Lakeside Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-11-07

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LAKESIDE FORM GHART. KOBY, IKD November Q. Ninth day. Lakeside Jookoy Club. Fall Uasilng. YSHnor clear: uraofc fast. Presiding Jndga. A. W. Hamilton. Starter. Richard Dwyar. ttacing starta at 2:00 p. m. U O Wf T FIHST BACK-5-K MJlo. Purse 00; 575 to sscond; 5 to third. jij 1 2-yoar-olfig. 8elling. tad Horses A Wt St K ft 3 BtrFin Jockeya Ownera O H 0P 28810 AEGtfN 97 2i Ih 14 li 12 J Hicks G G Moshier 8 8 5 24 29098FADE MENY 94 8h 4" 14 34 2h D Mitchell J F Newman 5 5 5 2 29026L1NGO 97 1 5 5i 2i Si Rice E Trotter 6 10 10 4 29050 HER8E 95 4" 2 5" 41 Beaton F Grady and Co 20 40 40 12 290983HAT MITCHELL 93 6 64 6s 62 51 Hope J J Ogles 4 4 4 8-5 29374HO WEN DOBLER S91113 101 9 71 63 Doss C B Campball 20 20 20 8 29026HEKODE3 97 121 112 m 91 71 Boyd R Nicholson 12 15 15 6 28926 BUZZER 105 34 34 31 41 81 Vickery T H Ryan 5 5 5 2 29102LITTLE EMMY 98 7h 9 101 81 91 Otia E Dowd 8-5 9-5 9-5 4-5 29148 ABHBROOK 95 5 8 81 Id 101 T Meade T Licalzi 20 30 30 10 2909SCHAM1NADE 92 13 13 13 11h 113 Helgsaon W M Sloan 6 15 15 6 26158 PALMETTE 105 10" 122 121 121 128 Blako J B Lawman 15 15 15 6 29117 SMITH3 REEL 102 8" 7 713 13 Hahbsrger F T Wood 10 12 12 4 "Apprentice allowanca. Time, 12, 2a, 19, 1:02. Winner B. f, by Lamplighter Fleika. Went to post at 2:00. Off at the first break to a good start. Won easily; second driving. Aegin showsd a lot of speed and after ehaking off Herse in the first half came away without much trouble. Fade Meny stood a drive all through the stretch and finished with gameness. Lingo tired Slightly in tha cloaiiig strides. Horse had enough when a furlong out. Hat Mitchell was always outrun. Howendobler made up ground in the last quarter. Buzzar quit badly when entering the stretch. Overweights Lingo, 1 pound ; Hat Mitcholl, 1 ; Howendobler, 14 ; Smiths Reel, 5. Aegin, show, 6 to 5. Fade Mony, show, evens. tLingo, show, 2 to 1. Hat Mitchell, show, 4 to 5. Little Emmy, show, 2 to 5. QtAQ SECOND RACE-a Mils, Purss 00; 5 to second ; 5 to third. andlwO 3-year-oldB and upward. Selling. lad Horses A Wt St tj yt 5 StrFin Josksyc Ownera O H C P 290S9 BAUGH N. GENE4 1084 1" 14 H U 1 Dominick J D McMiUanandCo5 6 0 2" 29100 AARON 3 97 814 64 54 21 23 J flicks S 8 Bender and Co 5 5 5 2 20992THE BUTCHER 3 99 1Q1 74 4 31 32 Otia J E Cushing 21 13-513-51 2S054 PRECURSOR 4 105 61 3 31 4 43 Coburn S C Hildroth 4 5 5 2 29100 HAKNEY 3 103 71 121 114 54 51 HBhbarger V Mulveil 20 40 40 15 29100 WHISPER LOW 5 99 24 84 71 61 64 Holgeson G W Curtis 20 30 25 10 29150 LYDIA B. 4 99 54 5" 61 74 74 Beaton H A Cotton 10 12 10 4 287S6 NEUBERGER 5 99 13 13 1U4 Id 82 Nutt Mrs L Griffin 20 30 20 8 29119 LADY AlNTREE 4 99 114 94 92 84 9 Hope F Fersch 20 SO SO 12 29099PROTECT 5 100 4" 5 85 91 102 RiC8 ? p Feoiy 4 5 5 2 29039LUC. BRAMBLE 5 91 3" 21 21 111 m Munro John Brenock 6 10 10 4 2906 HOP BCOTCH 5 104 122 1G124 121 124 Blaka T Licalzi 10 10 10 4 28271 GOLDEN LINK 5 106 2 114 13 13 13 Vickery T H Ryan 10 10 10 4 Apprentice allowance. Time, 25J6, 50, 1 :16. Winner B. f, by Rainbow or Plevna Cymbal. Went to post at 2 :35. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Bangh Naugh Gene showed the most speed throughout bus was tiring fast at the end and would have been beaten ic another stride by Aaron. The lattor finished fast but waa the victim of a poor rido. Hicks had him pocketod badly at the first half mile poat and was of little help to him when he got clear Bailing. The Bntcher had enough when a furlong out. Precursor tired badly when the drive came. Lucille Bramble ran well for four and a half furlongs. Overweights Bangh Naugh Gene, 14 pounds; Precursor, 1; Hop Scotch, 5. Bangh Naugh Gene, ehow, evens. Aaron, show, evens. The Butcher, show, 1 to 2. 2Q fcJ AQ THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. Purse 100; 75 to second; 25 to third. J aJJ 3-yoar-olds and upward. Belling. Ind Horsea A Wt Bt jj j BtrFin Jockeya Ownsra O H O P" 291183BUMMEB 5 106 In 12 12 n n Rassinger J F Holt 7-107-103-5 ous 29118 B. OF BETHLEMB 101 24 23 25 2 2 TMeade Hart Gibson Jr 5 5 5 8-5 29152 CHAR. MOORE 4 116 71 84 61 54 84 Blake T F Coles 7 10 10 I 29178SIREN BONG 4 94 5" 3" 8" 33 43 Hope E M Jackson 12 15 10 4 29150FRANK M. 3 99 3 614 7nk 62 5 Otis James Arthur 7 8 8 24 29075BHUT UP 3 104 61 42 4 44 61 Helgeson HugheB and Co 25 30 30 10 29122 GREETINGS 4 105 4b 52 5i 85 7i J Hicks WdfrdandEvermn25 30 30 7 291532CORA HAVIL II.5 101 9 9 81 74 81 Dibble G B Havill 25 30 30 10 2SS20 BLUE LICK 5 105 814 7n 9 9 9 Coburn G W Poole 3 5 5 8-5 Apprentico allowance. Time, 24, 49, 1 Winner Ch. h, by Register Emma Gregg. Went to post at 3:00. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the eame. Bummer was in an easy spot and aimply played with his fi eld. Star of Bethlehem was just as easily the best of the others, pharley Moore finished stoutly, beating out the tiring Siren Song for third place in the last few strides. BhutUp showod speed for a half mile. The others were always outrun Overweights Cora Havill II., 2 pounds. btar of Bethlehem, Bhow, 7 to 10. Charley Moore, show, 2 to 1. iJQiiil FOURTH RACE 1 3-8 Miles. Purse 600; 75 to second; 25 to third. .and J U JL 3-year-oldB and upward. Allowancee. Ind Horses , A Wt Bt Bt M Yx 3 8trFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 291512SEARCHER 3 93 21 21 224 li 16 is is Davisson S C Hildreth I 1 9-iOont 291012FRANG1BLE 4 102 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 J Hicks FDBoaz 5 8 8 out 291E03R. WADDELL3 99 1" 1 m 26 2i Broke down. Beaton Mrs R Bradley 1 11-1011-10 out Time, 13, 26, 52, 1:18, 1:43, 2:09, 2:22. Winner Ch. g, by Hindoo Queen Regent. MVV.6ntJt, post 3J25u A,pBt A,?liJ1J1VJet 8tarJi g00.d Woa easily. Searcher came away with hardly an otrort when Robert Waddell broke down just before entering the stretch Fran-gible was always outrun. Robert Waddell appeared to be.tho winner just before hie accident. C?Q! 1 FIFTH KACE5 1-8 ITuiuongs. Purae 100; 75 to second; 5 to third. andi kJ A JL A. 2-year-olds. Allowances. .ad -Horson A Wt 3t and ft BtrFin Jockeya Ownsra O H O P 289S02LUCIEN APPLEBY112 Ih 44 3i 31 li Coburn S C Hildreth 7-107-107-10 out 29148INdPEOTfl BHEA105 2 2H 2 l 21 Bassinger J J McCarthy 6 8 8 2 290032MERRIMENT 115 5 5 42 42 31 Blake Q W Cook n 3 1 29102 RAG TAG 103 31 1k 1 12 46 JMclnerny J T Stewart and Co 5 7 7 2 29C98 I. 8AMELSON 1C0 41 3 5 5 5 J Hicks T JMcHalo 7 7 7 " . , Time, 12, 21, 49, 1:01, 1:08. Winner Ch. c, by St. r., George Leveo. Went to post at 3:50. Off at the first break to a good start. Won handily ; second the same. Lncien Appleby under a vigorous ride finished strongly and was gradually going away at the eua. Inspector Shea ran well and finished stoutly. Merriment hung slightly when tha stretch drive came. She has probably gone back a shade. Hag Tag fell away fast in the lrfat eighth. I. SamolBon was always outrun. Scratched 29179 Lou Woods, 100. Overweights Inspector Shea, 5 pounds; Rag Tag, 3. No show batting. X Q Ml 1 81XJH B AOi5-l 1-16 Miles. Purse 400 ; 75 to Becond ; 5 to third. andJAJl.jA 3-yoar-olds. AUowancea. - - tfjd Horaes A Wt St H ft 5 StrFin Jockeya Owners O H O P 29153FABMR BENNETT 93 7h 44 53 2 22 14 Otia J Arthur THi is 2 29153 WOODSTICK 93 Sh 62 3 12. n 25 Mnnro MrsRMWestfield 6 10 10 4 29150HED APPLE 97 m 1 2 3U 81 31 Rica E Trotter and Co 6 10 10 4 29150 JIM WINN 105i 41 31 43 41 i 41 Conurn F M Arthur 10 12 12 5 iUATfMpNpq c5? Hicka HHeTendeenandColS 30 30 10 291533ZACK PHELPS 94 5" 7h 714 62 61 6 Hone J J Oslna 3 X 1-1 29078JGUY H. 112 91 93 9 72 7 Bassinger J E Cushing 3 34 31 1-5 29151 THE BOEB 107 691 ga g gi 8ii Harsh bgerO C Hasche 4 ill 2911SLA GORTA 94 101410M08 106 10 93 D MitchillR Smith 20 40 40 15 29078 ELMER L. 101 11k111011301130ii20106 Blake W B Smith and Co 12 15 10 4 29100 FLEET WING 98 2 5h e. 74 91 1U6 Nutt Mrs L Griffin 6 8 8 3 29079 HANBWUHST 98 12 12 12 12 12 12 T Meade T Licalzi 6 8 8 3 Apprentice allowance. Time, 12, 25g, 50, 1 :17, 1 :43, 1 :50. Winner Br. c, by Florist Highlander mare. Went to post at 4:20. At po3t 6 minutes, btart good. Won driving; second easily. Farmer Bannett finished fast through the stretch under punishment and was gradually Roine away at the end. VVoodstick ran a good race, but hung a trifle in the last fifty yarde. Red Apple showed speed, but tired rapidly when a fnrlong out. Jim Winn waa right there for six furlongs. Automaton showed a lot of early speed. Guy H. ran poorly. 6 Scratched 291833Uncla Tom, 97; 29079 Form, 95; 29079 Amoroao, 90 Overweights Fleetwing, 1 pound; Jim Winn, 14. PhefpTowtrio: Guy,fle;shoW,Vto0lufiCk, ehW 2 t0 h Rd Apple show 2 to h Zaci

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Local Identifier: drf1901110701_4_2
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