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NEW ORLEANS ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather cloudy : track good. Apprentice allowance. Runs well in mud. First Bce-7-8 Mile. 3- year-olds and upward. Selling, Iud. Horses. Aire. Wt. Hdcp. S5691Maxille S....1B9 660 29354 Lawrence M 3.. ..109 700 S2S87 Thane 3....1C9 725 S652Major Tenny 5... .109 705 S660l3John Potter 4....1C9 650 22714 Hiram Johnson 5.. ..109 610 28853 Whangdoodle 4.... 109 640 35890 Buehnell .-. 5.... 102 625 36584 Lemoyne 3. ...102 715 Second Race 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances. 36709Farmer Jim 5....112 670 35888 Ringdove S....112 685 S6377 Daddy Bender 109 670 6695 Harry 109 685 H668HTrene Mac K....1C9 650 36587 Latuka ....109 700 S6700 Mrs. Frank Foster ....1C9 685 S65872Athlana ; ...109 695 6711 Shrine ....106 695 3578T Hindi..... ....106 690 36587 Agnes Mack 99 690 S5873 Emir 99 665 Third Race 6 1-2 Furlongs. 4- year-olds and upward. Selling. 36111 Boomerack 4.. ..108 ......710 36725 The Bronze Demon.. 4.... 185 680 36672 Ben Frost 7.. ..103 685 6Y28 Limelight 6....103 690 S6696-vKiss Quick 5.... 103 690 36660 Sister Kate II 4... .103 660 56661 ZackFord 4.. ..103 690 S528Iris 6. ...103 715 S6725 Montanic 5.... 103 7C0 36590 Boundlee 5.. ..103 685 367292Eva Rice 7.... 98 720 36540 Sue Johnson 5.... 98 725 Fourth Race 1 Mile. 3-jear-oldg and upward. Allowances. 36554 Kilogram 5. ...110 700 367262Antonius 5.... 110 695 360432Nitrate 4 .... 110 715 S67U Potente 7.. ..107 720 366972Rough Rider 5.. ..107 700 34821Artena 4... .107 720 36710 Little Scout J.... 3.. ..107 690 86636 Ray 3.. ..102 705 367282ElsieL 3.. ..102 725 Fifth Race 1 1-16 Miles. 3- year-olds and upward. Sailing. 36695 Peter Duryea 5.. ..106 690 S6729Sarilla 5.... 105 715 364r.93atin Coat 4.. ..103 700 36662Moketo ... 4.. ..102 690 3S71GScotch Plaid 7.. ..102 725 36742 The Messenger 5.. ..101 700 3660S Annie Lauretta 7.... 101 685 36712 Croesus 8... .100 625 367293Marcos 3.... 99 700 36613 Poarl Finder 3.... 94 705 Sixth Race 6 1-2 Furlong;. 4- year-olds and upward. Selling. 36635 Frank Kenney 4. ...112 710 366852Alfred C 5.. ..Ill 710 36400 Prince of Melrose 4.. ..110 665 335063Critrion 4.... 108 720 328122Sir Vere de Vere 5.. ..108 720 36032 Ed L 8....105 700 366843Bummer. 6....105 725 35933 Gala Day.. 7.... 103 700 36688 Shut Up ...4.. ..103 685 36725Moroni 7.. ..103 720 366643Georgia Gardner.... S.... 4.. ..102 630 36729Flmneur St.... 4.. ..100 675