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How 0 Earns Every Day ! j Only system beating the races 1 Booklet sealed free I Look into it 1 My System Co., Urbana, 111. HAVE YOU Horses for Sale TWO, THREE and FOUR-YEAR-OLDS WANTED. CAN USE TWO OR THREE GOOD FIVE OR SIX-YEAR-OLDS. Wanted at once. 6ive Full Particulars, conditions, price, etc. Address B. and C, CARE DAILY RACING FORM OFFICE, CHICAGO. Reynolds and Co. 119 DEARBORN ST. - Tuesdays Good Things: Waswift, - 3-2, won Flying Toipedo, i -! , won Americano, 5-1, won iFcho Dale, - - 3-2, wor All of the above were named to win but Ameriao. The latter was given for a place play. TODAY TFE HAVE FOUR ALMOST SURE WINNERS. The odds will be from 3 to 15 to 1. TERMS DAILY; ANY SIX DAYS. Delivered to any city address before 12 oclock. Wired at 10 a.m. For sale at news stands soutn-east and northwest corners Clark and Madison Sts. Five Good Winners Again. My special information sheet contained the following straight winners yesterday: ECHO DALE, FLYING TORPEDO, WASWIFT, REMORSE and Jack Demund, Special, and which was wired to all my patrons throuskest the U. S. for a good thing. TODAY I HAVE A 5 TO I SHOT and I advise all my local patrons to call at y office and take advantage of my winning information which I am obtaining daily for my patrons. I also have several long shot winners in view for this week. Ex-Jeckey Vic Britton, 539-40, 225 Dearborn St SPECIAL NOTICE o Those Who Pia the Races. We have .sent to over 800 clients 80 per cent, of winners on the western and eastern races this fall and expect to do still better, as we know of several LONG SHOTS THAT WILL WIN both in tho west and east. A trial will convince the most skeptical of our ability to send winners. Our statement sent free. If we dont bring you out big winner on weeks trial will send you the following weeks wires free. We place commissions on at the tracks for any amount from S25 up, mailing you daily a. m. play each day, sending winnings each week. Our charges for this are 15 percent, of net winnings NO OTHER CHARGE. Terms for information wired daily all over the United States: 0 Weekly, Three Days, Daily. THOMPSON and CO. F. O. Box 30, SHEEPSHEAD BAT.LI. Race Track Information Bureau BUITE 500, 263-209 DKARRORN ST. PHONE HARRISON 3689. TERMS: .00 DAILY. f4.00 WEEKLY. WORTH MEETING, 22 DAYS, 4.00. WEDNESDAY the Feature of our Three-Horse Wire will be a 15 to I Shot. This one the handicapper will overlook entirely, and the only ones who will bet on him will be our patrons. That they will cash we are fully convincf d and their winnings can be strung along on two others, on the chances of which thousands of dollars will bo watered This is an opportunity that does not occur more than once or twice a year and those who take advantage of it wHl win hundreds of dollars. To every man and woman who is a loser on the season we extend a cordial invitation to join oar army of winners today. FORM LETTER HANDICAP ON ALL RAGES READY AT 9 A. M. Also sold at news stands northwest and southeast corners Clark and Madison sts. : cigar stand in rotunda, 185 Dearborn st. ; cigar store, 267 Dearborn st. and Sherman, Grand Pacific, Wellington and Great Northern Hotels.