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NEW MEMPHIS JOCKEY CLUB S. R. MONTGOMERY, President. :: :: :: M. N. MACFARLAN, Secretary. Office: 2 Cotton Exchange Building. NIONTGOIVIER Y PARK MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. Stakes to be Run at the Spring Meeting, 1907. To Close on Monday, Jan. 28, 1907. — - no PURSE LESS THAN 00.00. If there are enough horses to justify, three jumping races each week will be offered. ,000 Added. Foals of 1905. Gaston Hotel Stakes; subscribed to by Gastons Hotel. ,500 Added. The Montgomery Handicap. A sweei. ttakra far rwo-yrar-oWa, colt* and gelding*. 0 to accoupaay the aoariaatioa aad 0 addi- A handicap spepstukes for three yrer-oMa ami npwiird. 0 to accompany tbe nominatii.i n:nl $." 0 tlonal t start M.inhi added, i i arbiefa 00 to second and «i to third, foorth to aare starting uoncjr. additional to start ,500 added, of which .$.ii0 to seeoad and M to third, tiie fourth to save starling Four Fuilongs. rooney. In addition lo the stakes the winner will receive a valuable piece of silver donated bv the Crab. ,000 Added. FoalS Of 1905. The Ardelle Stakes. Welghta to be annooneed before .» a. in.. 21 days before the race. The winner of a race other than selHa* 01 the value ol ifl.000, or two races other than selling of anv value after the weights are announced to A sweepstakes for two-year-old tillies. 0 to accompany the nomination and *..!• additional to start. carry 5 lbs. penalty. One Mile and One-sixteenth. IHX added of which Z2*K to second aad 00 to third, fourth to save Stalling money. Four Furlongs. ,000 Added. The Peabody Hotel Handicap; subscribed to by the Peabody Hotel. o, o« «wh m ir„ ,* „* ,onr Ti.„ »!»„„,!,: c*„c K ■ ,250 Added. Foa s of 1905. The Memphis Stakes. . , .. . . , ,, ,, - / _ - - A handicap sweepstakes for three-year-olds and upward. 0 to accompany noininath.u aad *5 -iddi-A sweepstakes for two-year-Olds. 0 to accompany the nomination and s. additional to start. ,260 tJoaal to start. M.ihki added, of which 00 to second. 00 to third, the fourth to save starthag monev. sdded. of wiibn 50 t. seeoad and 50 to third, fourth to sare starting money :; lbs. below the scale. Weights n be smtoaaced two days before the race. One Mile and One-eighth. The winner of two races other 1 Ik.ii M-llinjr Of toe rahM "t ,000 each to carry :: lbs. penally. Non-winners of ■ ra e other than seuing of the value of 00, or two races other than selling of any value allowed ,000 Added. The Tennessee Brewing Company Stakes; subscribed to by the 5 lbs. Maidcs allowed m H-. Fivo Furlongs. Tennessee Brewing Company. ,000 Added. FoaiS Of 1904. The Tennessee Derby. A selling sweepstakes for three-year-elda and upward. 0 to accompany the nomination, and 0 A sweepstakes for three-year-olds foals of MM. W0 hi aceomoaay the nomination, 00 additional additional to start. ,000 added, of which 00 to second and *100 to third, fourth to save starting "WKy- U4" winner to be sold at auction for $::.500- if for less. ." lbs. allowed lor eaen IBM to .5N; to Start ,000 added. Of which 00 to second, 50 to third, fourth to Bare Starting money. 5 lbs. ftelow tiie s.:,!e The winner of a three vear-old race of the value of ,000 t.. carry 5 lbs penalty. ,h,n ! m- , n «•*■ *, l0 !"ss " *- 0°- s«arters and selling price to be named through the entry Iw.x it the .Maidens allowed 7 lbs. One and One-eighth Miles. arnal time ol cli.sing for this day s racing, and those so named are liable for starting fee. Seven Furlongs. ,000 Added. Foals of 1904. The Tennessee Oaks. ,000 Added. Cotton Steeplechase Stakes— A Steeplechase Handicap. A BWeeastakes for three-year-old lillies f,.als Of ItOft. 0 each hi accompany the nomination. 0 A sweepstakes for four-year olds and upward. 0 each to accompany nominations. .O additional .0 additional to start, sdded, of which 900 to s,-.-,,n,!. .«kmi to third, foartfa t sare starting money. start. ,000 added, of which 00 to second. SIOO to third, fourth to save starting ssoa .v. Weights to lie B lhs. below the scale. The winner of a three-year-old race Of the value of ,000 to carry a lbs. ptnalty. Simoaactd two days before the race. Four or more horses of entirely diflerent interest to start, or the Maidens allowed 7 lbs. One Alile. ■"• 111:,v be declared Off. Starters to be named through the entry box at the usual time of closing the day before the race, and those so named are liable for startiug fee. About Two Mile:. ,000 Added. Foals of 1904. The Hotel Gayoso Stakes; subscribed to by the Hotel Gayoso. NOT,Tf,1pl 1 Entries are made with following condition: Tbat all disputes, claims and objec- A sweepstakes ..; tl .roe yea r olds foals of MM. 0 to accompany nomination and 0 additional to Xv i-i . tions arising out of the racing, or with respect to the interpretations of the start. The Cmb t" add ,000, of which 00 to second and 00 to third, fourth to save starting money, conditions of any race, shall be decided by a majority of the Executive Committee present, or those Weights, 5 lbs. below the scale colts 117. geldings ill. tillies 112. The winner of a three-year-old race whom they may appoint, and tbeir decisions upun all points shall be fiual. of the value of ,000 to .nry .". us. |icnalty. N..u winners of a three year old race other than selling of The Club reserves the right to refuse the entries of any person, or tiie transfer of any entry, the value of S" "0. if ii"ii -viiiaeis ..I ■ race other than selling of He value of ,000 in 1!«m; ,r ];K"i7. and without notice. allowed ". lbs.: If 1 wlaaera in 1*00 or ISM of a race other than selling of the value of Moo allowed lo This management reserves the right, if they deem it necessary, to return entrance money and lbs. Maidens allowed 17 lbs. Oue Mile, declare any or all stakes off. Address All Communications to M. N. MACFARLAN, Secretary.