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FEW QUEER LOOKING" RACES. "Although I bad a losing season." said Havid . Jehaaea, tin- racetrack plaaget to the New Terk Sun. "1 waat to say that all of my rererses were caused by what i known as racing luck. 1 ndcr Ihe Jockey Clubs ceatrol racing here last year was clianer than i-ver before. There were very few c 1 1 1. er locking races, and public form was by no means a delusion and a sna.e. as some perasaa fried to make it onl. I made some big bets Which were winners and also BOBM lilieral wagers which were niisuc c -essful. but I never saw anything wrong beyead the form rcreraala over which aehedy had any control. 1 do not liolievo that racing in Knglaml. France or any other fbreiga country is as well conducted as the sport in the state of New York. The public is well protected here and so are the horsemen. There is plenty of money for evety-body, and above all Ihe sport is on the square. As tar as the specula t ive end of racing is concerned. I do not believe that two ineii can be prevented from making a personal wager on the restilt of a race any more than in other -.porting events where there is an element Of Chance. It is more a matter of judgment that must be used in playing the races than sheer luck, ami that is why honest racing has been SS widely appreciated and patronized by the public."