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Los Angeles Jockey Club 00,000 in Stakes and Purses. ASCOT PARK No Purse Less Than 00.00. STAKES TO CLOSE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1906, FOR THE WINTER MEETING OF 1906-1907, ; BEGINNING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1906. LIBERAL ADDED MONEY TO ACL OVERNIGHT EVENTS. THE JONATHAN CLUB HANDICAP. 500 Added. THE SANTA ANITA HANDICAP. 500 Added. A HANDICAP SWEEPSTAKES TOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD AT THE TIME OF CL0S- A HANDICAP SWEEPSTAKES FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD AT THE TIME OF CLOS- INC Entrance 0, 0 additional to start; ,500. added, of wliieh $.".00 to the second and 00 to the ING. Entrance 0, 0 additional to start; ,500 added, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. Weights to be announced three days prior to the day of the rape. Winners or other than a selling third. Weights to or- announced tiuee days prior to the day of the race. Winners of other than a selling purse, after the announ?ment of the weights, to carry r Ins. extra. To be run the opening day, Thurs- purse, ifter the weights are posted, to carry 5 lbs. extra. To be run Saturday, January 26. day, November 29. One Mile and a Sixteenth. The Brooks Course. THE SANTA CATALINA SELLING STAKES. 850 Added. THE ASCOT OAKS. 500 Added. A SELLING SWEEPSTAKES FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD AT THE TIME OF CL0S- A SWEEPSTAKES FOR THREE-YEAR-OLD FILLIES OF 1907 how two-year-olds. Entrance 0, ING. Entrance 0, 0 additional to start; ,250 added, of which 50 to the second and 50 to the 0 additional to start; ,500 added, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. Weigh? H5 Ins. third. The winner to be sold at auction. Those entered to be sold for ,000 to carry weight for age; winners vlnners of OL a a sweenstnkp sweepstakes, m or nf or three tnree racs races other omer thqn man selling selling nnr.a- purses oftor after January mnmirr i i, innr ISM., tn to nnrrr carry 5 lbs. ih If for less, 1 ib. for each 00 to ,000; then 1 lb. for each 00 to 00. Winners of a race of the value of 00, or two raees other than selling purses, after the closing of this stake, .not to be entered for less extra; non-winners of a race of 00 in value at any time, allowed 5 lbs.; maidens, 10 lbs. To be run than ,200. Starters, with selling prices, to be named through the entry box at the usual hour of closing, Saturday, February 2. One Mile, the day before the race, and lhost so namod to be liable for the starting fee. To be run Saturday. Decem- M?r S. Seven Furlongs. THE ASCOT HANDICAP. 000 Added. THE RIVERSIDE SELLING STAKES. 500 Added. A HANDICAP SWEEPSTAKES FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD AT THE TIME OF CL03- A SELLING SWEEPSTAKES FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD AT THE TIME OF CL0S- ING. Entrance 0, 0 additional to start; ,000 added, of which 00 to the second and ."WOO to the ffirand for . WeWit. to be announced five days prior to the day of the race. Winners of a sweepstakes, or of less, 1 lb, for each 00 to ,000: then 1 lb. for each 00 to 00. Starters, with selling price, to be "vo raeeR of any value, after announcement of the weights, to carry 5 lbs. extra. To be run Saturday, named through the entry box at the usual hour of closing, the day before the race, and those so named February 9. One Mile and a Quarter, to be liable for tlie starting fee, formerly a handicap. To he run Saturday, December 15. One Mile. . THE WOODLANDS STAKES. 500 Added. THE CALIFORNIA CLUB v HANDICAP. Mr, 500 Added. , . , ..... A SWEEPSTAKES FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS now yearlings 00 of the added money donated bv A HANDICAP SWEEPSTAKES FOR TW0-YEAR-0LDS Entrance 0, 0 additional to start; Ln lr SenribM. hcrGoer. ftUr owner of .MVm,,mto Woodlands Stock Farm, F,,rm near St. T,n Louis, Mo. Wntrona Entrance 0, , 0 , additional ,,;,,, to ,500 added, of which 00 to ihe second and 00 to tho third. Weights to be announced three days prior to the day of the race. Winners of other than a selling purse, after the weights are posted, to start. ,500 added, of Which 300 to the second and 00 to the third. Winner of a race of 1906.sh00 In carry 5 11. extra. To be run Tuesday, December 25. One Mile, valne, or of three races other than selling purses, to carry5 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed-5 lbs. If beaten THE ROSE SELLING STAKES. 000 Added. two llmes 5 bs- additional. Starters to be named through the entry box at the usual hour of closing the day before the race and all so named to he liable for tlie starting fee. To be run Saturday, j. February 3 30. A SELLING SWEEPSTAKES FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD AT THE TIME OF CLOS- - ING. Mr. Oeorgc Rose donates ,000 of the added money. Entrance 0, 0 additional to start; ,000 - xour r"B!. added, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. The winner to be sold at auction. Those en- - THE ASCOT DERBY. 000 Added, tcred to be sold for ,000 to carry weight for age; if for less, 3 lbs. for each 00 to. ,000; then 1 lh. . for -each 00 to . Starters, with selling prices, to be named through the entry box at the usual hour A SWEEPSTAKES FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS OF 1907 now two-year-olds. Entrance 0, 0 addi-of closing; the clay before the race, and those so named to be liable for the startlngfee. To be nm Tues- tlonal to "start; ,000 added, of which 00 to the second and 50 to the third. Winners of a sweep-day, 1. One Kile and a Sixteenth. January stnkeg of lh- of ?1500 ln 1907 3 lb3 . o two of or one Qf ?2 000 g lbs extRl Non.wlnie THE HOLLYWOOD HANDICAP. 500 Added. of a sweepstakes in 1908 and 1907 allowed o lbs.; maidens, 14 lbs. Allowances not accumulative. To be- A HANDICAP SWEEPSTAKES FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD AT THE TIME OF CLOS- run Friday, February 22. The Brooks Course, ING. Entrance 0, 0 additional to start; ,500 added, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the. ttiv cawti hakbaka raprapa ctah-wc itmnn a.ia.i third. Weights to be announced three days prior to the day of the race. Winners of other than a selling HiAiLKis. 000 Added. purs after the announcement of the weights, to carry 5 lbs. extra. Formerly a mile and a sixteenth. A SWEEPSTAKES FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS now yearlings. Entrance 0, 0 additional to start; To be run Saturday, January 5. One Mile. 5100o aJleli of which ?20p ,0 tne n1 00 to the tn,rd Uorses whlch have run lhree or m0 THE CORONADO BEACH SELLING STAKES. 500 Added. times and have not won three races allowed 3 lbs.; two, 5 lbs.; beaten maiden?, 12 lbs. To be run Wodl,estlor, February 27. Four and One-Half A SELLING SWEEPSTAKES FOR TW0-YEAR-0LDS AND UPWARD AT THE TIME OF CLOS- Furlong. ING. Entrance 0, 0 additional to stait; ,500 added, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the THE ASCOT CUP. 500 Added, third. The winner to be sold at auction. Those entered to be sold for ,000 to carry weight for age; If . for less, 3 lbs. allowed for each 00 to ,000; then 1 lb. for each 00 to 00. Starters, with selling A HANDICAP SWEEPSTAKES FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD AT THE TIME OF CL03- prlces, to be named through the entry box at the usual hour of closing, the day before the race, and those ING. Entrance 0, 0 additional to start. A silver cup and ,500 added, of which 00 to the seconii so named to lie liable for the starting fee. To be run Saturday, January 12. One Mile and a Sixteenth. and 00 to, the third, the fourth horse to save starting fee. Weights to be announced five days prior to the day of the race. To be run Saturday, Marcli 2. Two Miles. THE PASADENA HANDICAP. 500 Added. THE SANTA MONICA STAKES. 000 Added. A HANDICAP SWEEPSTAKES FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD AT THE TIME OF CLOS- . ING. Entrance 0, 0 additional to start; ,500 added, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the A, SWEEPSTAKES FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS now yearlings. Entrance 0, 0 additional to start: third. Weights to be announced three days prior to the day of the race. Winners, of- other than a sellins ,000 added, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. Non-winners of a sweepstakes allowed purse, after the weights are posted, to carry 5 lbs. extra. To be run Saturday, January 19. 3 lbs.; and if such have riot won four races, 5 lbs.; three races, 7 lbs.; maidens, if never placed ln a , One Mile and a Furlong, sweepstakes, 12 lbs. To be. run Saturday, March 9. Five Furlongs. All Communications Should bo Addrosscd to J. W. BROOKS, Manager, Nos. 610-511 Bradbury Bldg , Los Angolos, Caj.