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LENS TO RUN IN KENTUCKY DERBY. Louisville, Ky.. January 2!.- Lyman H. Davis, Beeretary of he New Louisville Jockey Club, is back after a trip to New Orleans, Memphis and Nashville, where lie procured nominations for stake events, which will elosa Friday. He says the entries for the stakes will be the largest in the history of Ihe cluli. Pat Dunne informed him when lie was at Netv Orleans that Lena would surely start in the Kentucky Derby. Anile, owned by Oeorge J. Long, owner of Sir Huon. is looked upon as a certain sinter. Bairldere is asaang the eliglblea, but nobody knows whether John F. Madden will consent to -tart him so early in the year. If Salvidere should go to the pest he would lie a strong favorite, no doubt, his presence being tlie means of reducing the field almost to a minimum. Barney Schreiher is represented by both Jack At kin and Tom Fa list. Fdwaril Corrigan may try for the Derby with his tilly Catherine II. F.lmcr Kailey thinks he has Ihe winner in Holdfast, a brother to Allow niaise.