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RHINOCK IS LATONIAS PRESIDENT. Hachmeister Is Elected Treasurer and Represents Cella. Adler and Tilles Interests. Cincinnati, .. starch .Y Joseph L. Rhinock is the new president of the I.atonia Jockey Club, succeeding Julius rieischinaun. Congressman RhtaOCk was so chosen at a meeting of the officers of the lub in Covington. At the same lime Harvey Myers was elected vice president and John Haohmeister was made a director and elected treasurer. It is aadentead John Dillon will continue as secretary. The selection of offieera marks i lie complete merging of the local interests and the Cella-Adler-Tillerf Interesta in the I.atonia track, just, as the similar interests wore merged in Louisville. Hachmeister is secretary of the Louisville tra.k. controlled by Cella. Adler and Tilles, and he. of course, represents i he St. Louis syndicate at I.atonia. The election of Congressman Khinock to the presideucy of the noted race coins* proved somewhat of a surprise here, although it was generally understood, that Julius Floisehmanu would not accept another term. Khinock is heavily interested financially in tin- track.