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AMXBIOAX SPORTING BCAHUA.I The American Sporting Manual o! 1911 too taina all racing reoordi at large, reviitfd as aompleteup to the end of 19M; four handle ping syateme with directloni for their practise,-application, a table showing how to eoMratt. bookmaking percentage!, track rceorda of oil the recognised tracks of the country, the wseV em and eastern icalea of weights, tablea show ins the comparative speed of traeki, a aosaplsli list of pugilistic contests of 19N of any eonae auenee, trotting and pacing records at all Alt tineei and a list of the new 2 :15 trottsra of 2980 Alro a eoraplets resord of prformauc Rt all ityles of billiard