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AMERICAN SPORTING MANUAL. The American Sporting Manual of 1903 contains all the racing at large, revised and complete up to the end of 1902; five handicapping systems -with directions for their practical application, a table showing how to compute bookmakingpercentages, track records of all the recognized tracks of the country, the western and eastern scale of weights, tables showing the comparative speed of tracks, the racing statistics of 1902 giving amounts "won by owners and horses and jockey record, a complete list of pugilistic contests of 1902 of any consequence, trotting and pacing records at all distances and a list of the new 2:15 trotters of 1902. Also a complete record of performances at all styles of billiards. Memoriam,6-i,won JUST AS ADVERTISED. Our track sharps knew what? they were talking about when they stated that Memoriam was one of the highest tried fillies on the coast and could give even the unbeaten Precions Stone an argument. Not a newspaper or tipster in town, or elsewhere, picked this one to win. In fact they never heard of her before until her name appeared in the entries yesterday. HQRTOii, 25 to I, WON Was Our Special Saturday. Doesnt these kind demonstrate that we aro in the know? WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY We will put another hot one over the plate. The price will be from 10 to 30 to 1. Remember, ours are not empty bottom promises. CALIFORNIA Telegraphic - Selections. Suite 708, 225 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Wired at 10 a. m. Terms for Handicap Slieot, including Specials, Per Day, Weekly. Also for sale at news stand corner Clark and Madison sts. TODAY ! "THREE SLEEPERS." "Re in with this." M. A. Walker and Co., 502, 167 Dearborn St, W. F. HAGEMAN TURF BROKER WELLINGTON CLUB ST. - - LOUIS, MO. 415 North Seventh St., Up Stairs. FORMERLY OF 620 ST. CHARLES ST. Bell Phone 4843. Kinloch D. 707. Mario Lavigne ...TURF BROKER... PLEASANTON HOTEL, SAN FRANCISCO, GAL, Commissions of arid upwards executed accurately for 5 per cent of the net winnings. NO CHARGKS ON I.OSINO COMMISSIONS Capt. Gaston, iO-i, Won. Over 1,5C0 of our regular clients received the above good thing as a guaranteed special yesterday. SHERIFF BELL, TELAMON AND SCORPIO were also given to win on our handicap sheet. Saturday we put Horton over at 20 to 1. This is the sort of information we always have on tap, which accounts for our enormous clientage all over the country. Today we have Another Grand Special. Such as Captain Gaston was yesterday. Tho odds will be from 6 to 15 to 1. FIVE WINNING SPECIALS FOR .00. Scratches and horses finishing second and third not counted. Only actual winners. This series is devised especially for people who do not care to nlay over one or two races a day. Terms for handicap selections, including best bets, .00 daily, S4.G0 weekly, delivered to any city address before 12 m. ; wired at 10 a. m. Sheets are always on file for public inspection. Reynolds and C-, 13 Dearborn St, ESTABLISHED J 890. Well, We Told You Sol OUR NEW ORLEANS SPECIAL WIRE WINS AGAIN. Capt. Gaston, 7- i , won; Ahumada, Won; Scorpio, Won. "We also gave Telamon to Win ; Honolulu, third Some 200 hundred of our customers received these good things yesterday, either by wire or special messenger. These repeated winnings of our SPECIAL WIRE day after day shows most conclusively that our information comes from a reliable sourco and is not the result of handicapping or guessing. As advertisod in these columns previously WE ARE ON THE "INNER CIRCLE" AT NEW ORLEANS and the conclusive proofs to this statement are THE SPECIAL "WINNERS we hand our clients every day. Our New Orleans office wires us daily at 10 a. m. after tho scratches are all in and everything has been cut and dried. Today a couple more will romp homo in front to the tune of our "Satisfied Clients" and another wad of "yellows" will bo added to the expanding bank roll. For this information wo charge you .00 daily, .00 for six days, .00 for twelve days. For the benefit of those who desire to play one or two races only wo have inaugurated a series of specials for which we make a charge of .00 for five actual winners scratched, second and third horses do not count against you. When five specials win your subscription expires. Wired any part tho world 10 a.m. STEENSEN STAR SPECIAL COMPANY, SUITE 513, 225 DEARBORN STREET. On sale also at Saratoga Hotel, 71 S. Clark st.. and Atwood Bldg news stand, cor. Clark and Madison sts. FOUR REGULAR TRAINS VIA Stations lt Sua 3rd -tth Lake Shore Ry. IS?S?nSt Wll i;?o Grand Central SUitlon, Harrison St. and Euglewood " 12:48 1:18 1:48 223 Fifth Ave. Grand Crossing. 12 :54 1 :24 1 :54 2 :29 RUNNING TIME 35 MINUTES. South Chicago.. 1:01 1:31 2:01 2:36 Four trains returning at 4:45, 5 :24, 6 :10 and after last race. ROUND TRIP 25 CENTS.