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NEW LOUISVILLE JOCKEY CLUB "CHURCHILL DOWNS/ The Debutante Stakes for 1907. j | The Bluegrass Stakes for 1907. THE DEBUTANTE STAKES.— For two -vei.r old HUM. §5 THE BLUEGRASS STAKES.— For tklM -yeai olds that have not won a sweepstakes or two raws of kind prior to to any af.-on.imny the nomination: .O additional to start. ,000 jftTL. IBMWrjmp ffl-a HbT WaHBHfcfc B% Ifi SZ"~ CZj the closing of this stakes to aw pany the nomination; added, of hi«l, .Kt to s.eond and 00 to third. Winners of ftp... « fc 3 JLJfc W Sf % 0 additional to start. . added, ot which ;0 u. se.a.u.l a sweeiestakes to carry 3 lbs.; of two, 5 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. Four Furlongs. I firmK ■ ***yc* and 00 to third. Weight, 112 lbs. Winn, -rs of a sweep- stakes, or of two races alter February 1, 1!»»7 selling purses _, . r*. . .vA_ excepted, to carry 5 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed 8 lbs. »»., ~ The Bashf ord Manor Stakes for 1907. _. seven m« r% D THE BASHFORD MANOR STAKES.— For two-year-old 1 J V colts and feMtaga, SB t company the nomination: |M ad li- Jg LOUiSVlllC wjw— »» vwm|nwmnni SteepieChaSC fOr .v. mwm. 1907. tioiial to start. ,000 added, of whkfc 8IM to second and SIM to third. „f a sweepstakes to c.urv.Mbs.: of two. r, B-% JfL ««*K | ttl J*± THE LOUISVILLE STEFPLECHASE.-A bandi.-a,, for %mt9 KhJ? 1.1 tlwee .veat-olds and upward. , to accompany the nomination: lbs. extra. Maiden,, allowed 5 llw. Four and a Halt Furlongs. * Ism a J 8 B" ""* 3 I Vfl L «W ZJand ?•"" additional to start. ,000 added, of which 00 I i s id aml £]0 t0 tll;n1. follr,i, to save stake. Weights to be au- Cl-jlAr BOUCCd two dara prior to the day of the race. Winners after TtlO ln Ortilo f IQfl7 nt" I nC JllitllMt oldKtS TOr liJUy. |k mm KW 9*"* ■•■ I flk I f* weights are posted to cany 5 lbs. extra. Four o; more horses THE JUVENILE STAKES. A selling sweepstakes for llf I NH fan « g il ■■ of different interest to start or the race may be declared off. two-year-olds, ffi to accompany the nomination; 0 addttfoaal | W I !■■§ «■»■ 8 I B m. vl iu11 Course, About Two Miles. »o start. ,000 added, of which 00 to second and 10 to third. The winner to be sold by auction. Those put?red to be sold for ..-.0O to carry weight for age. Allowances: 2 lbs. g V gF H TIlC LOliJSl JliC HaHdJC-ip fOr 1907. for each »M to ,000; then 1 lb. for each 00 to WOO; then I U II 7 THE LOUISVILLE HANDICAP.-For three-vei.rolds and 2 lbs. f,,r each 00 to 00. Starters, with selling prices, to J / 9 / Upward. 0 to accompany .he nomination; *0 additional to be named through the entry box, at the usual hour of ekMing, ..».„, *» »-/, ,, , ,. , • , u.o, . . . n» . „• , Start. .2.»0 added, ol which 00 to second and 00 to third, the day prior to the race, and those so named will be liable for Weights to b« announced three days prior to the day of the the starting fee. Five Furlongs. A I Q fl KFIMTIJPKY hFRRY " dinners of a race, other thau a selling purse after /-tLOVF l%B_ll I V/ l I S/l_iL I __. .. weights are posted, to catrv 5 lbs. extra. Six Ftulongs. „ The Clark Handicap for 1907. THE CLARK HANDICAP.-For three-yearolds and up- / fM Lf kFMTIirandrV lLlIUlrlY H/IKC U/l0 . ■ , ward. 0 to accompany the nomination; additional to TllC KCntilCky UCiDV fOr |OAO 1908. start. $. :,00 added, o! which |S08 to se.ond and to third. pp. p BQrfcQ THE THIRTY-FOURTH RUNNING OF THE KENTLCKY VYe.ghts to be announced three days prior to the day of the | J ft IjJUO. DERBY.-Vor three-yearolds foals of 1MB. $.". to a.vom- ra.v. Winners of a race, other than a selling pane, after w Ui, nomin;ltioI]. ;- to be paid May ,_ 1!K7. $;;0 t„ lp ueights are posted, to 5 lbs. extra. ~ carry paid March 2, 1908. 00 additional to start. The value of the One Mile and a Sixteenth. stakes to be,000. of which 00 to so •ond and $.100 to third. | O C L. O O t- Col,s to 0:,rry 12- u,s-: geldings. 11! lbs ; fillies, 117 lbs. N..n- The Frank Fehr Stakes for 1907. winners of a thfec-year-au » f the now- ..f njm aii-.w.-d ,,. fl K Iha.: maidens, 12 lbs. One Mile and a Quarter. |-|-| .al I a fl/ N f. f.WRI _„_ „■„«„„ t,,,,, .t-t-o r B_ I I HV ilV M 1 THE FRANK I THE STAKES. -A selling sweepstakes f.,r jL_ IB II g | £ mmJ three year olds and upward. $."» accompany the nomination; g g |J fl _J LM | j j | J II Jf additional to start. ,000 added, of which 00 to second Tho Kt rttlinlil iV»m fnf IQOft " U_l_ I Ul l-UO. and 00 to third. The winner to be sold by auction. Ihoae _______ * lClllU_ly entered to be sold for $."..P00 to carry weight for age, if en- THE THIRTY-FOURTH RUNNING OF 1HE KENTUCKY tered to be sold for . MM. 4 lbs. below the scale, then 1 th. fl H f T T . _* /flfl _* _*■__ OAKS.— For three year-old fillies foals of 1MB. $." to accotu- allowed for each 00 to ,000, then 1 lb. allowed for each I U ll W L J JhUU 3HQ u-UU " "" noniination; *" " " "li1 Maj ,""7: *-" " 1,e to $.".00. Winners of a sweipstakes after March 15. 100", I : id March 2. 100.S. 00 additional to start. The aiue of not to be enlored to be sold for less than ,400. Marten, HANDICAPS _ _fif_ *** ■****■ to te •**•••- ot which $; 00 to sec. til and ." 0 In with selling price, to be named through the entry box. at the EVFKY DAY, vbuUU -_t"irl Qllu sb/UU -"/flfl third. Non-winners of a three-yeai old race ol the value of usual hour of closing, the day prior to the race, ami those so $], 00 allowed ." lbs.; maidens, 12 lbs. named will be liable for the starting fee. One Mile. mmmmmmmm!mmlmmmmmmmlmmmmmmml One Mile and a Sixteenth. ADDRESS ENTRIES AND ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO LYMAM H. DAVIS, Secretary : : 17 Courier Journal Building, Louisville, Ky.