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HOPEFUL OUTLOOK AT LITTLE ROCK. Little Reck. Ark.. February 7. — Attempting to forecast the action of any legislature on a racing 1 ill or any other measure thai ives the fanatics and the reformists a chance to bii-.v Ihemelve--. is has anions business, but if really looks tonight as if the Amis bill will l e given a black eye in t he lower bouse of the general assembly whon it comes up for tin second reading and vote tomorrow. If the calculations of the people who are here working in the Interest of a racing bill prove Correct, no measure intended to kill betting will lie passed at. this session of the legislature. It may be that the friends of riicing have shown the members that the Amis bill does not represent the views of a majority of the l eople of the state or it may be from some Other cause, but it is a fact that there has been a change of sentiment in some of the legishitocs these last I01 ly eight bonis.