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GARDNER HORSES WIN TVO AT WINDSOR. Nashville Crowd Makes a Killing Jockey Moreland Is Fined and Suspended for Rough Riding. Detroit, Mich., June 18. A heavy track prevailed at "Windsor this afternoon, and form was at a discount, only two favorites winning. The card wis an ordinary one, hut speculation on each of the ii races was heavy, considering the jrtze of the fields, "ems. the usual Monday average. E. S. Gardner continues his winning streak his colors belug carried to the front twice durlnjr thi? afternoon by Bouvlac and Malta. Quite a clean-up was made over the two victories, as Mr. Gardners bet was followed by a plunge by a contingent of; Nashvillluns here. The biggest surprise of the afternoon was the defeat of La Pucelle by Bon Mot. The latter ran an unusually good race. At one time it appeared as if La Pucelle would canter home, but she tired in the stretch and was beaten easily at the end. Jockey Moreland was lined 5 and suspended for five days for roughing La Pucelle through the first part of the stretch. The officials are determined to suppress the least bit of rough riding and each offender in this respect will be promptly punished.