New Orleans Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-12-24

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NEW ORLEANS FORM CHART: "STEW ORLEANS, LA., December 23. -Twenty-second day. Crescent City Jockey Club. Winter Meeting. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge, B. W. Simmons. Starter, C. J. Fitzgerald. Racing starts at 2 :00 p. m. 4ifiCQl FIRST HACK 3-4 mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olde and upward. MaidenB. juXjOXJ . Allowances. . Ind Horses AWtBt M X 8trFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 29728 HUTCH MILLER 3 112 3 2h 22 23 11 Miles Curry and LaFlore 15 15 15 6 29743 JOHN G. FORD 4 103 6 31 12 H 21 Cochran Duffy and Behan 4 41 41 2 29S61 SOCAPA 3 1024 8 91 7" 5h 32 J Miller J McNaught 80 80 SO 12 29806 LOWELL 3 102 2 1h 31 31 43 Gormley E R Rodgers andCo3 4 2 9-10 29827 ORTRUD 4 107 1 41 5nk 4" 5 Hope F E Fagot and Co .30 SO SO 10 29806 SIGMA NU 4 1021 7 62 41 6 6 Helgeson G W Curtis 20 20 20 8 297162 W. H. DIXON 3 112 10 8 9 81 71 LyonB Mrs T Capo 8 10 10 4 21542 QDEEN F1DA 3 1021 5 51 63 10S 8 Lyne H Gibson Jr and Co 30 30 30 12 29073 LOLA HOME 3 107 4 72 8" 7" 9k Landry M E GrasBmuck 5 5 4 2 29765 MR. ROSE 4 105 12 12 12 12 102 Earle J W Riley 10 10 8 3 29827 MONEY BACK 5 102 11 101 01010 91 11" Creamer W Matthei and Co 10 10 7 21 VOLANT1NE 8 102 9 111 11 1112 W Nelson H Corwin 30 SO SO 1! Time, 251, 491,1:15. Winner Ch. c, by Lewie Clark Gold Dollar. Went to post at 2:00. At post 8 minutes. Start poor. Won easily ; second driving. Hutch Miller caught John G. Ford tiring in the last furlong, finished fast and was going away at the nd. John G. Ford showod the most early speed but tired and quit when the real issuo came. Socapa closed a big gap and was wearing down the leaders in the run home. Lowell was cut off on the backstretch and Gormley had to pull him up. Mr. Rose was practically left at the post. k Overweights Socapa, 1 pound; Bioma Nu, 1; Queen Fida, 1. Hutch Miller, show, 3 to 1. John G. Ford, show, evens. Socapa, Bhow, 6 to 1. Lowell, show, out. Lola Home, show, evens. 8KC0ND KACS 6"8 Mlle ParB8 00, 2-yoar-olds. 8elling. 29892 Ind Horsea A Wt 8t M, K BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 29807 CADET 104 1 2" 21 1 12 Cobnrn G C Bennett 6-5 6-5 6-5 1-2 429764 CRE3CENT CITY 1051 3 S3 33 31 211 J Miller R C Bush 4 4 4 3-2 29731 POSTILLION 105 7 52 53 41 31 Dominick J W Pangle 6 6 6 2 29856MEME WASTELL 102 10 Ji 72 71 43 R SUele J J Murray 4 41 41 7-5 28878 OAKLING 102 2 61 6" 61 5k ERobertsonC Roburts 20 60 60 20 ULOTMA 102 4 11 U 2 61 Cochran J W Riley 6 8 8 3 29754 WILD BE38 1021 6 4k 4 52 74 Lyne A C McCafferty 12 15 15 6 29681 ADA 8 G. 1064 8 84 93 96 8" Landry MrB W Hoffman 20 40 40 10 9805 MAZZABA 102 5 91 81 82 91 T Dean O W Boardman 30 30 SO 10 29856 MIB3 A. 8TEVENB 102 9 10 10 10 10 W Waldo A StovenB 40 100 100 40 Time, 244, 491, 1:02. Winner Br. c, by Dr. WalmBley Charm. Vfeni to post at 2:31. At post 11 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Cadet ian to hs bst form and came away without much of an effort in the last furlong. Crescent City ran well and bung on more gamely than ueual. Those back of him, however, were of poor caliber. Postillion had to go all around Mb field at the far turn to get up and saved ground when swinging into the bomoBtretch. Meme Waetell was taken the longest route. Scratcbd-98162Lady Like, 102; 29856 The Fashion, 102. Overweights Cadet, 2 pounds; Crescont City, 11; Postillion, 3; Wild Bobs, 1; Ada B. G., 41. Cadet, show, 1 to 4. Crefcnt City, Bhow, 1 to 2. Postillion, show, evens. OfQOQ THIBD RACK Pb-ort Course. Purse 00. 3 year-olds and upward. 5itOt0 Handicap. Bteeplecbase. Ind Horses AWt Bt 3 6 9 12 BtrFin Jockeya Owners O H C P 298243DAGMAR 6 130 5 42 44 22 21 2 Ih Hartley R T Wright and Co 3 55 3 5 29162 FALELLA 5 130 1 H 11 13 13 12 21 Butler Mrs M Luzader 12 40 40 12 Y2P8241GOLD. LINK 5 144 7 61 62 64 53 32 36 J Weber M Kahn 24 18-518-51 984 CORRILLO 5 144 6 5a 51 2 31 43 48 C JohnBon 8 8 Tracey and Co 2 2 8-5 3-5 298582 HARV B. 7 1314 3 31 31 43 4" 520 520 Gaddy Reece and Co 8 10 10 3 22858 EVA MOE 4 133 2 21 24 52 62 62 65 Corbly J Fleming 8 8 8 3 10896 LOGISTIC 6 131 47 7 7 7 7 7 Ellison F F Warner and Co 12 30 30 10 Time, 3:11. Winner Ch. g, by Little Minch Ivy Benjamin. Went to poet at 3:06. At post 2 minutes. Ktart good. Won driving; second the same. Dag-mar fenced and ran well, caught Falella tiring in tbe run home, saved ground at the turn into the flat and got up in the last f w strides. Falella put up a good performance, but was swerving toward the outside in the last fifty yards. It was a bad ride on Golden Link. Weber allowed himself to get cut off at the far turn and at the finish kept his mount right in behind the winner next to the inside fence. Corrillo was tiring at the end. Scratched- 29824 Divertissement, 1S4. Over weights Barv B, 14 pounds; Logistic, 1. Dacmur, show, 3 to 5. Falella, show, 5 to 1. Golden Link, Bhow, 1 to 2. Corrillo, Ehow, out. FOURTH RACK 1 1-8 ESlles. Puree 00. 3-yoar-oIdB and upward. Selling. 99 .J- Ind Horsos A Wt St 3t H K X BtrFin Jockeya Owners O H 0 F 982;2W B. GATES 5 KG 5 3h 34 84 1H IH IH Coburn G C Bennett 7-5 7-5 6-5 3-5 298573MAJ. MANSIB4 99 3 8 8 8 74 E 24 Miller J U Btrode 18-53 3 1 296122 BALLOON 3 95 1 2h 24 24 41 34 3n J Rice J Howell 7 10 10 4 2987833WORDSMAN 7 110 6 41 4H 41 2k 22 4" Dominick FizerandCo 12 13 13 4 "298572EDA RILEY 4 1021 7 7 7 6" 5" 4 5 Lyne K D Orr 7 10 8 3 2974hEUGENlA 8. 5 99 4 1 In 1 3h 6" 62 T Dean J K Finley 12 25 25 8 29878 VUNDBLICH3 104 2 61 62 5h 671 71 NelBon T Gilfeatber 10 10 10 4 29809 F. MCONNLL5 1C4 8 5 5h 71 8 8 8 Lindsay J and C Davis 20 50 50 15-Apprntico allowance. Time, 241, 49t, 1 :151, 1 :411, 1 :541. Winner B. g, by Prince Royal Penelop. Went to post at 3:39. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won ridden out; second driving. W. B. QateB ran a good race and drew away at the 6Dd under a mild drive. Ho was the best and was -woll ridden. Major Manair as usual finished strongly after closing a big gap. Balloon and Swordeman were UBed up chasing W. B. Gates in the first mile, but both hung on well under "scratched 29876 Free Pass, 102; 29878Deponan, 97; 297902Dalkeith, 96; 29847 Lizzie A., 93. Overweights-Eia Riley, 1 pound; Frank McConnell, 2. W. B. Qwtea, show, 1 to 4. Major Maneir, show, 2 to 5. Balloon, show, 2 to 1. FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Purae 00. 3-year olds and upward. Soiling. lad Horsea A Wt Bt U. H S StrPln Jockeya Owners O H P P 29810 TBE HUSH 4 116 7 61 64 31 Ih Dale SLHcmmedieu 34 6 5 24 9850 WIEDEMANN 4 107 5 3 11 Vi 21 Lyne T C Stevens and Co 6 12 12 5 5fiRB12 1 DA PENZANCE 3 102 2 44 S 21 31 Thompson W Weir and Co - 12 15 15 6 2945 CLARA DAVID -3 102410 7" 51 41 4 Lindsay Duffy and Behan 10 12 12 5 9onQ W J RAKEB 7 107 6 9 71 52 5 Landry HenneBsey and Sons 7 8 8 3 298.5 BIM V 8 107 3 81 91 7 6" Coburn CCMcCaffertyandCo6 7 7 21 5QT!83JERRY HUNT 5 109 1 211 2h 61 71 Dominick B Schreiber 10 IS 13 5 5Q7:6 AD AM 3 102 8 51 81 9" 83 Cochran Liger and Brown 15 20 20 8 29777 OUHEN E3HER 5 110 4 Ih 41 81 94 J Winkflald J W Fuller 3 3 11-51 298 0 FOYNTZ 3 108 9 11 11 11 102 Slack C A Tilles 20 20 20 8 29603 GOLD LACK 4 107411 105 102 103 n Hayden E Peters 12 60 60 20 Time, 241, 481, 1 :13i. Winner B. c, by Oddfellow Chantrees. . Went to post at 4:08. It poBt 12 minutes. Start good. Won driving: second handily. The Bushs improvement was marked. He came from behind and fought it out strongly with Wiedemann and got up in the last few strides. Wiedemann tired but ran to the mark. So did Ida Pen-aance. Queen Beher showed early speed but got caught in a jam and Winkfield palled up. Jerry Hunt Tan well for a half Scratched 297762emall Jack, 104. Overweights Clara David, 1 pound; Queen Eeher, 1; Poynta, 1; Gold Lack, 4. The HuBh, Show, 7 to 5. Wiedemann, show, 2 to 1. Ida Penzance, ehow, 21 to 1. Queen 3aher, sh w, lto2. SIXTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Puree 00. 3-year-olda and upward. Belling. QgQg Ind HorBBB A Wt Bt St M K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P xwv7 DONATOB 6 101 8 3h 34 31 21 111 11 Coburn U Mulholland 2 2 2 4-5 !qR09 JIM BREEZE 4 102 4 61 61 54 41 44 24 Gormley J J Gilmore 20 30 30 12 709 MEGGS 6 105 9 51 43 41 51 61 3 JMichaels G H Marlmann 10 15 15 6 298473MANO .VOOD 3 88 6 8 9 81 61 31 42 Boyd H Simons and Co 4 5 5 2 iwl JOE COLLINS 3 93 5 1 1" 1" Hi 2 5" Cochran J Arthur 10 10 44 2 BABB E 6 1021 1 7 71 61 7 51 61 Lyne H Herdel 8 10 10 4 5q77 r AnRAa FST3 94 2 41 5" 7h 94 1020 71 T Meade J W Thompeon 20 20 20 8 9Q7RS3 M AT BAZR 4 97 10 9 82 95 8 71 84 T Dean I Glasscock SO SO 30 10 5mm ROOT BONNB7 1021 7 21 22 2 3 9t 91 Lindsay W A Peoples 8 10 10 4 72lJ. GAMMAGE 5 97 11 11 106 10201020 1015 Helgeson J F Holt SO 30 SO 13 29793 JACKANAPES 6 102 3 10 11 11 11 11 11 Dade J J Ogles 20 25 25 10 Apprentice allowance. Time, 24i. 491, 1:151,1:41, 1:54, Winner-Br. g, by Brutus Miss Gift. Went to post at 4 :49. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won handily; second driving. Donator ran his best race and was driving hard all through the last furlong until near the end to retain his advantage. Jim Breeze ran an excellent race and appears to have rounded to his beat form. Meggs finished Btrongly and got third place in the last stride. Janowood got in a tangle at the post and was cut down. Too much use was made of Joe Collins and he tired in the stretch drive. Scratched 29857 Pay the Fiddler, 102. Overweights Donator, 2 pounds; Meggs, 8; Barbee, 1; Lauras First, 1; Robert Bonner, i. Donator, show, 1 to 3. Jim Breeze, show, 6 to 1. Meggs, show, 3 to 1.

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Local Identifier: drf1901122401_3_1
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