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GOSSIP OF THE TURF. A Cincinnati paper says : Borne Respass has taken a five years loase on the old Duhme farm, on the Wayne road, betweon Woodlawn and Glondale, and will use it as winter quarters for his racing stable and training ground for his yearlings. The farm is admirably appointed for this purpose. It has about forty box stalls and a good mile track. Mr. Respass will get possession of the farm within a fortnight. His horses are now at Latonia and will remain there until possession is secured. WMle Mr. Bespass hr.d been on a daal for the place for some time, he was not certain that it would go through, and, in the event of itB failure, he made arrangements together with K. M Ziegler and J. J. Marklein to winter at Oakley Park. Now, however, it is not likely that any runners will winter at the hilltop track. Marklein has decided to leave Mb yearlings at Latonia and the probabilities are that Mr. Ziegler will send his string of eighteen two and three year-olda to Lexington to ba turned out for about three months. His yearlings are now in thenands of Charles Dodson at tho Lexington t?hck, and it is probable that thoy will remain there until tho early spring.