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amp Bating Form ISBTJKB KVBBY DAY, Eastern Jockeij Glut Bulletin oitioial org ax or SHE WESTEBN JOCKEY CLUB. ftXTOB ASfD PSOPBIHTOBi F. H. BbUHELI.. Sditoe, Cliktoh C. Bilet. Bbosbtabt, Mbs. F. H, Bbcnbll." ;2isared In the Feat Cffloa as Chicago aa oacond elan mattar. 3a5EiY BACING FOBM PUBLISHING CO A Daily Bafiectlon of the Amsrloan Turf by Xalagraph. J5and.12Q Fifth Avenue, Chicago, Illinois COPYBIGHTED. SEatSrad according to Act of Congress, in the ysar IBM. by Frank H. BrnneU, in tha office of tha Librarian of Congren at Washington, D. O.i TJ. S. A, ?Sh ahart and index numbers and track form of Daili Eacihg Foem must not be need, Shay are copyrighted daily and will be keenly protected.!