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WOODABD and SHANK LINS SALE. December 3 quite a number of horses in training or ready to be trained were sold by Wood-ard and Shanklin at their annual Lexington sale, 1 prices and purchasers were as follows: Property of J. B. Viley : 1 Miss Charlie, b. f , 2, by Badge Wild Olive II.; T. P. Gormley 25 j Gold Time, ch. f, 2, by Michael Antoinette; D. B. Jones - 80 1 Property of J. D. Smith and Co : Lyror Bell, b. f, 3, by Magian Satilla ; . Bobert McMillan 775 3 Property of H. W. Nutter: Leo Nutter, b. c, 2, by Wagner Vena N.; 3 John Stuart . 190 1 Property of Will H. Bayre: i Free Admission, br g, S, by Badgo Min- I nie Williams; Joe"Bhinock 800 Phosphorus, ch. g, 3, by St. Blaise Sea- , wood; J.J. Badel 150 Property of C. F. Buschmeyer : The Barrister, ch. h, 5, by Terra Cotta Alarming; William Gerst 60 Property of B. J. Hiner: Unsightly, br. h, 4, by Pursebearer Hira Yilta; Furst Bros 700 Property of W. P. Givens: Scortic, b. f, 2, by Scorpion Voltic; W. H. Bobinson .... 110 1 Property of Woodford and Younger: Queen Burlington, br. f, 2, by Barling ton Marina; George Hinkle 90 Property of John P. Houslsy : Birdie May, b. m, 7, by Leonatus May W.j Frank Sloan 150 Grandma II., b. m, 5, by Bilej Innovation; Milton Young .. ... 100 Property of the estate of J. Henry Miller: Bay filly, 2, by Sleipner Sena Boyal; J. C. Yeager 90 Property of T. H. Stevens : Salic, b. f, 2, by Governor Foraker Emily Buckra; T. A. Davis ... 90 Property of A, L. FergUBon: Ella Leid, b. f, 2, by Hammon Mattie Allen; Breeders Protective Association 35 Property of Bedford and Frazee : Louisa Wood, b. f,2, by Eing Eric Boee of Lee; C. H. Voorhnis . 190 Property of J. B. and F. P. Eeene : Chestnut filly, 2, by Hornpipe Honey-dew; J. B. Ewing 85 Property of Hon. J. C. S. Blackburn: Baby Hall, b. f, 2, by Sir Dixon Lollie ; E. C. Laff erty 93 Preble , b.f , 2, by Bossington Lady Prank ; Breedeis Protective Association 55 ; Property of John Bodegap: , Anchor, b. g, 4, by Julien Gracie B. ; J. C. Yeager 350 Long, b. c, 2, by Longstreet Contrary; 1 Georje Belknap . 120 Margaret Ellen, ch. f, 3, by Senator M. or Rowland -In Front ; Breeders Protect- . ive Association 50 Property of Lee Smith and Co. : Fonedn, br. f, 4, by Eingston Bagna; J. i J.Younker 750 e OOMTIMUMU OM FOPETH MBl. WOODABD and BHANKLINS SALE. Continnsd from First Pagt. Xiittle Veronica, b. f, S, by Jim Gore Virgin Johnson: Turntr Wilmore 160 Property of H,D. Berry: Lady Silver, b f, S, byJWadsworth Silver Bell; OotsBros 140 Property of F. E Booth : 1 Salmis, br. f , 2, by Halma Doable Bonnie ; Sam Lncas 100 Property of W. F. Sohnlte : TeBty, b. g, 7, by Bayden Edwards Petulance; E. L.Bramblett.... 15 Peretns, b. g, 8, by Ring Lee Peri; Frank Sloan 25 Skoot, br. g, 4, by Azra Qaeen Lute; J. B. Ewing SO Oaise Lee, b. f , 2, by King Lee Lustrous ; Breeders Protective Association 25 Hazo, br. g,6, by Argyle Balgerina;Frank Sloan 35 Argali, b.-f, 2, by Argyle Miss Ali; Breeders Protective Association SO Azarina, b.i, 2, by Azra Error; Breeders Protective Association 20 Property of Harry Furst : Sister Mamie, ch. m, 6, by Springbok or Audrain Logwood; 1, C. Bobineon.. . 65 Property of J. W. McCauley: OUie J b. m,, 5, by Leonard Flora V.; Frank Sloan 60 Property of Mrs. J. M. McCauley : Daisy Lee, ch. f, 2, by Audrain Zulite ; L. P. Tarlton.... 60