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A WONDERFUL WINNING SYSTEM! ■ i — — — ■ — — — - The NOXALL BTSTKH copyrighted is the ■pre* teal money maker ever devised. It goes on WINNING sle:idily week iifter week, ytitr after rear. li is as GOOD uii .i Winter track as daring the regular season. Are you a LOSBB7 If »o, it will certainly pay you to lH k into one of the miiiest arsleaoa the tart lias ever known. It lias SOLVED the problem of "How to heat the races." The NOXAI.I. BT8TE1I is not a scheme. A standard publication in hook form. it is the ONLY GUARANTEED SYSTEM sold. The NOXALL SYSTEM, like any article of BBAL merit, adverli-es iiseli. Now in its lilih J ear of publication, and as BIG a SUCCESS as ever. I j TRACK, POOLROOM OR HANDBOOK. It can be plavid aa anv track where there is racing. Ilayed at the TRACK, POOLROOM or HANDBOOK with equal results. Select your |iias tloin the cinries ami sellle next day on newspaper odds. This svsleni has received nothing but favorable comniculs from tboae who have purchased it. 1 am continually receiving DnaoIIcited testimonials expreaaing greal aathifaction at the results. II i- a positive WINNER The s.sleni does lml play every race, but only ONE at TWO plays a day mi the average. No tips, handicapping or "doping required. No other expense attached to. the ajatem when once vou liavc pvrchiaaad the book. Not complicated, but easv to operate. BIG BESULTS Ob-laincd from SMALL CAPITAL. 1 N1.1KK any other svsleni: new theory; new thoughts; new ideas, making the NOXAI.I. SYSTEM the GBBATEST SVS-TEM ever devised. Tliis system will do more for you than all the selections. Information, handicapping and tips combined. A positive fact. SEND FOR FREE BOOKLET. Then yon will know all about lhe particulars and what it will do for n player who follows it. This is the onl.v system Bold with a guarantee to refund your puniiase money at the end af 30 days trial it a loss can be shown. This alone precludes the NoNAI.l/ SYSTEM from being a at he an , and should convince TOO of our i lideiice in It, In veatlgate this iroooerfal system at once by writing for particulars. NOXALL SYSTEM, GRAVESEND. N. Y.