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SARATOGA ENTRIES ARE HEAVY. Now York, March .".. The Saratoga entries, which closed last Bight, aie very heavy. Ip to :. oclock toda] forty-seven had been registered for the Saratoga Handicap and thirty-two for the Saratoga Cup. Thai is hi increase of nine over lasl year for the Cup. There is likely, however, to be a slight decrease for the Saratoga Special. Only thirteen subscript ions have heea received so far. though several owners who usually subscribe are yet to be heard from. Last year there were nineteen nominations for tho Special. The aehneriben tens far are: J. ¥.. Madden and James It. Keene. two subscriptions each; August Kolmont. M. I.. Schwartz. John San-ford, B. It. Ill as. K. T. Wilson. Jr.. Oneck Stable, Newcastle Stable, Brow ulelgh Park Stable and Fred Durlcw .