American Sporting Manual, Daily Racing Form, 1901-12-24


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AMSBIOAK SPOBTIHG BCAKUAI The American Bportlng Manual of IMS job sains all racing records at largu, revised an ompletaup to the end of 1M; four handleap ping systems with directions for their praeklei application, a table showing how to eoxspuV bookmaklng percentage!, traek rieords of all the recognised tracks of the country, the wsrt orn and eastern scales of weights, tablse show tag the comparative speed of trandaka, a eoxspleij list of pugilistic eonteits of 194 of an? eonso ouenee, trotting and pacing ratords at all di taneei and a list of the new 2:15 irottaja of 2EW Alto a complete record of perloraaansss at all styles of billiards.

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Local Identifier: drf1901122401_4_2
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