Gossip of the Turf, Daily Racing Form, 1901-12-10


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l GOSSIP OF THE TURF. A Cincinnati paper of Decambar 7 has this to Bay concerning Jockey Lncien Lyne: "Donbtless the Bnparstitions ones. of the tnrf have reached the conclusion that there is a hoodoo following Jockey Lncien Lyne. He had another spill at New OrletnB yesterday and got ont with a broken rib. Lyne had. hia legr broken ont east almost at the beginning of Mb career in th.e saddle. Speaking of the incident at the Mecca last night a tnrfman said: I happened to be at the track the day that Lyne sustained his injury by being thrown from one of John . Maddens horBes, and I nerer saw any one show more nerve nndor circumstances that could be in any way compared with this jockeys care. It was thought that one or both of his legs would have to be amputated. Before physicians could reach the lad he had recovered consciousness and proceeded to give directions to those about him as to how he should be treated. It seems Luciens brothor is a surgeon and he knows what should be done in case of an accident such as had befallen him. " Dont touch that left leg, eaid Lyne, but move the right one over just a bit farther. And, Bay, Bill, keep this from being written up aB a serious affair. Have the newspaper fellows cut out the black type. And dont send any telegram home about this unless it turns out to be serious. If mom hears about my being hurt she wontet me ride any moro. "While "the boy was talking in this strain thoso about him were figuring on the proposition as to whether he would ever live to walk the streets of Lexington again." According to a report from New Orleans, jockey Adams, the steeplechase rider, will probably have his license revoked by the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association. It is said that the stewards of the Washington Jockey Club have filed a complainBt against him for his riding of Very Light in a steeplechase 6n the closing day of the meeting. It will be remembered that Very Light ran out before the first jump was made, and be was followed by Jim Megibben and Joe Leiter. It is said that the boys on the laBt two followed AdamB, as they thought it was no start and he was pulling up. Jim Megibben was sent after the field and finished third. The following are the conditions of a new Thanksgiving feature devised by the California Jockey Club to be run next yoar: The Bronze Wing SweepBtakes for colored jockeys; for all ages of either riders or horses; to carry weight forage; the association to present to the winner, in addition to the purse, a twenty pound turkey; to the last horse also a turkey; nothing to the second or third; every colored jockey to carry a live chicken and no whip ; the winner to take all the chickens; distance one mile; the. loss of a bird in route is a "foul" and results in disqualification ; entries close one week before the race.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901121001/drf1901121001_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1901121001_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800