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POCKET FORM BOOKS. Sheets for Pocket Form Books can be found a the following hotels and news stands at 9 oclock nightly : Saratoga Hotel. Palmer House. Auditorium Annex. Great Northern Hota Stratford Hotel. Victoria Hotel. Wellington Hotel. Grand Pacific Hotal, Lexington Hotel. Hotel Warner, 33rd and Cottage Grove Avo. Fitzpatrick, 154 22nd St. Dusenberrys, 105 E. 18th St, Gores, 365 W. Madison St. FashB, 516 W. Madison 8t. J. J. Bastian, 989 W. Madison St. AMERICAN SPORTING MANUAL Tha American Sporting Manual of 1902 contain all racing records at large, ravisad and complain up to tha end of 1901; four handicapping systami with directions for thalr practical application, a labia showing how to compute bookmaklng par cantages, track records of all tha recognised tracks of tha country, tha western and eastern scales of weights, tables showing tha comparative spaad of tracks, a complete list of pugilistic contests of 1901 of any consequence, trotting and pacing records all distances and a list of tha naw 2 :15 trotteri of 1901. Also a complata raoord of performances at all ttylai of billiards. NOTICE. Parsons transacting business with this nawspapar are earnestly requested to make out all drafts, checks or money orders uniformly to tha order of Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. Similarly correspondents and other persons who may have occasion to communicate with Daily Racing Foem on matters pertaining to such topics as are treated in its columns should invariably address Daili Racing Foem Publishing Co. Coney Island Jockey Club Race Course: Sheepshead Bay, N. Y.. Office: Windsor Arqade, 571 Fifth Ave , New York. Ji Events to Close Monday, November 17, 1902. CO R THF IIINF MP FTI N Rl 1Q03 ?ottube void P?"1?,1,1,1?! assumed. by the then owner, notice in writing to that effect, accompanied rwrY mu JUIIt. 1VI L- b. I I li 13 I WO. the by payment of all forfeits, being given within three months after such demise. Last Six Furlongs THE FOAM fiOO Added. Estimated value, ,000. For two-year-olds foals of 1901. By of Futurity Course, subscription of 5 each for starters; 8 iO forfeit; or $ 0 if declared out by May 15, 1903. With ,500 added, Tni? rvivTrRv on nnn w of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. Winners of ,500, 5 lbs. ; of ,000, 7 lbs. extra. Non- , S t i r WoSbt for age. For t 1L three-year-olds and upward, now yearlings and winners of ,C00, allowed 4 lbs. ; maidens allowed 8 lbs. last Five Furlongs of Futurity Course. nDwad subscription of 0 each for horses now yearlings ; or 0 each for horses now two-yoar-Olds THE SURK-500 Added. Estimated value, ,000. For two-year-olds foals of 1901. By befl Wor subscription of5 each for starters; 0 forfeit; or 0 if declared out by May 15,1903. With ,501 starter to pay S2W additional Guarant eed" casL value 000 lh o Con f tlnd rMnh added, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. Winners of ,500, 5 lbs extra ; of ,000. or of ot less thai . The wTnner to r?Mi S15 0M the second horse tti 000 thl thi?d hnrS SiVnH Last Five nominator ohTwinneTw!r.Sha and a Half Furlonjjs of Futurity Course. valne 0f tne ra06-Over the advertised amount, the surplus shall go to the winner. One Mile and a Half FOR THE JUNE MEETING 1904. FOR THE AUTUMN MEETINGS 1904 AND AFTER. ,UbOTd tocSSS!.00- Forth--lds ward. Acontinuous event; out by February 1, 1904; or 00 if left in after the last mentioned date. Each starter to pay 50 Cocditions for horses nnmiDntnd hs wnnnlinro- Ttventvwinfinn r,t ...un......,,.ti. . additional. Guaranteed cash value 0,010. The Coney Island J.ckey Club to add not less than ,000. the only liability??! Xt fTot the ySrfn whch the horse yeartinT 5,010, the second horse 5C0, the.third horse 500 the nominator of the winner andere follow!? declared s a If left in The winner to receive after tat date shall be additional costs, as 5 if out by Jufy lY of the in $",00, the nominator of the second horse 1902.sh0, and the nominator of the third horse 00. Should the money which the horse is two ars old if declared out by February 1 of the year in which tha horse year is addedby the Coney Island Jockey Club increase the value of the race .over the .advertised amount, the- three years old, or left inafter the last mentiod date Furplns shall go to the winner. Colts, 12t lbs. ; geldings, 123 lbs.; Allies, 121 lbs. One Mile and a Jear in which the horsQ ifJ two years old an accopted transfer of th0 Foal Entry, accompanied with all Quarter. forfeits to that date, the nominator will be released from further liability. THE MEK3IAIH-,500 .Added. Estimated value, ,0G0. For fillies three years old foals of Conditions for horses, nominated as yearlings: By subscription of 0 each, the only liability if 1901. By subscription of 0 each for starters; 0 forfeit; or only 0 if declared out by May 15, 1933; or declared out by July 15 of the year in which the horse is two years old; or 00 if declared out by Febru- S25 if declared out by February 1,1904. With ,500 added, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third, ary 1 of the year in which the horse is three years old. If left in after the last mentioned date 50 each. THE I. A WHENCE RELATION- 10,000 Added Estimated value, 0,. .For foals of the ?hThoS; 1901. For three-year-olds foals of 1901. A sweepstakes by the following respective subscriptions: For attimeof entry; 50 to the owner of the third horse at fcimn nf ntrv h srn tn fr?no, If f? horses nominate as foals by November 18, 1901, 5 each or only 0 if declared out by November 15, 1932, Jeyelom lbs four-yeaco ds if declared out by November 17, 1903. For horses nominated aa yearlings by November 17, 1902, ri i ll! or 0 ances. Winners of any race, when three years old and upward of the value nf U MO ta when the stakes shall be closed, 50 each or 5 if declared out by Novembe erV Non-winners V any w pay 50 additional, all of which shall go to the second and third horses as further provided. The Coney 5 ibs. Non-winners of any race when three years old and nnwnrd nf th v1iia Wt ifLiio5 in 11? Lllnd Jockey Club to add ten thousana dollars 0 0001 The second to receive ,500 of the added Winnin in handicap money and two-thirds of the starting money : the third 50 of the added money and one-third of the and a Ouarter. aso, uui uo iuusiub, xnu mues starting money. The nominators of the winner, of the second horse and of the third horse, to receive SpecUl Conditions: The entry of a horse for this foal race as a or yearling shall aualifv such , and 00 of the added money, respectively, whether they are the owners of the horses when the horse if not deciared out, to start for the race when three years old. and e year thereafter on uav- transfer of the foals entry, the original subscriber will bo released from any liability as to the engage- FAR THF II IMF WCCTIMO ment of said entry except the first forfeit of ,laving the purchaser liable for same unless duly struck wn I n 1 uUnL IV1 C C I out. Should a subscriber pr transferee die before jthe race the entry shall not be void, proviaed it be THE IiAWRENCE KEAL1Z TION 0,000 Added. Estimated value 0000 For foaliof assumed by the then owner of the horse, notice in writing to that effect, accompanied by the payment of iq02 For three-:year-olds A sweeostakes bv thn fnllnwinp TosnpirA T onr:t!.V, . kv,. if all accrued liabilities, being given within three months after such demise. One Mile and Five Fur- fa L foals bf November 1! 5 efch or on 19038 orSMif longs. declared out by November 15, 1904. For .horses nominated as yearlings by Nqvember 16, 1903, when the --a Tur A , ITI UJIM HitCrTIMP 1Qrkl i FOR w.i THE k--w AUTUMN w MEETING 1904. st,aKe? 8h,a11 Ioie.d ?,ach or a lf declared out by Novembsr 15, 1904. Each starter to pay 50 additional, all of which shall go to the second and third horses as further provided. The Conev Island THE GKEAT FILX.Y STAKES -With ,000 Addrd. Estimated value, 0,000. For fillies Jockey Club to add ton thousand dollars 0,000. The second to receive ,500 of the added money and two years old foals of 19.2. By subscription of $" each to accompany the entry, the only liability if do- two-thirds of the starting money: th6 third 50 of the added money and one-third of the starting money clared ont by November 1, 1933; and 5 each if declared out by May 15, 1904: or 0 if declared out by The nominators of the winner, of the second horse and of the third horse, to receive 00,00 and 00 of July 15, 1904 ; or 00 if left in after the last mentioned date. Each starter to pay 50 additional, which the added money, respectively, whether they are the owners of the horses when the race takes place or shall be divided netween the nominators of the Allies placed first, second and third, as further provided, not. The trainers of the winner of the secoud horse and of the third horse, namely, the trainers at time The Coney Island Jockey Club to add ,000, of which ,250 to the second and 50 to the third. The of race, to receive C0, 50 and 00 of the added money, respectively. Colts. 126 lbs.; geldings 13 lbs nominator of the winner to receive 50 per cent of the additional fees paid for starting; the nominator fillies, 121 lbs. Non-winuers at any time of $",000, allowed 4 lbs.: of ,000, 7 lbs ; of 000 lo lbs By of the second 30 per cent and the nominator of the third 20 per cent. Winners of two races of ,000 or filing on or before November 15. 19J3, with the Coney Island Jockey Club an accepted transfer of the one of $",10 5 lb, extra; two of $"0l0 or one of 0,C0U, 8 lbs. extra. If sire or dam has not produced a foals entry, the original subscriber will be released from any liability as to the engagement of said entry winner prior to November 1, 1902, the filly will be allowed 3 lbs. for either, or 5 lbs. for both, said allow- except the first forfeit of 0, leaving the purchaser liable for same unless duly struck out. Should a ance to be claimed at time of entry. By fi ing on or bbfore November 1, 1933, with the clerk of the course subscriber or transferee die before the race the entry shall not be void, provided it be assumed by the of the Coney Island Jockey Club, an accepted transfer of engagement in this stake, the nominator will then owner of the horse, notice in writing to that effect, accompanied by the pavment of all accrued be released from further liability. 8hould a subscriber or transferee die before the race, the entry shall liabilities, being given within three months after such demise. One Mile and Five Furlonjrs. ENTKIES TO BE ADDRESSED TO THE CLERK OF THE COURSE, CONEY ISLAND JOCKEY CLUB, Windsor Arcade, 571 Fifth Avenue, New York City.