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KX1V GSLZAKb ENTITIES. Probabilities: Weather wet; track sloppy. Apprentice allowance. Runs well in mud, First Race 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowance? . Ind, Horses. Xne. VYt. Hdcp. 37423 Albula 5.. ..115 700 367773 Antonius 6.... 115 695 374263Stuart Young 4....1C9 675 3742120Hagon 4.. ..109 725 37440 White Owl. 4.. ..107 695 37-"88 MollioT 4.. ..107 685 37307 Jim Nan 5.. ..105 675 .17404 Ornature 3. ...100 720 37404 Senator Morrison.... 3.. ..100 690 374433Josetto .... 3.... 95 710 37404 Double O 3.... 87 720 Second Race 7-8 Mile. 4-joar-olds and upward. Soiling. 37354 Swordsman 9.. ..110 685 37387 Sir Gatian 7.. ..107 650 37426 Alpaca 6....107 695 374"9 Zack Ford 5. ...107 690 374053Masterful 5.. ..107 690 36879l-om Collins 8....105 725 37409 Brown Vail 7.. ..105 700 137354Thane 4.. ..105 715 37374 Tommy Dunne 4.. ..104 600 37375Illuminate 4.. ..103 690 37405Dodie S 4.... 99 700 Third Race 1 1-8 Miles. 4-yoar-olds and upward. Handicap. 374423Scotch Plaid 8.. ..106 720 37408 Boaster 4. ...103 705 37442 Cogswell 5....1C0 700 S7219 Jessie Jarboe 7.... 100 725 373923Ben Chance 6 ... 95 710 Fourth, Race 1-3 Mile. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. The New St. Charles Hotel Stakes." ,000 added. 37271 HPetunia 115 685 37371jBird Poud Ill 660 37304Aransas Pass 110 700 37406Becky Rice 110 695 37271 Walter 110 670 373403May Holladay 105 665 373tCf Transmigration 102 650 37371? Jessie Weller 102 640 iOllman and Hayman entry. R. W. Walden and Sons entry. Fifth Race 1 1-16 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 37444Chickadee ... 4... .107 715 37441 Campus 7.... 106 ..... .650 37426 King Barleycorn 7....105 695 37J25Ceylon 6. ...105 725 is739t2Mosketo ... 5... .104 710 37444Polly Bixby 6.... 103 705 V7:88 Moranda 5.. ..101 700 374?.92Denny Duffy 6... .101 720 mm Pearl Finder 4.... 99 715 3744iSue Johnson 6.... 96 710 Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-ysar-old!. Sallinx. 37372llanser S....1C6 725 37422 Barkelmore .... 106 690 37372 Blanco ....102 670 37372Safeguard ....102 705 37426 Kiwasa.... 99 665 S7456Aurie B 97 720 374CSBrookston 97 700 37426Crntchfiold 97 . 663 37426Flora Levy 92 ......675