untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-11-08


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OUR EXTRA SPECIALS. We send but two or three per week bnt they are certain. NOT A LOSER yet on this wire. In the laBt fonr weeks we had twelve all winners. Cervera, 20 to 1 ; Stuart, 4 to 1 ; Orleans, 10 to 1 The Bronze Demon, 4 to 1 ; Lombre, 6 to 1 ; Lat-son, 6 to 1 ; Kohnreath, 10 to 1 ; Mollie Peyton, 25tol; Andes. 10 to 1; Banish. 8 to 1. Yesterday: Paul Clifford, 10 to 1. TEBM8: .00 per sptcial, three for S2.00, eight for 5.00, with big promts guaranteed or money refunded. GOLD FINDER HANDICAP, Room 7, 111 N-Clark St., Chicago, 111. Responsible Bettors can obtain direct and exclusive information giving three or four GOOD PLAYS-each week. This information is from interested parties and confined to certain stables only and on the HOUSES WHEN READS and backed by informant. Address- G. VENTER, P. 0, NEW YORK CITY. Race - Track - Information - Bureau Turf Correspondents. Publishers of Form Letter Handicap. All Races. Suite 500, 263-269 Dearborn St. Telephone Harrison 1580. 15 to I Good Thing Friday. Here is one that we advise a big plunge on, is in spleudid condition, and the race is practically-over in fact won according to the sensational work of this good thing Wednesday. The very best good thing we have had at Lakeside. Two other good things in third and fourth races. At least 3 to 1 will be laid against these two. Take one hundred dollars 00 to the track with you today and parley on the above three good things and you will have the beBt chance of your existence to win a bank roll. DO YOU BEALLY WANT TO WIN? Yes, you say. Well, then, let us, men who have made a life long study of the sport of racing, who have made other men wealthy, ADVISE YOU. Saturday 10 to 20 to 1 Getaway Day GoodThing. You must not miss this one. Customers outside of Chicago please send your mail order as early aB possible. TERMS: .00 PER DAY. .00 PER WEEK. READY AT 9 A. M. Race Track Information Bureau, 263-269 Dearborn St. Also sold at Kolmans cigar Btore, 267 Dearborn St., and at cigar stand, Botunda, Adams Express Bnilding, 185 Dearborn 8t. BUNCO-BRONCHO INFORMATION CO PICKING WINNERS. PICKING WINNERS. Puryear, 8 to I, won; Precursor, lost; Anna Bain, 8 to I, won; wired the world over as extra specials. We are picking the winners as I shall do in California ail this winter. Today one only, odds 4; to fiO to f. .SPECIAL DAILY CITY SHEETS WITH ALL RACES .0. Six SuPfiiah for 0 flr S2 for One Wired to any part of the world. May require two weeks CIA OJJCWQia IUI IU Ul yi. lUI UUC. to deliver, as only wire horses of odds, not hot favorites H. T. Allard always at office to explain any matter. I with my track man every morning as you know. Office 176 S. Clark St. in ticket offlco. Telephone 2149 Central. On sale at 11:30 a.m. at newsstand, southeast corner of Clark and Madison Sta. Also on salo at Bed Hot Stand at track, COL. J. C. WOOTERS, MGR., 91 Lincoln Ave. - - Tel. North 1007.,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901110801/drf1901110801_2_9
Local Identifier: drf1901110801_2_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800