Louisville Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-11-07

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LOUISVILLE FORM CHART. j LOUISVItXE, KI, November 6. Fourth day. Douglas Park Racing Association. j Fall Meeting. Weather clear; track good. j Prasiding Judge, John Morrow. Starter, William Bruen. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. j 2923 X FIE8T BACK 3-4 Mile ParS8S25- 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. i lad Horses AWtHt X ft X BtrFin Jockeys Owncm O H C P S 29170 LITTLE RITA 5 104 1 13 li 12 12 Howell Carmack and Co 6 6 5 2 28554 BLOND. GRAYSNS 104 3 6i 22 2ii 21 W Woods B Hums 10 10 10 4 29168 CANTADA8 5 107 5 41 42 3i 31 Absher D Hill 6 6 6 2 29168 ELLIS 6 102 6 31 31 42 41 M Johnson W D Schneider 10 10 10 4 29190 DUCAS8A 3 105 15 11 8 51 52 Alley J C FcrriB Jr 10 15 15 6 29045 A88EPBMENT 3 104U2 10 61 62 62 May TH Stevens 3 5 4 8-5 29168 BALOME 7 102 2 52 7 7 71 J Daly W G Fox 10 20 20 8 21170 QUAVER 7 102 9 9 9 8 8i T Walker J Brinkman 2 3 3 6-5 29190 PJSACBE8 3 102 7 7 10 10 91 ONeil JC Tucker 6 10 10 4 28941 BUNTING 5 107 8 8 11 11 10h Arnold W V Con ran 4 10 18 4 28508 K1LDABL1E 4 107 16 14 13 12 112 Meidling W F Mains 10 15 15 6 291S5 BT. ALOYS1US 5 104 13 15 14 13 121 J Murphy C Barre 20 20 20 S 29170 OBIC1UB 3 102 10 12 12 14 131 Fobb Giles and Biddle 20 20 20 E 29135 ALBERT C. 5 114 11 13 15 15 141 Kuhn E Neenan 6 8 8 S 29069 FREE GOLD 6 107 4 2h 5 9 151 BeauchampW H Billings 5 5 4 2 28780 MOHUNI 5 107 14 16 16 16 16 C Wright GoodharteandTorris20 20 20 S Time, 241, 49, 1:16. Winner B. m, by Trafalgar Miss Nelson. Went to poet at 2:25. At poet 9 minntes. Start fair. Won easily; second the same. Little Rita, off well in motion, tiptoed her field throughout and won with plenty in reserve. Blonde Grayson met with slight interference soon after the start, but not enough to affect her chances. Cantadae, under poor handling, ran a creditable race. Free Gold showed speed, but weakened when pinched. Scratched 29170 Hallott P., 105; 29138 Dick Thompson, 97. Overweights Little Rita, 2 pounds; Assessment, 21; St. Aloysins, 2; Oricius, 5. Little Rita, show, evens. Blonde Grayson, show, 2 to 1. Cantadas, Bhow, evens. AeBesf-ment, Bhow, 4 to 5. Quaver, show, 3 to 5. Free Gold, show, 4 to 5. 29232 SEC0ND BACE 6"8 MU8, Pn525 2-yoar-olds. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt Bt 34 K X BtrFin Jockeys Ownera O H O P 29136 DE M1LSOM 102 S 12 U 13 15 BeauchampE Moore 1-2 1-2 1-2 out 29169 TOUT 97 1 2h 22 21 2h W Woods W A Binehart 4 5 5 2 29136 TUCK PAW 97 6 6" 51 3U 36 Wallace F Gering 21 3 S 3-5 29167 OTON CLAY 97 5 41 7 4 42 Mahon HJEichBchlagandCo40 50 50 10 . 28798 ARTHUR MOLL 102 4 3h 31 51 51 J Daly P Browning 10 12 12 4 29169 HARRISON F. 1021 2 51 41 62 61 T Walker WGFox 10 15 15 5 29167 NORA D. 991 7 7 62 7 71 Lampard M A Stevenson 20 20 80 8 29169 MISHA 97 8 8 8 8 8 C Murphy J B Evers 20 50 50 1C Time, 21, 50,1:031. Winner Ch. f, by Longflsh Marie Reed. Went to post at 2:58. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won in a canter ; second driving. Dt Miliom was in a soft spot and only had to canter. Tout, under keen pressure, lasted just lone enough to save second place. Tuck Paw came strongly after meeting with early interference. Oton Clay was thrown to his knees on the stretch turn. Overweights Do Milsom, 5 pounds; Harrison F., 21; Nora D 21. ,Tout, ihow, 4 to 5. Tuck Paw, show, out. 29233 THIED BACE1 Mile i"01"250 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt Bt 34 and BtrFin Jockeys Owners OHO P 59171 HONKYWOOD 4 104 4 11 12 12 u Hi May M Btowe and Co 5 7 7 3 29140 BANQUO II. 7 100 1 22 21 23 22 23 T Walker T A Davies 4 5 5 S-2 29140 BOSK BIRD 3 86 3 52 51 52 42 Si J Daly E Moore 6 6 6 2 29168 CHERRY HEAD 5 95 6 7 7 7 63 H Alley J C Ferris Jr 10 20 28 8 291703OMELIA 6 101 8 63 61 62 51 52 Howell J C Tucker 6 6 6 2 291713REVOKE 6 1C9 2 43 43 Si 31 61 Mclntyre J F Dockery 3-2 3-211-162-6 291 40 ELSIE BARNES 7 105 5 3" 2 4 7 75 ONeil W H Billings 3-2 2 2 3-5 29140 MADELINE G. 38678 8 8 8 810 M Johnson W T Washam Jr 100 100 100 48 2232S LADY MILLIE H.39699 9 9 9 9 Collins H D Monroe 100 100 108148 Time, 251, 501,1:151,1:43. Winner Ch. f, by Jim Gore Quintette. Went to post at 3:24. At post 25 minutes. Start bad. Won easily; second the eate.,,Hoe-wood was the most Baved while at the post during the long delay and this stood her in good stead. She went to the front soon after flag fall and staying there throughout won with plenty in reserve. Banquo II. had the best of the send-off and ran fairly well. Hobo Bird was kicked a couple of times while at the post and thiB injured her chanceB. Revoke ran her race at the post. Cherry Head was shy of speed in the early stages but finished stoutly. Elandis Barnes ad OoaeliaB . chances were ruined by the long delay at the post. Scratched 29171 Frank Pearce, 97; 2916SSMandamui, 95. Honeywood, show, 6 to i. Banquo II., show, 7 to10. Rose Bird, show, evens, Bevoke, shew, out. Elsie Barnes, show, out. 29 34: FOURTH RACE 6-8 Mile. Purse 50. 2-year-olds. Selling. fnd Horses A Wt Bt 34 K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners OBOE 290442RAHAT 102 3 2i 2 11 11 BeauchampJ W Forman 1 2 2 4- 291S9 LITTLE HINDOO 102 2 H li 23 22 I Walker T A Davies 8 8 8 3 291393BUCCLEUTa 97 1 31 31 51 82 ONeil T P Hayea 3-2 8-2 7-10 oui 29068 CORINNE C. 107 7 7 62 61 4 Stock well F Gering 20 50 50 15 28817 PALMS 102 6 51 4h 31 51 L Daly B P Harlan 15 20 20 8 J 29167 TRISTRAM 105 4 41 56 42 6h J Daly H J Gerhardy 4 5 5 2 29167 EDNA KENNEB 102 5 63 7 7 7 C Wright P J Nolan 20 40 40 18 29136BAALE 102 Left at the post. Kuhn P M Civill 4 4 4 6-5 Time, 24, 1:49, 1:02. Winner B. c, by King Regent Miss Knight. Went to post at 4 :13. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; sesond the same. Carat raced Little Hindoo into oubmisoion in the first half and came away in the stretch. Little Hindoo got his second wind in the laot furlong and finished resolutely. Buccleuth would in all probability have won had he not stumbled on the stretch turn while running in a contending position. Corinna C. came fast through the stretch. Saale was caught in the barrier when the flag fell. Carat, show, out. Little Hindoo, show, 6 to 5. Saale, show, 1 to 2. - " - 1 n p nan 29233 FIFI!H BACE 3-4 Mlle Pnrs8S250. 3-year-olda and upward. Selling. led Horses A Wt Bt 34 34 X BtrFin Jockey Owners O H 0 T 291402DB. CLARK 4 107 4 510 42 2 15 Howell W McLemore 10 10 3 1 291663RAGNAROK II. 3 1G2 3 21 H 11 2 Lampard M A Stevenson 8 12 12 4 29166 PRIMA II. 3 103 5 4 33 32 31 J Daly D McMillan and Co 1-2 3-5 hB5 ou 29171 BATTUB S 102 2 3 5, 5 43 BeauchampP M Civill 2 3 3 1 29135 BWEET CHARITY4 104 1 11 2 42 55 Absher C C Hughes 8 15 15 4 28164 EMPYREAL 3 104 6 6 6 6 6 T Walker B O Konnedy .5 10 10 S Tims, 24, 49, 1:02, 1:15. Winner Br. g, by Raquet Faithless. Went to post at 4:38. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won in a canter; second easily. Dt. Clark easily ran past the field in the last eighth. His reversal of form wbb of the startling order. Ragnarok II. as ubuoI showed early spood and alBO hung on gamely under punishment. Frinu II. ran far below her true form and can do much better. Battus had bad racing luck, is ready to win and by no meanB ran Mb race today. Sweet Charity showed speed but weakened after going a half mile. Scratched 29171 Lady Curzon, 104; 29166 Young Henry, 183. Overweights Battus, 1 pound; Sweet Charity, 2. Dr. Clark, show, 1 to 2. Ragnarok II., show, 3 to 2. Battus, shpgy 1 to 2.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901110701/drf1901110701_5_1
Local Identifier: drf1901110701_5_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800