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B1SSELL IS INTERESTED IN NEW TRACK.. Population-of Over 1,000,000 to Draw From Description of the Probable Site. Pittsburg, Pa., October ll.Gcorge J. Bissell, this citys foremost racing enthusiast, inspired the movement which Is to result in the building of a racetrack iu WeSt Virginia by the organization to be known as the Pittsburg Jockey Club. The site for the track, will be one of llrree tracts of land, all located at Hollidays Cove, Hancock County, and all within one mile and a half of each other. All of them are within forty-one miles from Pittsburg, twentyrfive miles from Wheeling and about a half dozen miles from Steubenvillc. It is a beautiful spot and the surroundings remind one strongly of the Latonia track. The location is easily accessible by railroad, being reached by the Wheeling and East Liverpool" branch of the Pennsylvania. The course is about two miles away from the Wheeling junction ou the main line of the Pennsylvania. The railroad company has agreed to run trains from the Union Deriot in Pittsburg to the new track in an hour, and from Wheeling in a half hour. The Sinclair traction roads will carry the racegoers from other points. The valley is an exceedingly populous one and the race course will be practically in the center of a population that exceeds 1,000,000.