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MEETING OF W. J. C. STEWARDS. The regular monthly meeting of the stewards of the Western Jockey Club, postponed from Monday, was held yesterday. Beyond the formal sanctioning of the dates for the meeting at Douglas Park, Louisville, and tlie naming of the olliciais for that meeting, little other than routine business was transacted. The report of Secretary Woodruff is as follows: Upon application, racing dates were allotted the Douglas Park Jockey Club from September 3 to September 1.", and from Kcptcmlier 21 to September 20. both inclusive. Racing olliciais were approved as follows: A. W. Hamilton, presiding judge; M. Nathanson,. associate judge and racing secretary: John Ilatlimeister, general manager; A. B. Dade, starter; George Dillon, clerk of the course. Mr. M. Nathan-soil was appointed olliclal steward to represent the Western Jockey Club at said meeting. Protested forfeits were dismissed and ordered paid as follows: J. Stephenson, 5, to Highland Park Club; .1. P. Bird, ?:;0. to Pacific Jockey Club; J. C. Yeager, SCO. to Pacific Jockey Club; E. G. Stutte, 10,. to Paeilie Jockey .Club; T. J. Ililde-brand, . to Pacific Jockey Club; J. 15. Dunn, 75, to E. E. Smathers. Jockey Dudley Barrlnger aud owner C. U. Link were restored to good standing. Application for reinstatement of jockey James M. Stevens was passed for future action. Application for reinstatement of William .Plotted, owner, was dismissed for lack of jurisdiction. The following licenses were granted Trainers: George W. Clark, Jr.. Thos. Harvison. Jockeys: John Doncgan. Arthur Martin, George J. Wilkerson.. Apprentice: Keller Stovall. Apprentice allowances granted; Clias. Smith, Roy A. Mentry, Joint Roller!, Jr., Ralph M. Welsh, Chas. AVilinot. Several applications for licenses were passed for future action. Complaint of P. J. Miles against trainer Clark and C. G1H was passed for future action.