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SPRING MEETING IIQDT DITT TflPlf PV TTQ SUMMER MEETING JUNE 6 TO JUNE 19 JljlljUJull U USjJVjD I SJjliUjJ BEGINS AUGUSTS? CHICAGO Stakes for Spring and SummerMeetings 1903. Entries Close Wednesday, February 18. Added Money and Full Values in Cash. Handicaps with 00 to ,000 Added; Jhn Uorlam Matinnal Handicap. Value 0,- five races of any value or of one race of the value of races of the value of 50 each in 1901 allowed 3 winners of a race of the value of 00 that have not 1 lie fiai lull MdUUlllll ooo. A handicap for three- ,500 allowed 5 lbs. ; of 00, 8 lbs. ; of 00, 12 lbs. ; lb?. ; of one such, 5 lbs. ; of any race of the valuitof won three races allowed 3 lbs. ; two races, 5 lbs year-olds and upward. Entrance 5 each, and 50 of 00, 15 lbs. One mile. 90 in 1933, 8 lbs. Maidens allowed 12 lbs. To be maidens, 10 lbs. ; maidens that have run in a stakes each for starters, 0 forfeit, or only 0 if declared ?l. n-ijn Selling, ,500 Added. Value run Saturday, June 13. One and one-eighth miles, and not beaa placed in such, 13 1b. Five furlongs, out by April 6, 1903. Guaranteed value, 0,000, of HIC MUillll Est. ,100. For three-year-olds and The Rjuarcilp Selling, ,500 Added. Valu Tht YflimFQtzr 1.500 Added. Value est. ,- which ,400 to second and 00 to third horse. Full upward. Entrance 0 each; 0 additional to ,IIB niVBiaMtS Est. $,0M. For thre-year-olds lilS luUilblgr 200. For two-year-olds foals of values to be paid in cash by the Harlem Jockey start. ,500 added, of which 00 to second and foals of 19B0. Entrance 3 each; 3 additioaal 1931. Entrance 0 each; 0 additional to start Club. Weights to be announced March lb, 19UJ. 50 to third horse. The winner, unless otherwise to start. ,58J added, of which M to second and ,503 added, of which 00 to second and 50 to winner after the announcement of weights or two stipulated when named to start, to be sold at auc- 50 to third horse. The winner to hssoldatauc- thiH horse. A winner of stakes of the value of races of the value of ,500 each or one of fy" tion. Horses entered not to be sold to carry 5 lbs. tion. Horsss eatsrad to be sold for ,030 to c irry ,23j to carry 3 lbs.; of two such stakes or of one of carry 4 lbs. ; of two of ,000 each or one of ,00, above the scale. Those entered to bo sold for ,500 scale weight; 2 lbs. allowed for each 53 to ,3JO; the valuj of ,030, 5 lbs.; of three or mora stakes of lbs.;of three of ,C00 each or twp of ,C00 or one of to carry wojgnt for age; 3 lbs. allowed for each then 1 lb for each 00 to ,050; thin 2 lbs. for each lha value of ,W3 each or of one of the valneof ,000, 12 lbs. extra. For horses handicapped at 115 00 to ,000; then 1 lb. for each 00 to 30. A 3100 to 03. A wiuuer, after ilrch 31, of a race of ,03, 8 lba. nxtra. Non-winnors of a racf. of the to 121 lbs., these penalties shall apply to tho extent winner after andlarch 1, 1903, of a race of the value of the value of ,030 to bs entered for not less than value of 30 that have not won five races allowed 9 of one-half only; for those handicapped at IE. to ,;0C to be entered for not less than ,500. Start- ,330. Starters, with selling prices, must bs named lbs.; thres races, 5 lbs.; two races, 8 lbs.- maidens" 127 lbs., to the extent of one-quarter only, ana erS wjtb SQiiiug prices, must bo named through throagh entry box at ths usual honr of closing the nibs.; maidens beaten four or more timas, 18 lbs horses handicapped at 128 lbs. or over snail incur entry box at the usual hour of closing the day pre- day prscsdiag tho race, and thosa so uamad will bj Five furlongs. no penalties. For 3-year-olds the penalties shall c,ding the race, and those so named will be liable liable for starting foe. Oai mile. , n in i r.nn i.i.i-i -ir i not make the weight exceed 115 lbs. To ba run the for etarting fee. Ono and one-sixtsenth miles. 4l500 ! PfOVISO .ftYffa Tr f Tha Dfl,it1 Added. Value est IS! 033 For For twn nM One and three-si- TIlB Petite first day of the spring meeting. Handicap, ,000 Added. 0.yaat flM foX9tt!S" I" of 1901. sJinWiSiSS teenths miles. liltJ DaiUtSII Ulljf Valuo Est. ,750. A handicap trance 0 each; 0 additional to start. ,530 ,503 added, of which 00 1 to second and SISJ to Tho Onth flPntlirV ,a , c?VJ-?Ei ?x -atV.Iea- for thre-year-olds and upward. Entrance 0 each; added, of which 00 to sncoad and 53 to third third horse. Horses entered to bs sold for 003 to nB ZUUI tiBIUUiy Valueast.$,700. A handicap 0 additional to start. ,003 added, of which 00 horse. A winner of a stakes of th vauo of S1,U3 carry scale waight; 2 lbs. allowed for each SO to for three-year-olds and upward. Entrance 510 oacn; to second and 00 to third horse. Weights to bo to carry 3 lbs,; of two such stabs or of ono of the ,9W; then 1 lb. for each . A winner of 25 additional to start. ,000 added, or wnicn?uu announced three days before the day appointed for value of ,703, 5 lbs.; of three or more stakts of ths a race of th value of ,43 to be entered for not to second and 00 to third horse. Weights to do the race. A winner of other than a soiling purse valus of ,000 each, 8 lbs. extra. Noa-winners of a lsss than ,610. Starters, with selling prices mast announced three days beforo the day appointed lor race after tho announcement of weights to carry 5 race of the value of 30 that havi not won three be m ide through entry box at the usual hour of the race. A winner of other than a selling purse lbs. extra. Six furlongs. races allowed 3 lbs.; two rases, 5 lbs.; maidens, 10 closing the day preceding the racs, and those so race after the announcement of weights ito carry o ,008 Added. Valueest. Lbs,; m,alds,as. that iriyi run in a stakes and not nam.d will bs liable for starting fee. Fiveandone- lbs.extra. To be run Monday, September 7. One J fB , LBWIS lilfllK 399 For throe-year-olds been placed in such, 13 lbs. Four and oae-lulf half furlongs. and three-sixteenths miles. foals of 19J0. Entrance 0 each; 5 additional furlongs. . . Handicap, ,500 Added Valno TKe Phiiotrn ,000 Added. Value Est. ,500. to start. ,000 added, of which to second and Th, flraMatg. I1,5.03 Added. Value est. ,033. "JliMUi a3t. ,200. A handicap for two-year- 1116 UnlCagO, F0r three-year-olds and upward. 00 to third horse. Woights 5 lbs. below the scale. 1110 ul a"al0 For two-year-old colts and eldings olds foals of 1901. Entrance 0 each; addi- PntrHnceSlOeach; 0 additional to start. ,000 A winner of a three-year-old stakes of the value of foals of 1931. Entrance 0 each; 0 additidW tioaal to start. ,500 added, of which 00 to added of which to socord rd 00 to third ,?00 after March 15 to carry 5 lbs.; of two such to start. .l,o00 added, of which 3 to second and sacond and 50 to third horse. Weights to be v horse A winner after March 1, 1903, of a stakes of stakes or of oneof,500 after March 15, 5 lbs.; of 50 to third horse. A winner of a stakes of the annonncsd three days beforo the day appointed for thn vnlno of S3 000 or of three stakes of the value of three or more three-year-old stakes of the value of value of ,000 to carry 3 lbs.; of two such stakes or the race. A winner of other than a aellintr Dnrsa iPfJi BBch to carry 5 lbs. extra selling stakes not ,e00 each selling stakes accepted after March 15, of one of the value of ,700, 5 lbs.: of three or mora race after the announcement of the weights to carrv considered. Non-winners after March 1, 1903; of 8 lbs. extra. A non-winner of two three-year-old stakes of the value of ,000 each, 8 lbs. extra. Non- 5 lbs. extra. Six furlonga. feusocarry Entrance fees muBt accompany nominations. Entry blanks may lie had upon application to the Secretary, or to the office of Daily Racing Form. Address nominations and all communications to M. Nathanson, Secy, 80S Merchants and Trust B9dg., Chicago.