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YANKEE GIRLS FIRST WIN. ELLISONS DERBY CANDIDATE SHOWS HER HEELS TO TILEING. Dp Oro First in Close Finish— Little Wallv Takes the Steeplechase — Arabo Runs r • Out of the Course. Now Orfcans, T.n.. March r.. — Tiloing and Yankee «.nl. two Derby candidates, mot in the fifth race .mi City Park tela afternoon ;nnl Yankee Girl scored her tiisi set of brackets. The race was a condition affair ;il :i Mile ;ui.l :m eighth in which Tiloing was meeting Yankee ;ni :ii :i difference of ton I". nnils. nn whal they had shown hart ihis wini «-: . Tiloing teemed much the beat :iml waa the oae mast fancied. Uttle eonalderatkia waa -■ -ii Yankee Ulrl except by her shrewd owner, C. R KIIIhoo. since her pnvtona race some strong v --rk had heea given Yankee Girl, in which she shoes il thai she wns rounding to aemethteg liko the form the displayed in her eanten race* tost summer, when ahe area leTeraJ times second. OoM stela araa given the monni oa RUnoas filly Bad he handled her with excellent Judgment, la tho early mining ii - kept her awaj Croat iho pan wUek Tilelng art and • i i« i noi make ■ move nniil after they had gone ■ mi !»•. When Tiletag began to falter Yankee Girl naae fast and in the fatal all leentk look command and -drew away. Tho mile and an eighth was ran In 1 :S3, not ;ii all bad when one consider* thai the track was aol al it-s beat. Tiletag shonll not Im- condemned for his defeat to-day. hfeCormlek baa andonbtedly been indulging liim and ii is the general opinion thai the nil araa not ;it liis beat. Granada tired badly tho last quarter and is probably going back. Thla name .1- imit tHinii racing lately and possibly needs ■ letup. Tne third race, which was won by Do Oro, another Derby eihrjble, prodneed ■ stirring finteh, I e Oro, Warner Grhnrell and Bagapaaak being nones and henna apart. It is not expected here thai Bam White, tho Chicago Steal man. will start Hie son of Dan do On in the Derby March Id thoagh he lias m.t been declared oat. The steeplechase waa aol ■ aatiafaetory race. The Lost two horses were put oal of the running hofore i Im-v had gone ■ quarter of a mile. Al the second lump Henrj tnmbied off Aalea, althoagh the bone never labeled and a pparenl Iv landed in good stylo. -t the fourth jump Arai.o left the coarse, bolting nrnand the wing. Sartor Besartw then apenf d np i big had. bat tired after going ■ mile and Utile Wallv. coming with ■ tush, got np and heal oal Henry A. Bchroeder and Nana. Prince Bowling proved an easy winner In the two-year-old race Taking the lead on the turn Into the homestretch, when Ben Band wont wide, he won hj a coaple of lengths. I In- National Stake* for two-year-olds is the Chief attraction tor tomorrow and promises well, it is backed np hy a good card all through and many last horses are named to start, of which Gotdesa, Golden Wave. Si. linens: Berl Oara, GoMaone, Oasl-aeke; Firebrand, Ohlyesa, Auditor: i:. m. Fry. Net-»««if i Larimer; airship, Prince Brutus. TichinUngo; Ressse, KaiserhsnT, Agra; Mi-s Leeds, Poxmend, r.:,zil aie eonsplcnoaa examples. T. K. Lynch.