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AMEIilOAK SPORTIHG BSAHI7AL. Tht American Sporting Manual of 191 aoB taint all racing rsoordi at large, revised md ooraplato up to the and of 1999 ; for.r handicapping systems with dlrsotioni for their pratla application, n table showing hov to cospnt? bookmskinz percentages, track records of all tho recognissd tracks of the country, the wast-:rs and eastern scales of weights, tables shew luz the comparative speed of trandeks, a. complete lilt of pugilistic oontssts of 1BW of any cones, trotting? and pacing rtoords st all andls isnses and a list of tho new 2:15 trottssi ol 1ES3 Also a 0Ei3Jla rsaord of prforEiaao p.S all slylaa of billlRsds.