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NOTES OF THE TURF. The racing privileges at the South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition were disposed of at Charleston Taesday night for 5,000 to W. Brooks Harley and Co. Associated with Mr. Harley are H. G Jordan and W. P. Nuckols of Richmond, Va. The Waganer track will be put in excellent condition by Mr. C. J. Hill bf Bt. Asaph, who haB charge of the racing end of the exposition. The meeting will follow that at Be-nings and will run for thirty-Eix days. The ring will be an open one and the booting privileges will be but S50 per day. Charles T. Boots was seriously injured Monday by a pet deer at his ranch near Milpitae, Northern California. Having just fed the animals, Boots was leaving the paddock when a buck charged him. and thrust hib sharp pointed horn into hia breast. His lung is badly torn. Keeping: pot deer is a fad of Boots. G. A. H Chicago. Eopbone end Mise Mitchell were entered as the property of S. E. Widener. in the first race at Morris Park, Monday, Oct ber 21. There was no J. H. Lewie, Jr., entry in the race. Jockey Troxler, who had to canabl hie engagements Tuesday on account of a sore throat, is now reported to be very ill sad tluaatesad wb diptkeria.