New Orleans Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-12-15

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1 1 NEW ORLEANS FORM CHARTS NBW ORLEANS, LA., December 14. Fifteenth day. Crescent City Jockey Club. Winter Meeting. Weather cloudy ; track heavy. Presiding Judge, B. W. BimmonB. Btarter, C. J. Fitzgerald. Racing startB at 2:C0 p. m. FIBST BACK 3-4 Mile. Purse 5300. 2 and 3-year-olds. Allowances. 29770 led Horses A Wt St M ft X. BtrFin JockeyB Owners O B O P 28680 A DOOM A TON 3 113 1 52 62 21 Ih Coburn M Powers 4 5 5 2 2S7192t-MALL JACK 3 1C4 2 31 2 81 22 Dominick F Cook 2 16-516-56-5 29732ECFO DALE 3 113 4 21 li 14 3 Dale Fizer and Co 3 6 6 2 29729 ABA K 3 110 9 9 51 43 41 L Smith R J Hutchinson 6 15 15 5 19732 BAD SAM 3 10 6 43 4 51 52 Donovan Liger and Brown 10 10 10 4 297J8 FANTA 7EBESA 2 90 5 610 72 7 62 Cochran J F Davis 6 6 51 8-5 297543TB E BObl ON 2 100 3 1 3" 62 72 T Meade CEJeffersandCo 6 6 6 2 2S684 LAURAS F1BST 3 100 7 7 8 8 83 Landry J W Thompson 30 50 50 15 29070 FLYING EAGLE 3 105 8 8 9 9 9 Gormloy P McGuire 30 SO 30 10 Time, 25i, 501,1 :17i. Winner B. c, by Autocrat Von Hera. Went to post at 2:00. At post 3 minutes. Start good, Won driving and all out; second easily. A uttmaton and Small Jack fought it out aU. through the last quarter, Automaton holding on game but the latter came again at the end after coming wiae at the stretch turn and was wee lit g him down. It was a weak finish on Echo Dale which ran well to the stretch. Arak closed a big pap but be was not persevered with in the last furlong. Scratcbed-2936!2Alard, 1C3: 29754 Cadet, 95; 29754 Ernest Parham, 93. Corrected weishts The Boston, 100. Overweights Small Jack, 4 pounds. Automaton, show, evens, Small Jack, Bhow, 1 to 2. Echo Dale, show, evens. BECOND RACE 0-8 Mile. Purse 00. 8-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 20777 Ind Horses A Wt Bt K ft BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 297fS311l J. BOH NEB I 107 1 1 11 li 11 Cochran W H Bichardson 4 6 6 8-5 29743 FRANK KENNEY 8 K5 7 li 52 51 2 LBmith M Van Pragg and Co 8 8 8 3 297.-3 FJKE 3 105 2 41 41 Si 31 Otis A BandDH Morris 4 6 6 2 29717TCM COLLINS 6 110 5 Si 31 22 411 Dominick Fizer.and Co 2 2 2 4-5 2S7E3tfAfcT AB1NEB6 102 6 61 6 4" 51 Litdeay C A Johnson 12 15 15 6 2P7ESf T. f TJ7E1 II T 6 14 4 7 7 7 63 Ctburn 8 LBcmmedieu 6 6 4 2 11351 QUI1N EEL EE 5 102 3 J2 22 31 7 Grrmley J W Fuller 6 6 6 2 Time,24i,SCi,l:03i. Winner- B. g, by George Kinney Princess. V ent to pott at 2:J0. At post 4 minutes. Fteitpccd. Won driving; second the seme. Little Jack Homer ren a geed race and bun on weJl.rnt he v. as etapeerinp Id tie last furlrrgand had all be could do to stall eff Frrr k Kenney and Fate. Frank Kei my made a strcnf stretch run. Fake finished strongly atd would have won in 8 few more stridrs. Bt. tuti.berteprt wlrd all over the track at,d did not like the going. Tom Collies End Queen Ether were used up in chasing the winner. . Scratched 29743Fleuron, 107; 28872 Georgia, 102; 28911 Wiedemann, 102 ; 29295 Rival Dare, 102; 28073 Blueblaie, 1C0. Overneipbte-St. Cuthbert, 2 pounds. Little Jack Horner, Bhow, 7 to 10. Frank Kenney, show, evens. Fake, show, 4 to 5. Tom Collins, show, out. Bt. Cutbbert. show, evens. OQf7rTQ THIBD BAOB 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olda and npward. Selling. AJ I lO Substitute for regular race declared off. Ind Horses A Wt Bt X ft i BtrFin Jockoys Ownere O H O P 297S32ECTKBPE 5 108 6 51 2H 25 Ih 1k Dominick Fizer and Co 21 21 1 1-2 29744 PBAW LAD 4 108 4 Hi 13 13 2i 23 Cochran J O Keene 4 4 4 3-2 29603 JEBBY HUNT 5 1061 7 71 51 31 3 31 Blake B Schreiber 8 10 10 4 28079 LOV ELL 3 1C0 10 9 7 5 42 41 Gormley E R Hodgers andCo25 50 50 20 26J51 PALARM 5 1C0 11 10 9 8 51 51 Otis A Greenleve 20 50 50 15 29744-CATBEDEAL 5 108 9 4 43 62 62 62 Dowler C A Johnson 25 25 25 8 29695 JUDGE MAGEE 5 109 5 8 10 71 7 72 Rutter MBowenandSon 20 50 50 20 28827 8FGUBANOA 4 105 12 11 11 10 10 81 Coburn G C Bennett 8 8 8 3 29741 I EXTON P1BATE7 108 2 61 61 9 9 9 L Smith H B Taylor 15 !0 80 10 29383 HEIGH HO 6 105 1 21 S 4 8 10 Landry C Mulholland 6 15 15 6 28892 PATROON 6 1C8 8 12 12 11 11 113 BsbbergerBolich and Sweet 15 60 60 25 297292 PATCH WORK 8 100 8 81 81 12 12 12 T Meade C J Feb 10 20 20 8 Time, 251,511,1:20,1:33. Winner B. m, by Cavalier Ban Dance. Went to post at 3 :C0. At post 7 minutes. Start good. Won driving: second easily. Euterpe caught Braw Lad in the last furlong and the pair fought it out closely. Both were driving to the limit. Jerry Bunt saved ground at the Btretch turn, but was anchored in the worst of the going in the last eighth. Cathedral and Heigh Ho showed speed, but both tired and quit. Corrected weights Pal arm, 100. Overweights Jerry Hunt, 11 pounds; Judge Magee, 4. Euterpe, ihow, out. Braw Lad, Bhow, 3 to 5. Jerry Hunt, show, 2 to 1. 90770 FOURTH BAGS 3-4 Wile. 2-year-ords. Handicap. d e7 I I tJ The Preliminary Derby. ,500 added. . In Horses A Wt Bt H ft BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P iAIt nfcf 8C0UT JSL1? 7 43 21 I Coburn G C Bennett 15 15 15 6 " 7?o-J-fom?xT i6i 5 5h 11 Ih 210 EBobertsjiR E WatkinsandCo6 10 10 4 S?S?JXi lll ? 2a 3? S? 31 Dn"aick F Reagan 3 31 81 6-5 f?q?A8TTMnwNTTTrAT. J 61 61 41 41 Lindsay R E WatkinsandCo5 10 10 4 9Q?inAMnTMB.0FQILEAD? I ll I 5" Landry Mrs M Abadie 10 12 12 5 IVAVrnFna 9,? 8 8 8 6h Rice J F Newman 10 20 20 8 rqiimmwnnr, i?J Ut "13 10 7i Thompson W T Baldwin 20 25 25 12 IotIandpptt0153 n1,5,,4 ,4,2 I 6i o8,1 JPnpee CKBurdeau 6 6 6 2 ,J97Sj3jEBPENT 102 13 11 11 9 91 Otis A HandD H Mnrnstl 8 8 S3LSSDlv WW 12 12 11 IClJWnkfieldAfimonB11110"1 15 15 6 ?S?k?EDEN VI Jl 9 9 12 1" Dale A HandD H Morrisfl 8 8 3 Snv IS 15 15 14 14 121 Gormley Burke and Ownbey 20 20 15 6 ?Sfivn80N 222 ! M 10 I3 IS2 Hsr-bergerT JMcHale 20 20 20 8 ffi8?Y585 J0?.? 1 Si. 5h 14.6 Cochran S G Morton 6 6 6 2 29731 SIPHON. 10111 14 15 15 15 L Smith J J Marklein 15 25 25 10 fCoupled in batting. Timo, 251 50i, 1:17. Winner-Ch. c, by Lamplighter Little Indian. At Pst 11 minutes.. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Little Scout H-nTVS-11!08111430, ar d Kaloma ran away from tho others in the stretch and in a fierce struggle wore Btagger-ic?i,eoda?dBwe7fudoTerit?.tih0ln6irail- OEagen tailed off in tht run home. He fl,Dm,i7 8 V lnner at ti,B.BEet? P: Te,ro 7aB a lot of crowding and bumping back of the. MSffiftiZandffi" bad track " was hardIy a trn8 9TiWo 8htB ?aloma- Pound ; Cast Iron, 2; Lord Quex, 1; I. Samelson, 5. LittleSoont, show, 3 to 1. Watkins entry, show, 2 to 1. OHagen, show, 3 to 5. 29780 rlFTH BA0S 1 mie pars7. 3-year-olds and upward. Belling. ln-t HorseB A Wt Bt ft BtrFin Jockeys Owners O K O P 297S2 SAB A GAMP 3 931 6 61 7 31 H 16 Dade J McNautrht 5 in in i 2957 SB UT UP 3 8 1 21 21 2 2 21 HeSreaon V Hughes and Co 6 6 6 2 29741 JANOV OOD 3 85 11 11 10 7 51 3? D Mitchell H BimonandCo 15 30 0 12 297193MORCNIZANCE 1,8? EE S f Thompson WWe?randC0C 8-5 9?5 9-5 4-5 ikUKLJNl 6 101 4 5s 41 61 61 5t Otis J Arthur is is rn i f? 85 feWf? SI I 5, 8o 7o 6,1 ?fily MBHughesandColS5 30 SO 10 945 FAIBX PAY 3 93 8 41 9 o 9 9 71 Dado B Calvert 8 10 in t 29741 MR. POMEROY 3 97 9. 9 11 11 10 8 Lindsay F W Torreyson 8 o 297C92ALBERT LEE 4 99 10 7 Ih U 33 92 Gormloy Mrs M Abadii 4 4 fi ? ox 29719 BIBDIE STONE 3 90 5 10 6 5 8 101 Cramer E J Arnold and Co 15 40 40 in 23217 LILLIAN REED 4 102 2 1 5-10 11 11 Cochran WMB.rnhrdtandColO 10 10 4 , , Timo. 261,52,l:19i, l:47i. Winner B. f, by 0. Sir Dixon Saraband. Went to post at 4:16.. At post 8 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Sara-gnmp was best m the going and drew away without much of an effort in the last furlong. Shut UpdidhisbesttbrrucboutandwaB ridden out to the limit to stall off Janowood. The latter clt sed a big gap and would have, been second in another stride. Albert Loo tired early. Ida Penzance cid her best, but the going was unfavorable to her. Scratched- 29693 Nina B. L., 91. Overweights Saragsmp, 31 pounds; Moroni, 4; Mr. Pomeroy, 1. ShbStlltlandii PP EhW eVeDS- Janood- how, B tel. Ida Penzance, 2978X 8IXTH BACE-1 MUe- Parse 00. 3-yoar-olds and npward. SeUing. Horsoa A Wt Bt H ft X BtrFin Jockeys Ownen O H O p" 29755 BAB. FRIETCHIE3 971 4 11 11 11 36 1 u Smith M Cone in in 297442ELOIE BRAMBLE 6 1031 3 32 21 Si 1" m Dominick Fizar and Co 21 ki l 1 29S02TBEBOR 6 104 5 65 41 21 21. Sio Otis K J Murphy 8-5 8 -3 R 5 7in 297203 W00D7BI0E 4 105 2 511 68 615 58 45 Minder MrsMCLvles 8 10 in I 29? 3 LADY KENT 4 97 6 41 3 46 4 5" Helgeeon FBaumheckel 5 I I? 29756 JOE DOUGHTY 5 102 1 21 51 Bn6 65 Gormley Hirth and fin 6 1" 12 l 29608 L. CHORISTER 3 93 7 7 7 7 7 7 Brown I T Griffin 50 56 50 aU 15 15 . . . Time, 25i, 511,1:181,1:46. Winner B. f, by Di St. Maxim Frances S. Went to post at 4:53. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Bar-bara Frietchio came wide at the stretch turn and finished in the best of the going and was driv-ingtothehmitattheend. Elsie Bramble was in close quarters in the run homebeing in bl-twen the winner and Trebor but ran we.l and finished Btontly. Otis was of but little he?n to Bt"etchrun TS Wa W"h E BtlDger rider Up othe e factors inthS 2milihJSSm.iU,lmi 29756 MrPhini1025 29733 Joa,99; 29745LittloElkin, 93; Overweights- Barbara Frietchie, 11 pounds; Elsie Bramble, 11. show,B3 to 5? Frietchie Bhow 3 10 2 ElBi0 Brmble, show, out. Trebor, show, out. Lady Kent,

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Local Identifier: drf1901121501_3_1
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