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AiLY RACING FORM IB8DBD EVERY DAY, WESTERN JOCKEY CLUB BULLETIN OITIOIAIi organ or THE WESTERN JOCKEY CLUB, Editor and Pbopeietoe, F. H. Beunkll. Associate Editor Clinton C. Bilbt. Seoeetaey, Mbb. F. H. Beunkll. nterad in tha Poll Offict at Chicago as sacond clais mattari A. Daily Baflection of tha Amerioan Tnrf by Talegraph. DAILY RACING FOBM PUBLISHING CO. COPYBIQHTED ntsred .according to Act of Congress, in the year 1902, by Frank H. Brnnell, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C, U.S.A. tJThe chart and index numbers and track form of Dailt Baoing Foem mnst not be nsed. They are copyrighted daily and will be keenly protected. 1S4-126 FIFTH AVE., CHICAGO, IIXINOIS SINGLE COPY 5 CENTB. St. Louis, Mo Oitigb 19 N. Beoadwat, Bask-hknt. m. muephtt, agent. On Balk at 8 :30 a.m. -Daily Baoing Fobh can be delivered to any address in St. Louis. Back nnmbors can bo promptly supplied. Orders for advertisements can be left at the St. Louis office for telegraphic transmission. TEBM8: far Month . ? 1-25 Half Year J.50 One Year i-0 , iThe above rates are for single copies as sealed letters first-class mail. Daily Racing Form Pnbhshing Co. prefers to send jingle copies as first-class mail in all cases. Local subscriptions outside the down town district will be declined at other than first-class aail matter rates. SOBSOEIPTIONB MUST BK PAID rN ADVANCE. To be considered and answered all Queries to Daily facing Foem must be sent over the full name ind with the address of the writer. Those names iud addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory test. Cincinnati, O . W. S. Manns. Geneeal Agent. Chicago, Illinois, Septembee 21. 1902.