untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-11-24


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Stakes to Close December 2, 1901. To Be Run For in I33 To Be Run For in l9o4Tr Tllfi SDinaWaV Of 4,000. eT ufillieB itw-y-aJ8 ?ld- u0a? 0i l?.l,iB7or,Sabscj?t-VJ5ofi0S Thp fimat RpnilhHr nf SlRfl Ifin Fa NOft FOA.L3 AND U P WARD. The Soratoga Abbo- UIC oyilianaj UI IH,UUU. lf declared Decembar if declared IHB OlGdl 01 1901.shU,UUU. 8ach or 0?1y by l, 1902, or 5 ngpUUIlG elation to guaranty th gross value of the stakes to be S50,- by May 1, 1903, or 0 if declared by July 1, 1903. Starters to pay S150 additional. The Saratoga 000i of waica the owner of ta9 secoad horse shall receive ,500 and the owner of the third horsa Association to guarantee the gross valuo of the rac.B to be 5.14,000, of which the second horao shall ,500. The nominator of the winner to raceiva ,000 out of the stakes. Liabilities bb follows : receive 52,000 and the third horse ,000. The nominator of the winner to receive 51,000 out of FOR NOW FOAL9. By subscription of 0 each. If left in after August 1, 1902, a further thS,Bel Winners of a race of the value of ,000 to carry 3 lbs. extra; of two of So,000, or one Bnbscription of 5; if lft in after January 1, 19D3, a farther subscription of o; and if left in of ,500. 6 lbs. extra. If the Eire or dam has not producod a wmaer prior to January 1, 1902, the afk9r jaauary 1, 1901, a further subscription of 5125. filly will be allowed S lbs. for either, or 5 lbs. for both, said allowance to be claimed at time of FOR NOW YEARLINGS. By subscription of 0 each. If left in after March 1, 1902, a fur- ntry. By filing with the Saratoga Association on or before Novembr 1, 1902, an acceptd trans- ther subscription of 0 each ; if left in after January 1, 1903, a further subscription of 5U each ; far of the engagement in this stke.the nominator will be Mleaeed from farther liability, and if left in after January 1.19DI, a farther Bnbscription of 50 each. Should a subscriber or transferee die bsf ire the race the entry shall not be void, provided it bo pQR NOW TWO-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. By subscription of 00 each. If left in assumed by the then owner; notice in writing to that ; effect, accompanied by th payment of all aftet March 1. 1902, a further subscription of 00; if left in after January 1, 1903. a farther sub-forfeits, being given withm throe months after such demise. Five and a Half Furlongs. acription of 00 each; and if left in after January 1, 1901, a farther subscription of 00. Thfl Hnnpflll nf flOD For foals of 1901. Tho Association to guarantee tha gross value of 8TARTEB5 TO PAY 00 ADDITIONAL. Winners, when three year6 old or upward, of WIG 11UJJC1UI UI QJ,UUUi tho stakes to be 5,000, to be distributed as follows : To the win- ,000, when carrying weight for age, to carry 3 lbs. extra. Non-winners of ,000 in 1903 or 1904 oer 8,000, to the second horse $,000, and to the third horse ,000. The nominator of the win- allowed 7 lbs. Non-winnars of ,500 in 1903 or 1904 allowed 10 lbs. Non-winners of ,C00 in 1903 ner to receive ,000 out of the stakes. By subscription of 5 each, or only 0 if declared by or 1901 allowed 15 lbs. August 1, 1903. If left in after theft date a farther subscription of 00, or only 0 if declared by In the case of a foal produced by a mare or a stallion not having produced a winner prior to January 1,1903. Starters to pay 50 additional. Winners of two races of the value of ,000 date of closing, the subscription shall be reduced by oue-half, provided that said reduction bs each, or of one of ,000, to carry 3 lbs. extra; of two races of ,000 each, or of one of S 10,000 6 claimed at the time of entry; but the starting fee shall be 3300 additional. lbs. extra. Non-winners of ,000 allowed 10 lbs. The produce of m ires or stallions which have In the case of foals, by filing with the association, prior to September 1, 1902, an accepted not produced a winner prior to January 1, 1902, to bs allowed, if claimed at time of entry, 3 lbs.; transfer of the foal, with its engagement in this stake, the original subscriber will be released of both, 5 lbs. Allowances not cumulative. By filing with the Saratoga Association on or from any liability as to the engagement. before August 1, 1902, an accepted transfer of the foal entry, the original subscriber will be Should a subscriber or transferee die before the race the entry shall not be void, provided released from.any liability ne to the engagement of said entry except as to the first forfeit of 0, it be asaumod by the then owner of th horse ; notice in writing to that eff set, accompanied by leaving the purchaser liable for the same unless duly struck out. Should a subscriber or the payment of all accrued liabilities, being given within three months after such demise, transferee die before the race the entry shall not be void, provided it be assumed by the than if 350 entries are not received the association reserves the right to cancel the rac. owner of the horse; notice in writing to that effect, accompanied by the payment of all accrued One Mile and a Quarter, liabilities, being given within three months after such demise. Six Furlongs. , , ,... , , ,, , o i. i.- .... . . enp Tuopf yfar RlllS Iftl MM NOW YFflRIINRS The HPeful for ,904 Estimated Value 0,000. gnSfred"S:ffiSS Tun MIIILL-I LHIl-ULUO lit IJUJ-;-llUH iLHilLlllUO. forfeit if struck out by August 1, 1903. If left in after Auust 1, 190?, a farther subscription of TflP TrAVPrQ nf ?IR 001 subscription of 00 each, or 0 if declared by June 1, 1903. 0 each; and if loft in after June 1, 1904, a further subscription of 00 each. Startars to pay 50 I lie iiatGld ui iu,UUUi starters to pay 50 additional. To the winner 57,000, to the second additional. The Saratoga Association to add ,000. Of tho stakes the eacond horse shall re- ,000, and to the third ,000. Winners in 1903 of two races of the value of 500 each, or of one ceive ,500 and the third horse ,000. The owner at the time of entry of the mara producing the of ,000, to carry 3 lbs. extra. Non-winners of ,030 in 1903 allowed 10 lb. ; of ,000, 15 lbs. winner to recaivo ,000 out of the stakes. Colts, 122 lbs. ; fillies and Holdings, 119 lbs. Winners One Mile and a Furlong, of a race of the value of ,500 to carry 3 lbs. extra; of two races of ,500, or of one of ,500, 5 lbs.; Thp Ifpnnpr nf 1101 By subscription of 0 each, or 0 if declared by Juue 1, 1903. Starters of four of ,500. or two of ,500, or one of ,000, 8 lbs. extra. Horses not having won ,003 al-IIIG GliliGl ui gu,uuui to pay 00 additional. To the winner ,000, to the second S700, and lowed 7 lbs. If a mare in thia stake drop her foal before tho first of January, 1902, or if she have to the third C0. Winners in 1903 of two races of the value of ,500 each, or of one of ,000, to a dead or more than one foal, or is barren, the entry of such mare is void. By filing with tho carry 3 lbB. extra. Non-winners of ,000 in 1903 allowed 10 lbs. ; of 750, 15 lbs. Saratoga Association prior to August 1, 1903, an accepted transfer of the produce, with its en-One Mile and a Quarter, gagement in this stake, accompanied with all forfeits to date, the original subscriber will be re TflP Alabama nf ?R 000 For Fillies. By subscription of 0 each, or 5 if deel red by June leased from any liability as to tho engagement of the produce. Shoqld a subscriber or transferee tllG Miauaiiia ui ju,uuUi 1,1903. Starters to pay 00 additional. To the winner ,000, to die before the race the entry shall not bs void, provided it be assumed by the then owner of the the second 00, and to the third 00. Winners of ,000 in 1903 to carry 3 lbs. extra. Non-win- horse; notice in writing to that effect, accompanied by the payment of all accrued liabilitias, tiers of ,0C0 in 1903 allowed 5 lbs. Maidens allowed 15 lbs. One Mile and a Sixteenth, being given within three months after such demise. Six Furlongs. Entries should be addressed to the Secretary, The Windsor Arcade, 46th Street and 5th Avenue, New York. W. C. WHITNEY, President. H. K. KNPP, Secretary. H. D. MclNTYRE, Assistant Secretary. --THE-- American sporting manual For 1901. COPYRIGHTED. A Handbook of Figures Beyond Comparison. An Official Compendium of Records. Running, trotting and pacing, v if - The pugilistic record of 1900, Handicapping and bookmaking tables. ;?OUE HANDICAP TASLSS WITH K8Y8. luminaries DO Experts on trie Past Years Doings. .:.I8DSTBD BY R H. BRUNELL... m ents in Paper. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co., AsiaLsii .,.124-126 Fifth Ave., Chicago, 111.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901112401/drf1901112401_8_1
Local Identifier: drf1901112401_8_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800