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I .1 i l t , I i I i 1 1 I I I I 1 I E. M. FRY SCORES HIS FIFTH VICTORY. ] Dr. Keith Wins the Steeplechase— Sir Tod- dinqton Takes the .Mile Race. New Orleans. La.. March 4.— The City Bar; .lockey Club began Ihe fourth peried of i"s winter electing today and a large crowd MW some goixl racing. Barney Schteibeis F. M. Fry further em pbasized his claim to rank as the champion of the two-year-olds here by leading his opponents in the third race from end to end and winning praet ieally j in a canter. F. M. l-ry seems to improve wit.i , racing. He is belter looking now than w lien lie made i bis first appearance and he can certainly run much j faster. In him Schrcilier probably has a colt that , will develop into a uselul handicap horse. i Incantation proved a disappointment in the steeple- j chase. This mare has started live times here this winter. She fell once and in her other four starts , has finished second. Or. Keith won in a romp after betas reserved through the tirst time around. Sir TiHldingtoti. for the tirst time iu bis career. won at a mile, but he was a very tired horse at the end. Henuessy made the most of bis turn of early BfCei and the gap he ejeeaed in the tirst half stood him in hand at the tinisii. Rappahauii.H-k had him fully extended in the last sixteenth and was catching him at rcry stride. flic going was much better than was looked for. the inside of the tiack betas " t°oi eomliiion. e/hfle ihe ouicr ear Hon was lumpy and heavy iu spots. An average program is offered for tomorrow wit II I some fairly good not rs in evidence of which Sahailo. Bucket Brigade. Irinee Bowling: Arabo. Aitles. Henry A. Schrocder: Royal River. St.Micy Lie. I.el say: l.vie Crcene. Bazil. Monocle. id: Anna Oay. Tilling. Crauada: Kara. Arthur Cummer. John kfe Bride: Planute. Hineinock. Gettaeaa have shown good form over the local track. T. K. Lynch.