untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-11-23


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A FEW BOOKS OF LOCAL FORM FOR SALE. FROM JULY 1 . . . . .00 " AUGUST 1 . . 2.00 rPsTm 161 LOUISVILLE, KY. Will receive commissions by telegraph, mail or express upon all races and other sporting events, and will place them in Louisville according to directions of sender. Honesty, accuracy and dispatch in all transactions. All communications confidential . . . HENRY and CO. FOR THE "WINTER MEETING One to Three Choice Selections Wired from this track daily In addition to our carefully handicapped selections Tve expect to furnish our regular patrons with the "jrood things" usually cut loose here during this meeting. Terms "Weekly. Daily. MORTON and CO. G31 Bienville St. - New Orleans, La. I Writ early for special telegraph code. ! REMOLDS and CO., I I. 73, It 9 DEARBORN ST. Two vinntrs guarantned at Oakland daily. NED DENNIS AND BILLY MOORE Were our good things yesterday. Bpmomber no guessing, The best of reliable information and expert handicapping by wire, from our experts at California daily. I Weekly. Wired at 10 a.m. RAGE TRACK INFORMATION BUREAU. Publishers of Form Letter Handicap. Suite 500, 263-269 Dearborn St. IO to t Extra Special. Fourth Bace plunge the limit will be our advice to all our patrons. Wn will name two other horses at Bennings onour Form Letter Handican. One will be 4 to 1 and the other wili be at least 30 to 1. The 30 to 1 shot will start in the second raco. If you miss the above you miss the opportunity of a life time. All we will Bay of these is that "wo think they will win sure." 10 to 1 shot at Oakland fourth race. We havt received direct inside information from our experts at Oakland who inform us that this is the best long shot of the Oakland meeting. Always follow us with confidence Always rsmember we are the greatest firn in this business. VVs can boat any one living on racing information, barring non?, whether at the track or in town. For continued reliable information running steadily along there is none can show results like wa can. TERMS .00 DAILY. .00 WEEKLY. Beady at 9 a.m. Also sold at Kolmans cigar atom, 267 Dearborn St., and cigar stand Adamr Exprese Building, 185 Dearborn St. BUNCO-BRONCHO INFORMATION CO Morford, 8-1, IS READ Y, IP ODDS, WIN SURE. BEDECK, 4 to 1, WIRED THE WORLD, Besides intermission pass time bets: Death, 6-1; Wild Bess, 3-1; Gray Dally, 15-1; Ned Dennis, 3-1; Tiburon, Native. TODAY SATURDAY - - - My only request is to remember TODAY IS SATURDAY, as my continued advs. SPECIAL DAILY CITY SHEETS WITH ALL RACES .00. Qnoniak fnr tlfl nr t9 fnr flnp Wired to any part of the world. May require two weeko CIA 0J.CUdlb IUI Ul IUI UUd to deliver, as only wire horses of odds, not hot favorites. H. T. Allard always at office to explain any matter. On Bale at 11:30 a.m. at office 176 S. Clark St., in ticket office. Phone 2149 Central. Newsstand southeast corner Clark and Madison Ste. COL. J. C WOOTERS, MGR., 94 Lincoln Ave. - - Tel. North 1007. ILLINOIS TP! ff P""" B3 CENTRAL 8 uri I andiWOcirig v w ota COMMISSIONS ON ALL RACES. Stations. First Second Third Train Train Tram SPECIAL TRAINS OH 1 Lv. Band lph St... 12:05 12:35 1:30 I 3 "l " "VanBuren St.. 12:08 12:38 1:33 nn.n.n nriirnn nu ILLINOIS IkLlHUiv CENTRAL ui.nnu RY, U y ! 12th 8t 12:10 12:40 1:35 ggthgt 12.15 12.45 1;40 Returning Trains at 4:40 ami 5:80 p.m. ! 63rd St--. . 12:20 12:50 k 1:45 , and after last race. Grand Crossing 12:25 12:55 l:o0 t Kensington.... 12:30 1:00 1:55 , HOUND TKIP, - - 35 CENTS.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901112301/drf1901112301_2_6
Local Identifier: drf1901112301_2_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800