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73, 119 DEARBORN ST. I The best of reliable information and 1 expert handicapping by ivire from 1 our experts at Oakland daily. I- OUR TWO GRAND SPECIALS 1 1 will start at New Orleans today and we 1 I advise all our clients to call and 9 I reap a harvsst on them as one will I I be a long shot on the muddy track. I 1 .00 Weekly. Wired at 10 a.m. Proctor and Woodruffs WISE BET INFORMATION BUREAU Grand Offer. OUR MOTTO: Beat the bookmaker and bo our friend. If you cannot, send name and addroBB, and we will snd you thn horses to beat them with. We will send hordes to any ono who will eend 40 cents to insure telegraphic expenses. Wo send these FOR ONE WEEK FREE OF CHARGE Any one wishing to become a client of ours after one weeks trial will ba requested to pay .00 per week. Give us a trial and we will do the reBt. Taking the horses that we send out and playing a little systematic makes it almost impossible to lose. 1 send system and secret code on receipt of name and address. Bemember we have to furnish the horses for you to win with or we lose. Now drop a line to ue end .receive the best plajs to be had every day not every race. PROCTOR and WOODRUFF, 148-150 Randolph St., DETBOIT, MICH. RAGE TRACK INFORMATION BUREAU Turf Correspondents. Publishers of Form Letter Handicap. Suite 500, 863-369 Dearborn St. Telephone Harrison 1580.. Terms .00 Per Day; .00 Per "Week. Frank Keuney Won. Plunge tile Limit .ftlswTttto it to over two hundred. 6 to 1 Boid TUmg First itace TnBsflaB..SJraandiranflOTAeiSSSK " Bin IE tfl 1 Qppnnrf RqPP Plunge the limit will be our advice on this extra special lU 13 IU 1 UDUUlill ndliU. good thing. We will name one other horse on our Form Letter Handicap and in our wire. The odds Bhould bo 5 to 1. Never piiss Our Galiforips, Eitiw svig Eli: We can beat acybody on infermati n here, and wo bar none, .whether they live at the track or in town. ALWAYS follow ub with confidence, always -remember we are the greatest Tnrf Bureau in existence. WP RlVP WinTlPF! If you are seeking Bnch, come to us. Our card will be a revelation. II u uliu Ilililulua We know something and if j on follow "ha it will be money in your pocket, if you dont, we are eorry for yon. Also sold at Kolmana cigar store, 267 Dearborn St., and at cigar stand Adams Express Building, 185 Dearborn St., and at newsstand northeast corner Van Buren and Dearborn tits. BUNCO-BRONCHO INFORMATION CO A Glean Sweep-at New Orleans. Frank Kenney, 2-1, K,TK-!3 TfirQiTlQ 1F1-A-P Torsina today will open yoor eyes. Hs reqnirad hie recent races to fit 1 Ul 01110; IUtu. him; play one twe-three for a good stiff bet, special. Intermission pass time place and show gets: Banisn, Lingo, Major MxnBir, Dandy H., St. Sever. Doublet, Boyal Fluth, Sad Bam, Plchn, Galmthns, Native. TODAY one at New Orleans 3 to 6 to 1, and one at Oakland 4 to 10 to 1. TB URSDAY ono 5 to 10 to 1 extra apecial. ard SATURDAY "no Ruranteed or will forfait tbr special wirns. SPECIAL DAILY CITY SHEETS with all Baces .00. Six Specials for 0 or for One. Wired tc any part of the world. On sale at 11:30 a.m. at office 176 S. Clark St., in ticket office. Phone 2149 Central. Newsstand southeast corner Clark and MadiBon Sts. Col. J. C. Wooters, Mgr., 94 Lincoln Ave., tel. North 1007. central Tu rf Exchange COMMISSIONS ON ALL RACES. station,. gw SPECIAL TRAINS ON Q h?-ehn8sY.: SS iS iS 3 ILLINOIS CENTRAL RY. J ffiS :::::::: 83 IS iS " S9th St 12:45 1:15 1:45 Returning Trains at 5:05 and 6:05 p.m. " 63rd St 12:50 1:20 1:50 and after last race. " Grand Crossing 12:55 1:25 1:55 " Kwuington...; 1:00 1:30 2:00 BOUND TBIP, - - 25 CENTS.