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Saturday. February S. at lair iroumis. New Orleans there will be one of the largest coups pulled oil at thi track in some time, and as nothing will be bet at the track, but at the poolrooms throughout the country at the la. t moment, which will injure a pi ice of 5 TO 20 TO I. So confident are we of thi one winning Hiat we will guarantee it to Wl and WIN ML1, or giv« to ali Knbseriber* to thi spcdal FREE a Si.OU Biibxcription to our I nlly One-Hor»e Wire and a months rataeription to The Turf Keitorter. The pii ■ of this special is +» Ol, and will not be sent out on »uther our daily or occasional wire. liemember, you g * both a suh-cription to our laily one-Horse Wire und the Tart Reporter if horse docs not Mi IN. Send remittance by postoftice. express or ttlegraph money order to 1 T C.Wood and Co R. 312, 69 Dearborn St.Chicago J