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WASHINGTON ENTRIES. Probabilities : Weather cloudy ; track fast. First Bace 7-8 Mile. 3-yoar-olds and upward, Belling, Ind, Horses. Age, Wi. Hdop 29541 Cormorant 5.... 107 685 29508Mynheer 4. ...105 ......710 295412 Jerry Hunt 5....104 705 29185 Jack McGinn 3. ...102 7C5 29529 WellPBley 3. ...102 700 29498 CarlKahler 3.... 99 695 29S18 BabuDta 3.... 99 700 29521Flara 3.... 99 700 29518 Biff 3.... 99 680 29S923Passaic 5.... 99 710 295S13Kalif 4.... 99 .705 266723Gwvnno 4.... 99 675 29541 Guess Work 3,... 94 .725 29498 Connie 8.... 94. 625 Second Bace 5 1-3 Furlongs. 2- year-olds, Maidens. Allowances. Ind. Horses, color, sex and pedigree. Wt. Hdcp. 29482 Bruff . 110 715 29542 Meistorsingor 110 650 29542 Courtenaj 110 700 29542 Longlovo 110 880 29542 Alack .110 640 29542 Little Arrow 110 650 29542 Justice . ...110 700 295423 Idissilo 110 705 19518 Illuminate 110 660 Miss Buttermilk 107 29S322Chiron 107 ...,.650 29494 Blancho Herman 107 ......725 9221 Mutiny 107 600 29530 Thoth 107 .675 29518 Somersault 107 675 29530 Tho Bandit 107 ..... 640 29482 Lemoyno 107 700 29494 Pedestal . 107 670 Gay Hilda, br. f, by Atheling Lady Stamford 107 295422Lady Teazle .107 705 29460 Parisina 107 625 Third Bace 1 Mile and 80 Tarda. All Ages. Handicap. Ind, Horses. Ars. Wt. Hdcp. 29l973Tyr Bhona 5.. ..112 665 253420hnet 4.. ..109 715 29529Death 6....1C9 100 29l972Scarlet Lily 4....109 690 28551 Toddy 4.. ..109 725 29198 Lee King 4 .... 109 705 29395 Oudenardo 3.. ..107 675 29278 Mollie Fayton 3... ,104 650 295463Lady of tho Valley 3....1C4 690 29545 Dewey 2.... 98 710 295452Anak... 2.... ?8 670 295C6 Goldaga 2.... 98 660 295193Bessio McCarthy 2.... 95 700 291962Fonsoluca 2.... 95 ,705 Fourth Bace 5 1-3 FnrloiiRB. 2-yaar-oldi. Allowances. 29519 Waswift 115 685 295202Extinuisher 115 635 295093Tonagra 112 665 29545 Dowey 10S 700 29542 Meistersinger 10S 650 29545 Flying Butress 108 660 29414 Early Eva 105 640 29246 White Owl.... 105 ......600 Fifth. Baco 1 1-16 Kile S-year-oldi and upward. Selling, 29522 Lamp oLee 3... Ill 725 29521 Warranted 3.... 110 680 29508Mynheer 4... .110 690 29498 Lee King 4... 107 700 29521 Wunderlich. 3.. ..104 680 29416 Big Gun 1 .. 103 650 29860 Monmouth Boy 4.... 103 600 29531 Barbetto . 3 ... 95 .... 625 2951438urmise 3.... 90 675 Sixth Bace 1 Mile and 100 Yards. 3- yaar-olds and upward. Allowances, 294402Harry McCoun 4... 107 685 29521 Sailor King i... 6... .107 650 29521 Whistling Con 6 .. 107 ..625 26550 Stuttgart 5.. ..104 650 29360 Monmouth Boy 4.. ..104 640 29517 Boysterer 5.. ..104 660 29485 Ringleader 4.... 104 670 29519 Alsike 5.... 104 695 29529 Bappenecker 3.... 100 700 295332Wool Gatherer 3.... 97 660 29505 Bounteous 3.... 97 725 29533 Florad 3.... 97 675 29531 Kingstelle 3.... 97 .... 715 29508 Begirar Lady 3 ... 97 .. 685