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, JERE DUNN DIES IN NEW JERSEY. New York, June 27. Jere Dunn, widely known in racing and sporting circles, died at Elizabeth, N. at 10 oclock this morning. His death was due to a stricture of the larynx, from which he had suffered great pain for many months. Mr. Dunn was in San Francisco at the time of the earthquake and made the journey to Elizabeth about May 1, stopping at Chicago for two or three days, where lie told his acquaintances that be was going to New Jersey to die. lie knew that the end was fast approaching. In the old days about Chicago Dunn was a familiar figure in gambling circles. In 1SS4 he killed James Elliott, who had the reputation of being a "bad man," in a tight in the old Tivoli restaurant. The trial of the case extended over about four months and cost Cook County aliout X100 000. Dunn was acquitted. lie came to New York and killed a character of the "Hungry Joe" tvtte known as "Logan No. 2." The coroners jiirv acquitted Dunn, rendering a verdict of "justifiable homicide." After this Dunn became the owner of a stalde of thoroughbreds headed by the famous Sunny Slope. He never departed from the turf and he never owned another horse as good as Sunnv Slope. Of late years his stable was wuall and embraced only mediocre horses."