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5 Guarantee! On Monday, Oct. 1, I will give out a trick that will run at Brighton Beach, which I will guarantee to win at DAILY RACING FORM AVERAGE ODDS OP 5 TO 1 OR BETTER or money refunded immediately Oct. 2nd. All Remittances MUST be made by Bank Drafts, Postoffice, Express, or Telegraph Orders. I" I Suite 83-85, jlU. QTIS ""ixxsr- Jk WOODS CgQ DAILY FORM LETTER Dearborn Street Daily Weekly YESTKKDAY OUR fjETTER GAVE: Marshal Ney .. 4-5 won John Iiyle 18-5, 3rd Merry George.. 8-1 won Nioless 7-1, 2nd Frank Lord 5.2 won Gov. Orman... 2-1 won bea dalt 4-1 won Posing 7-2, 2nd El Dorado 15-1, 2nd SURE WINNER! 5th RACE AT HAMILTON today Dunt fail to r t this one, as lie will be 5-1 orbet r. CITY OF TRAVERSE FARE, 25 CENTS. Leaves Barrys Dock, foot of East Michigan St North Side, at 1:15 p. ni. S. S. Lena ICnohloch leaves 55th St. pier at 1:45 p. m.f transferrins passengers to the Traverse off that point. Return trip will he made as follows: S. S. Lena Knobloch will debark passengers for 55th St pier at p. m. and after last race, making the second trip to 55th St. Passengers wishing to reach the city early can leave Traverse on 4:30 boat and make connections with 5:07 express train on .Illinois Central at 03rd fct. station, which reaches city at 5:20 p. m. A bus line has been established between corner of Randolph St. and Wabash Ave. and Barrys Dock. Service every 10 minutes. Last bus leaves at 1 p. ni. sharp. NOTICE. The Traverse will not go to South Chicago except when weather conditions prevent the s. S. Lena Knobloch from landing at Goth St On such days passengers will be landed at 02d St. in time to catch 5:05 express train on III. Central. REYNOLDS and CO. rushed isao. Before the public Ho HSr.EXPert every day. R, 510, 114 Dearborn St. VlL CHICAGO. JJjll. Dally;. 5 Weekly. Today Our Tslo 20 to I WMlM advertised longanot goes, MilMlr an our correspondents, $ wllr from whom this informa- fiandWiJMm tion comes, write ua it ImUML SHOULD WIN SURE! Now is the time WefeverMisrep- t0 yOUrSClVCS resent. q bak r NATIONAL RACING REVIEW NO. 3 5. Itooin 87, 71 Dearborn Street, Chicago, III. Yeterday Special, ANGLEK, 6-5, 8rd. Our 3 horye wire shows a nice winner every week. You are missing jt by not getting In. .00 per week. TURF REPORTERS SPECIAL R. 312, 59 Dearborn Street, Chicago. Saturdays Special use new Book No. 95 79-Si 86-9C-10-87-99-85 Entry List 6-lM2-l-205-207-212 214-228-260-268 261. Send One Dollar and.?HS Avenue, Chicago, 111., for a copy of "What the Running Horses Did In 1905." The advantages of this vest pocket publication to you are beyond your comprehension until you have seen It To see It is to have it, nnU youll wonder how you ever got alon withont H- liii. American Racing Manual J. FOR 1906 Contains all Racing Records from January 1, 1905, to January 1, 1906. Three Up-to-date Tables as Used by the Handicappers of Racing-, with Direc-tions for Application. Bookmaking Percentages. J Track Records. Track Speed. Comparative Speed J Records. Winners of Important Stakes. Statistics j of 1905. Englands Great Races. Records of Har-2 ness Racing Up to Date Jt, Jt, BO CENTS BOUND IN LEATHER 30 CENTS ROUND IN PAPER DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING COMPANY 124 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, Illinois