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liLK RACING fDRM I83DED EVERY DAY, STERH JOCKEY CLUB BULLETIN tiattrtd in tat Poet Offlos at Chicago ai ssoond alas matUr, A Daily Rtfltction of th American Turf by Tolgraph. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. COPYRIGHTED Snitred according to Act of Congrass, in th yaar 1902, by Frank H. Bruntll, in the offica of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C, 0. S. A. , Taa chart and index numbers and track form of QxiiiT Raoimg Fosm must not ba usod. They ! copyrighted daily and will bo keenly pro- omou.ii organ or THB WESTERN JOCKEY GLOB, Editor and Phopeietob, F. H. Bbunelii. Associate Editor Gmntoh C. Rilbt. Seobetaby, Mbb. F. H. Bbunell. tdt-126 FIFTH AVE,, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS. TERMS: Par Month Half Year One Year... "-00 The above rates are for single copies as sealed loiters first-class mail. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to sand tingle copios as first-class mail in all cases. Jjooal subscriptions oatside the down town district-will be declined at other than first-class tail matter rates, BUB80BIPTIONB MUBT BE PAID IN ADVANCE. 3t. -ouis, Mo.. Ojticb 19 N. Bboadwat, Bask- MENT. M. MURPHY, AGENT. On Sale at 8 :30 a.m. Diri Racing Fobm can bo delivered to any address in St. Louis. Back numbers can be promptly supplied. Orders for advertisements can be left at tne at. Louis ofHce for telegraphic transmission. To be considered and answered all quri3 to Daiandt aOING Fobm must be sent over the full name knd with the address of the writer. Those names nd addresses ara subject to a local and foreign rctory test. Chicago, Illinois, Novembeb 4. 1902.