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DEL, »1AK PAKE KNrKlKS. Hrobabinti*!.: Weathor cloudy; track very heavy-. "AnDr*itic«i allowance. liandBnns well in mnd. First itace O 1-2 Furlongs. 3-jour-olds find apward. SaliiuK. Ind. Horses, wt. Hdcp. 39898 Dr. Carrick 5..110 720 " 39849 Georgia Gardner 5. .103 . 690 39S97 Peaches 4,.. 5.. 103 ....710 39S44 Aransas 4... 4 103 700 39824 Dominis J" Si iTOS 39942 Loca 4. .101 ....705 39944*One More 5. .100 . 715 39990 Dr. Kammerer A.. 3.. 97 715 38890 Judge Cantrill 4 .. 3.. 96 ....700 39577 Stub 3.. 96 ....710 39849 Require 3.. 94 ....700 39968sMrs. Wiggs 3.. 92 ....725 Second Race— 5 1-a Fur onus. 2- yenr-olds. Allowances. 39895 Wreath of Ivy 105 ....720 3999101d Stone A.. 103 ....725 39943tDr. Cartledge 5..103 ....715 398313Ocyrohe . £..103 ....705 39920 Arnold K. 4...103 715 39966tOra McKinney 4/. .100 .. 710 tJ. F. Daniels and Co. entry. Third Race— 1 1-16 Allies. 3-j ear-olds and upward, Selling, 39995 W. B Gates 4... 7. .107 ....700 39845 Burke Cochran .p.. 3. .105 ..M710 39971*Edgardo 6..103 .."705 39995The Way 4.. 101 ....720 39990*Galanthus 6.. 97 715 39923*Baronet 5.. 97 ....725 Fourth Kaco— 1 Mile 3- year-olds and upward. The Delmar Inaugural Handicap. ,500 added. 399692Lady Strathmore 5.. 117 750 39994 Jack Young 3 105 .."735 396522Light Opera 3..102 ... 735 39556 Helen Print 4.. 100 730 39969 Pirateer 3.! 96 "720 39945 Buccleuth 4«.. 4.. 96 ***725 39995 W. B. Gates 7.. 93 720 39994 Pourquoi Pas 4 .. 3.. 92 „!!740 Fifth Race— 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 39947 Orleans A.. 5..110 .. 720 39946 Kings Pet X. 7. .102 705 39947 Called Back 4 100 705 *" 39922 Welcome Light S.. 3. .100 715 39894 Our Lady 7... 5. .100 710 39873*Golden Glitter 4.. 100 725 39947*Deerhunter 3.. 97 .."[715 Sixth Race— 6 1-2 Furlong*. 3-j»ar-oldi» and apward calling. 39S72 Joe Goss 6. .113 . 705 399472Pierce J m 39897 Lord Neville 8 .108 ""715 39603 The Buffoon 6 107 "705 39992 Ciales 4 105 ""710 39990**Custus , * 3 97 ""715 39968Maverick $ 3 96 720