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I : r THIS IS THE DAY! j OUR /feK EXTRA GUARANTEED f*%S|33 SPECIAL I hBQQ I v/ GOES I KKMKMKRK. we ruarantee the trice to be 5 to 1 arsattarar give a Two Month* iBBaoriBClaa to the Turf Jieporter K1IEE anrl a |*M .-ul oription to our Dally »ne-Ilor»e Wtre if lior-e iloe not «V1N. , WIN AND WIN ONLY 6 to 20 to 1 POSITIVKL.Y no information will be pivsn out at Otlice ai this trick until 11:00 A. M. C. WOOD A CO., ROOM 812, 5» DEAH U« i!N KTKKET, CHICAGO, ILL. . T.