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NINE NAMED TO GO IN SARATOGA SPECIAL. Information About the Youngsters Who Should Produce a Fast Race at the Spa Today. Tho Saratoga Special, the big "jack pot" race for two-year-olds, is to have its sixth running at the Spa today. In tills race the winner takes It all. There is nothing to the second nnd third horses. The conditions of the race are these: "The Saratoga Special for two-year-olds. By subscription of ,000 each, half forfeit. A piece of gold plate to the value of ,r00 to lie added by the association. Subscribers to name three horses by May 1, and only one starter to be named for each subscription. Six furlongs." On March 5, when the entries were closed for the Saratoga Racing Associations stakes, it was found that nineteen subscriptions had been taken. Newton Bennington, James It. Keene, Paul J. Rainey and Harry Payne Whitney took two each and August Belmont, W. Harry Brown, Louis A. Cella, Herman B. Duryea, Frank J. Furrell. Francis K. Hitchcock, John B. Madden, Andrew Miller, John Sanford, Sydney Paget and R. T. Wilson, Jr., took one each. On May 1 the horses to represent the subscriptions were named as follows: August Belmont Don Enrique, Rosemount,, Glamor. Newton Bennington No. 1. The Mikado, Sir Toddington. Waterbury. No. 2. De Mtind, Pau-monok. Judge Post. W. Harry Brown Elfall, Pennrrls, Salvidere. L. A. Cella Ben Strong, Miss Strome, Tlvollnl. II. B. Duryea Prince Fortuuatus, Prince Hampton. Ramrod. V. J. Farrell Joe Cassidy, Kernochan, Sea Water. F. R. Hitchcock Farceur, Fantastic. Mitre. James R. Keene No. 1. Grlmaldl, Superman, Peter Pan. No. 2. Philander, Gretna Green, Ballot. J. K. Madden Faust, Golf Ball. Bat Masterson. Andrew Miller Newcastle Stable McCartcr, Conjecture, Saracenesca. Sydney Paget Charles Edward, Water Fearl, Ruby Light. John Sanford Rockstone, Flint Hill, Sir William Johnson. Paul J. Rainey No. 1. Anna May, Prattle, Belfast. No. 2. King Castle. Voluntary. Vervane. H. P. Whitney No. 1. Westbury, Dinna Ken. Cornelia filly. No. 2. Littleton Maid, Fads and Fancies, Marathon. It. T. Wilson, Jr. Aletheuo, Pendarvels, Grand Vedette. When Newton Bennington sold De Mund to Paul J. Rainey for 5,000 the subscription In which he was named went with him, and that gave Rainey three subscriptions, though long ago It was known that two of them would not lie represented. At the recent sale of W. H. Browns two-year-olds Frank ONeill bought Penarris and likewise the subscription to the Special. But he soon found that Penarris would hardly do for such a race. Then Salvidere. which had been bought out of the same sale by Thomas Hitchcock, Jr., proved his value. The new owner, who originally had taken no subscription, but bad acquired one through the partnership arrangement with John E. Madden in Golf Ball, sought out ONeill and purchased the 1 Brown subscription for Salvidere. This completes the list of transfers. Iiy the use of the entire nineteen subscriptions taken, the race could have had nineteen starters and could have been worth 0,000 to the winner, in addition to the ,000 In gold plate, but this is not to be. Only nine subscriptions, it appears from the entries, are to be represented, though it is possible to add others up to forty-five minutes before the race is run. With the nine horses named starting and no others added, the race will be worth to the winner 4,000 in money and ,500 in gold plate, the starters paying ,100 each and the subscriptions not represented by a starter paying; 00 each. Since there are no penalties and allowances In the conditions of the race, the starters will carry the scale weights for age, which are 122 pounds for colts and 11! pounds for fillies and geldings. The nine youngsters named to start arc: Herman B. Duryeas b. c, Prince Fortunatus, by Handspring Mon Droit. Francis It. Hitchcocks br. f, Fantastic, by Galore Phantom Belle. Thomas Hitchcock. Jr.s ch. g, Salvidere, by Bel-videre Sallle of Navarre. Thomas Hitchcock, Jr.s h. c, Golf Ball, by Plaudit Gutta Perelia. James R. Keenes b. c, Peter Pan, by Commando Cinderella. James It. Keenes ch. c, Ballot, by Voter Cerlto. Newcastle Stables b. c, McCarter, by Knight of the Thistle Candle. Paul J. Ralneys ch. c, De Mund by Goldfinch Gruciosity. Joint Sanfords b. c, Rockstone, by Rockton Lady Primrose. Prince Fortunatus is a full brother to Major Dain-geriield. lie was bred by the late Captain James B. Clay at the Iroquois stud and was sold to Mr. Duryea as a yearling for ,000. At that time he was known as Fayette. Mr. Duryea changed the name. Salvidere was bred by Captain S. S. Brown and Charles F. McMeekln. Mr. Hitchcock paid ,800 for him a few weeks ago. ne is the largest money earner among the starters for the Special. He is a half brother to King Henry and Gambler. Golf Ball was bred bv John 13. Madden at Hamburg Place. Fantastic is a halt sister to Spectre. Peter Pan and Ballot were both bred by Mr. Keene at Castleton stud. The former is a halt brother to Von Tromp. Ballot Is a half brother to Stolen Moments. McCarter is a half brother to Andover. Rockstone Is a half brother to The Emblem. Ihe history of De Mund Is too well known to call for repetition at this time. Here Is a record of the performances and earnings of these horses to date: Horses. Sts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. Amt. Salvidere 4 3 1 O 0 S,7.0 Rockstone 2 O 0 1 1 r, De Mund 4 2 1 1 0 Ti.850 Ballot r. :: l i i Fantastic 10 1 1 2 C 1.210 Prince Fortunatus.. 4 O 1 0 3 100 McCarter 0 3 1 0 2 3,9.r. Peter Pan r. 3 1 O 1 12,020 Golf Ball ! 2 2 1 4 2,515 Prince Fortunatus and Rockstone are the only maidens in the list. With the exception of lantastlc and Golf Ball the others are all stake winners and here Is a list of the stakes they have won: Ballot Double Event first part, at Sheepshead Bay. Neptune, at Brighton Beach. De Mund Juvenile, at Belmont Park. Peter Pan Surr, at Sheepshead Bay. Hash, at Saratoga. .McCarter Bonnet, at Belmont Park. Salvidere Montauk. at Brighton Beach. Brighton, Junior, at Brighton Beach. Wlugcd-Foot Handicap, at Brighton Beach. The best races of the seven winners over fast tracks were as follows: Horses. Dls. Wt. Jockeys. Time. Salvidere, C furlongs, 110; W. Miller 1:131 Golf Ball, r. furlongs, 10."; Radtke 1:07 Peter Pan, r,J furlongs, 125; Radtke 1:00 Ballot, r.J furlongs, 122; Radtke 1:00 De Mund, " furlongs, 117; J. Martin McCarter, C furlongs. 122; W. Miller 1:148 Fantnstlc, 5 furlongs, lOl; Sewcll 1:071 Salvidere and Ballot arc the known mud runners 1 of the party. Salvidere ran tlx furlongs In 1:15, with 120 pounds up, In the mud at Brighton, and In similar going at the same track Ballot carried 125 pounds and ran likewise in 1:15. Everything considered. Salvidere appears to have the best chance In the race today. If the track is as fast as It was yesterdav the winner will run the six furlongs In better tluin 1:13. Salvidere can do it. So can LThe"distance of the Saratoga Special In previous years was five nnd one-half furlongs. Goldsmith won the first running In 1901. In 1:081. Irish Lad duplicated tills performance in 1902. Aristocracy encountered mud In 1903 nnd won In 1:11!. Sysonby got over the route in 1:07, in 100-1, nnd Mohawk II. ran In exactly the same time last year. Each of these winners carried 122 pounds. The first two were ridden by Nash Turner, Frank ONeill rode Aristocracy and Hedfern had the mounts on the next two. In 1901 tho race was worth to the winner 4,WK; In 1902. S,000: in 1903, 1,000; in 1904. 4,000, and last year, 0,500.