15 30 30 8 26157 LOVING CUP 6 105 1 51 41 61 61 Hoar G W Miller 6 12 12 4 29129 T. OF CANDLES 3 105 5 Sa 85 73 78 OConnor J Gardner 6-5 6-5 3-5 1-4 281183MRS. BRUNELL 3 98 6 8 65 82 81 Peterson F Mathews and Co 30 150 150 60 25085 IMPERIOUS 6 107 10 10 10 9 95 Vititoe H E Howell 15 30 30 12 16753 UPPER CRUST 4 103j7 95 92 10 10 Treanor S Judge and Co 50 150 150 60 Time, 241, 491, 1:14. Winner Ch. m, by Inverness Bonita. continued on fxvth paqk. OAKLAND FORM CHARTCONTINUED. Went to post at 3:06. At post 2 minntes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. BenLedi showed much the most epeed throughout, but was beginning to tire greatly and with a bit farther to go would have probably lost. Bernato made up ground and finished strongly after getting tangled up at the start. Matt Hogan did his best under a gcod ride. Loving Cup and Imperious are not ready. Mike Bice ran a good race. Mrs. Brunell is worth watching. Tower of Candlos quit early. Scratched 29134 Torsida, 107; 28558 Edinborough, 106; 291723Midnight Chimes, 103, Ben Lodi, show, 2 to 1. Bernato, show, 4 to 5. Matt Hogan, show, evens, lower of Candles, show, out. 7OVOQ FOURTH RA.CB 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. S-year-olds and up-jiXj Al JLiKD ward. Allowances. Ind Horses A W Bt M, K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H r P 29176 AUTOLIQ HT 3 110 4 Sh 36 31 o 23 12 OConnor Q B Morris 7-107-10?-5 1-4 285943 B AB. FRIKTC HIE 3 9, 2 12 1 is li 21 Hoar Mrs M Cone 3 7 7 2 29129 ARTICULATE 3 96 3 25 23 2 3 312 J Ranch W C de B Lopes S 10 10 S 29176JLAV4TOR 5 98 5 5 43 46 45 45 Giaborn CEDnrnel 6 7 7 8-5 26051 SYLVAN LASS 5 100 1 4 5 5 5 5 Prior J Chloupek 4 6 6 S-5 Time, 14, 241, 47i, 1 :13i, 1 :40, 1:44. Winner B. c, by Autocrat Silverlight. Went to post at 3:32. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second handily. Auto-light was best but OConnor had to drive him hard to catch Barbara Frietchie in the stretch. He won going away, however. Barbara Frietchie showed a great buret of epeed but could not st8y it out at the fast pace she had set. Articulate showed great improvement and hung on gamely. Lavator was badly mixed up after the gate went up ana ran poorly afterward. Sylvan Lass was HutclsBsed. Autnlight. show, out. Barbara Frietchie, show, 1 to 2. Articulate, show, evens. . FIFIH RACE 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances 29229 Ina Horeos A Wt St X. hi X . BtrFin Jockeys Qyoers O H O P 29172lMPUOMPTU 3 107 1 B2 61 41 21 Hi J Mathews F W Dons S 5 5 5 26651HOETON 5 106 5 72 71 5 5 21 OConnor .TMcQovern 21 3 3 1 26048 OSCAR TOLLS 3 107 6 5 3 3i 42 3 Ransom E J Baldwin 8 15 15 6 291322QUBTO 4 105 4 U 11 11 U 42 Logue P Howley 10 10 10 4 29iC5OBIA 3 105 3 S 41 61 at 56 BirkenruthP Ryan 8-5 8-5 6-5 1-S 39129 PREJUDICE 4 100 7 2h 21 2 62 62 j Ranch BurneandWaterhee6 8 8 3 29177 HUNGARIAN 5 98 2 41 51 75 75 7 Hoar GW Miller 15 20 20 8 24188 ROMANY 96 88 8 8 8 8 Treanor M Donovan 60 200 2C0 60 Time, 13, 23, 48, 1 :14, 1 :27. Winner B. c, by Crescendo Amida. Went to post at 4:00. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second handily. Impromptu war well placed and saved from the early hot pace and ran past bis field when vigorously called on in the last sixteenth. Horton ran a good race and finished stoutly. Oecar Tolle ran his race. Her weight and race of the day before anchored Obia. She was cut off at the three-quarter pole. Prejudice showed epeed but was short. Scratched-29132 Eoenig. 102; 237952Billy Moore, 101. Impromptu, show. 4 to 5. Horton, show. 2 to 5. Oecar Tolle, show. 3 to 1. Obia, show, ont. tH4QA B1XTH BACK 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. 4U tJ and O Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St St Mi BtrFin Jockeys Ownri O H O P 24125 ARTILiLA 4 104 1 31 3i 43 2h 21 In BirkonruthW B JenningsandColO 20 20 6 291343 LJZEL.L A 6 110 4 42 42 Sh 41 4? 21 See J Weber and Co 4 4 13-51-2 Jtl75 MY GYPSY 4 101 3 1 1 H U 1 8 J Ranch BurnsandWaterhse 3 4 4 5-5 291742FREE LANCE 7 107 2 6 6 5 5 5 42 OConnor W H Ketchiman 6-5 6-511-101-2 i 29134 WHALEBACK 5 107 5 21 22 21 31 Sh 5 Burling meH Whitman 25 25 20 10 29174 JUS. GOEBELS 95 6 5h Ei Pulled up. Waterbury Look and Co 25 SO 50 20 i 29174 E1NBTKIN 6 101 Left at post. Crosswaite L Levj 15 25 25 10 9134 MISS VERA 4 104 Fell. Hoar Dunlai andMDnldl2 12 8 S I Time, 13, 24i, 50, 1 :16,1 :42, 1:55. Winner Br. f, by Artillery Ventura. Went to post at 4:25. At post 1 minute. Start bd. Won driving: second handily. Artilla ran sn excellent race, finished strongly and was well handled. Lizella, however, was best and should have won, but she was badly ridden at the end. My Gypsy shored the most early speed, but was short and tired in the stretch drive. Free Lance ran badly. Whaleback showed early speed, but quit badly. Justus Goebel carried the barrier away with him. Miss Vera fell as the barrier went up. Artilla, Bhow, 2 to 1. Lizalla, show, out. My Gypsy, show, 3 to 5. Free Lance, show, out.