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1ILYBACINGF0RM! IS8TJBD EVERY DAY. DAILY RACIMG FORM PDB, CO. j PUBLISHERS OF ; WESTERN JOCKEY CLUB BUMETIN. Editor and PnoPEiETon, F. H. BbukeiiL, Associate Editor Glihtoic 0. Kilst SKOBETABT, MBB. F. H. BBUNHMi. gatarsd In the Post Offio at Chicago as wcond elan matter SSand-126 FIFTH AVE., CHICAGO, IiMNOIS A Daily Reflection of the American TnrI by Telegraph. COPYRIGHTED .Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1903, by Frank H. Brunell, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C., TJ 8. A, CThs shark and Indax nnmbers and track form of Diilt Baoinq Fobm mnit not be used. They U copyrighted daily and will be keanly pro-Stated. SINGLE COPY S CENTS.